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About Eazy.

  • Birthday 02/16/2004



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    Baia Mare

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  1. Sure, I have for some of my works the .PSD files. I usually don't save the .psd files
  2. ¤ Nume[/nickname]: Adrian (Eazy.) ¤ Vârsta:¤ 17 ¤ Țară: Irlanda ¤ Ocupatie: Student ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Ma numesc Adrian, am 17 ani. Sunt din Dublin, Irlanda. Sunt amuzant, depresiv, de treaba si serios cand trebuie. ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Revan si Aysha ¤ Jocuri preferate: League of Legends, CS:GO, GTA V (FiveM) ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): Nu joc pe servere deloc. ¤ O poză cu tine (optional): https://imgur.com/a/VwtcZtX
  3. ➥Age: 17 ➥Contact(Steam, TS3, Discord etc): (Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/eazy4838/) (TS3: Eazy.) (Discord: Eazy#4838) ➥Experience in Adobe Photoshop(Months or years):1-2 Years ➥Obligatory attach your Gallery link (If you have one): ➥Any other editing program you use?: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects ➥What version of Photoshop do you mostly use?: 2021 ➥In what section you have your most contribution?: Request Avatar ➥Have you read all the sections' rules?: Yes ➥Have you read the community rules?: Yes ➥What/Who inspired you to work in Photoshop or/and to want to be a Designer here?: @REVAN @Aysha (sorry for the tagging0 ➥What can you say about you that will make us interested about your Photoshop skills & experience?(Minimum 10 words): If you guys like my works, accept it, then if not you can reject it. I agree with everything you all say.
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