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Everything posted by -AndreeA

  1. 🌞💞


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -Sarah


      and l love you both ❤️❤️

    3. Aysha


      @Den.Sarah I love you too ❤️❤️

    4. -AndreeA



  2. Maluma baby 🕺🕺💞💞💞


  3. PRO , I will give you a chance. But please be aware, as an admin your priority is on players and servers needs, not on the game! Also, read rules and respect them!
  4. We are all in the same game, just different levels

    Dealing with the same hell, but different devils.


  5. Contra Reasons mentioned my colleague @Neo1524 above.
  6. As he wa been so lonely and by himself, he discovered a new passion, witch is : dancing
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