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Everything posted by rouayyyyy

  1. happy birthday brother ❤️🥳

    1. pulse.exe


      Thank you brother!!

  2. men tounes?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rouayyyyy


      haya fel msgt wala ajoutini discord/facebook

    3. Rosaria


      Naarefch kifech nab3th msg lehne

    4. rouayyyyy


      hani b3thtlk msg


  3. My Favorite food is Tunisian kouskous
  4. @GlaD1 @Inmortal @[Ty]M@g0k1l3r thank you guys i love u all !
  5. you're alive lmao i doubt you remember who i am

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rouayyyyy


      i was the first admin and player who played on your server (ThunderZM) when u first opened it for the first time

    3. JoLLY


      What was your name before this ?

    4. rouayyyyy
  6. ¤ Your Name:rouay zombie ¤ Accused Admin:comander x69 ¤ Time And Date:26/08/2023 5:50PM GMT+1 ¤ Reason Of The Report:gagin me for a nonsense reason im a grown man im 23years old i said the fk is this mode cuz it was a round where someone got a "Hybrid" wich i never heard of i got instantly gagged without even getting a warning or explain of why i got muted on the game becasue our friend the admin was busy trying to flirt with a girl named andreaa i have been an admin and a server manager for years and i always warn people before taking an action like slap/slay/gag/ban/destroy but he instantly gagged me cuz i said the fk without any intention of harm for others in the game ¤ Proof:
  7. okay first of all hes right cuz 3asbt in our local language can be understood as a bad word second of all he gaged u cuz u called him a kid wich u disrespected someone without a reason 3rd of all he warned u from retry while gagged and that will be punished with a ban 4th of it u want someone to accept calling him a kid while u do not accept someone calling u my son? this is silly he didnt miss abuse any of his admin command's so in my opinion this report started with a silly reason and ended with same u both made mistakes and u can solve this with an apologize to both of u and ive talked with him tedy and hes ready to apolgize if u do the same 🙂
  8. Video title: RANK 1 EU Teleport...LoL Daily Moments Ep 1533 Content creator ( Youtuber ) :Hi im Cocconut Official YT video:
  9. destroy said that because our friend masterkid thinks that if hes legends hes free to ask for ammo and break some rules that others cant break anyway according to rules asking for jets/ammo ect.. punished with 6 min gag we all know that and destroy didnt mean i dont give a fk he ment that i dont care if he break rules ill just punish him out so my friend @The GodFather do not conclude things without knowing alot (yedu fih has alot of meanings) 🙂
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SItIaWAjI_4
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  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  13. Pro . Active player/good person read rules and u will be fine !
  14. thats a wonderfull idea i really agree that we should use this plugin because it will help us alot more in our work !
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  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  17. Video title: WATCH and TRY NOT TO LAUGH - FUNNIEST MOMENTS OF 2020 (League of Legends) Content creator ( Youtuber ) :Protatomonster Official YT video:


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