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Everything posted by DeepPurple

  1. #Pro for helper but you must be tested for a week to improve your activity. We don't need you to be around most of the day afk .. we need active admins. Good luck
  2. #Contra
  3. Te extraño bb.. vuelve 💔

    1. Ru-gAL.™


      Muchos business, ando muy ocupado 💔, Nos encontráremos pronto 🥶♥️

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  5. #Pro Good luck
  6. The idea is very good. But I think that for the moment putting the ips addresses in the blacklist is enough.
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  8. Castillo, who won the elections by just over 44,000 votes, had to wait more than a month before being officially proclaimed as the next president of Peru - this Monday - after his rival, Keiko Fujimori, accused him of electoral fraud and challenge him to justice. During all these weeks of waiting after the results of the June 6 elections were contested, Castillo has come out to calm the waters amid a climate of uncertainty about the course that the Peruvian economy will take under his mandate. To reaffirm himself as a figure that will maintain economic stability in a country that has had four presidents in four years, he has played at least two key cards. The first was the appointment of Pedro Francke as his main economic advisor, a man who enjoys respect in the business and academic environment. The second was to ask Julio Velaverde, president of the board of the Central Bank, to continue as in the last 15 years at the head of the institution to guarantee its independence. This is how Pedro Castillo presents himself just eight days after assuming the presidency of a country that had the largest economic contraction in Latin America in 2020 in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. A country where three out of every 10 people live in poverty and more than 70% of workers belong to the informal market, despite the fact that its economy was considered an "economic miracle" due to its rapid growth in the last two decades and prudent management of public finances that allowed it to maintain fiscal balance and attract investment. As Peru is such a divided nation, what now generates more uncertainty, experts consulted by BBC Mundo say, is who will really rule the country. What is known about the "poor economy with markets" As has happened with Castillo himself, the idea of a "poor economy with markets" has also undergone an evolution in recent months. The new president, whose inauguration is scheduled for July 28, is promoting a change that may alter the economic fundamentals that have guided the country in recent decades. But what change is it? The concept of "por economy with markets" does not appear in any economic text. Originally it was defined as a mixture between the experience of the leaders Evo Morales in Bolivia and Rafael Correa in Ecuador. It is, therefore, a kind of "evocorreismo" to the Peruvian, under the guidelines of a planning, entrepreneurial, industrializing and protective State. "A State that generates internal resources from the sovereignty of its resources." However, when Castillo unexpectedly went into the second round, there was a twist. The candidate signed new players in his technical team. Among them, the aforementioned Francke, who is seen as the likely economy minister of the new government. "Castillo realized that he has to govern for the entire country and his current technical team represents a modern left, not a primitive left," tells the BBC Mundo Sinecio López, a sociologist and academic at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and de the National University of San Marcos. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-57897461
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  9. https://larepublica.pe/sociedad/2021/07/20/coronavirus-en-peru-puno-madre-de-dios-y-loreto-las-que-menos-avanzan-en-vacunacion/ Puno, Madre de Dios and Loreto are the regions with the lowest doses applied per 10,000 inhabitants. According to data analyst Rodrigo Parra, Puno received 250,950 doses, of which only 162,779 (65%) have been applied. Meanwhile, Madre de Dios received 50,088 and applied 26,940; while Loreto has 345,848 doses and only inoculated its po[CENSORED]tion with 158,875. Given this, the outgoing head of Diresa Puno, Walter Oporto, points out that the doses applied are few because they have not received enough vaccines from the Minsa. "The management that the Government has had regarding the distribution of vaccines has not been homogeneous." "That that Puno is the last (in the ranking) is not true, because the region does not have Sinopharm vaccines in sufficient quantity, indeed, despite the fact that the vaccines should have been delivered on July 9, these just they have arrived today (yesterday, Monday 19) ”, he commented to La República. In the case of Loreto, despite being one of the first regions to receive the doses against Covid-19, it is also in the last places in terms of the advancement of vaccination. For the Loreto infectologist Juan Celis, this has an explanation. He points out that there is a lack of budget and logistics for the application of vaccines in border areas. He points out that there is fear in the po[CENSORED]tion of Sinopharm vaccines, a product of disinformation campaigns. "The locals stop empty because they distrust." For this reason, he requested greater support from the Ministry of Health, in order to implement strategies that allow reaching the most remote po[CENSORED]tions. It is worth mentioning, according to data from the National Center for the Supply of Strategic Health Resources (Cenares), that the regions with the most doses applied per 10,000 inhabitants are: Callao, Tacna, Lima, Arequipa and Moquegua. Homogeneous vaccination The Ombudsman's Office asked to broaden the age range in the vaccination process at the national level, not only in metropolitan Lima. The entity specified that the request seeks to achieve a "homogeneous and equitable immunization against a possible third wave", in addition to the fact that some regions have a high rate of infections due to the disease. "We request the Ministry of Health and regional governments to establish actions to ensure the equitable advance of vaccination against Covid-19 by improving strategies in regions that are lagging behind in immunization," he said on Twitter. Geographic characteristics Given this, the director of Immunizations of the Ministry of Health, Gabriela Jiménez, pointed out that progress has been made in several regions. However, she stressed that not all of them are in the conditions to carry out a vaccination, such as those organized in Lima, Callao, Cusco, Ica and Tumbes. "In Peru, due to the conditions it has of latitudinal floors and high geographic dispersion, not everyone is in the same dynamic for a Vaccination, but they are for important activities," she mentioned. She added that a clear example is the Ucayali region, which developed an intervention in the Purus community. "2,000 doses of vaccines have been displaced and in that community the po[CENSORED]tion over 18 years of age is being vaccinated," she commented. It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Health will evaluate extending the hours of the inoculation centers enabled in other departments of Peru, according to the institution's spokesperson, Arturo Granados. As is known, since yesterday the vaccination schedule in Lima and Callao has changed. Now it is open until 7 p.m. Negotiation with creators of Sputnik V is almost closed According to the Minister of Health, Óscar Ugarte, the negotiations with Gamaleya for the Sputnik V vaccine are nearing completion. “It also opened with CureVac and Sinovac, which is the one that has been used the most in Chile (...). We believe that they can be finalized before the end of the mandate of President Francisco Sagasti ”. He also said that so far more than 10 million people have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. In that sense, she pointed out that more than 4 million have been fully immunized, representing 16% of the target po[CENSORED]tion (27 million residents). “Regarding the po[CENSORED]tion of 33 million, which is more than the target po[CENSORED]tion, this amounts to 33% of the national po[CENSORED]tion that has received at least one dose. We would be in fourth place in Latin America, having started back, this has a lot of merit, "he said.
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  10. Nickname : DeepPurple Tag your opponent : @inmortal Music genre : Pop Number of votes ( max 10 ) : 9 Tag one leader to post your songs List: @Shyloo
  11. https://larepublica.pe/sociedad/2021/07/16/coronavirus-en-peru-preocupa-rechazo-a-vacuna-china-por-desinformacion/ Sinopharm. According to Minsa, four studies show effectiveness greater than 90%. It will set up a work table with doctors to receive research. In Cusco, teachers resisted receiving doses. The request for a third dose from already immunized doctors and the disinformation spread by political figures regarding the protection of the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine have generated a negative impact on public health, which must be reversed with speed and scientific evidence, recognizes the Ministry of Health (Minsa). "When wanting to claim something that may be a concern (in reference to the demand of doctors), the effect is that some people say that they are not going to be vaccinated because 'vaccines are not effective' and prefer others. That affects because they lose the opportunity to be protected. Vaccines are safe ”, says the Deputy Minister of Public Health, Gustavo Rosell. According to the sector, four studies carried out by the National Institute of Health (INS) and the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Diseases (CDC) on health personnel - immunized with Sinopharm - show that this vaccine protects against the risk of infection, hospitalization and death from COVID-19 and is more than 90% effective. He adds that, between February 23 and June 26, of a total of 66,918 doctors, 60 unfortunately lost their lives due to COVID-19, confirmed by molecular or antigenic tests. Of these 60 professionals, 39 had not received a single dose, 14 only one and 7 both doses. “Mortality from COVID-19 in physicians decreased from 6.2 in those who did not apply any dose to 0.1 per 1,000 physicians with two doses; that is, there was a 98.4% decrease in mortality, ”says Minsa, based on a study by the team of residents of the field epidemiology training program at the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos and the CDC. Rosell, meanwhile, confirms that clinical information will be collected from the deceased to determine if they had a higher risk or comorbidities. Percy Mayta-Tristán, director of research at the Southern Scientific University, who leads a study to monitor mortality and hospitalizations of doctors, explains that the data from Minsa and other preliminary data suggest that the effectiveness of Sinopharm is high and that the values they can go from 85% to 94%. He adds that while the vaccine works, it is necessary to take the results with caution until they appear in scientific publications. Fear in regions Despite this, in regions such as Arequipa and Cusco, the regional health administrations noticed cases of rural teachers or municipal workers who have resisted receiving the Chinese vaccine and decided to wait. "There are people from Cusco who choose to travel to Lima to get immunized with Pfizer," says Diresa. For Mayta-Tristán, although the request from the Medical College for a third dose could be evaluated, the way in which they do it makes them believe, erroneously, that there is a rejection of vaccines. “They seem to discredit a vaccine that is effective. The third dose should be analyzed based on 3 aspects: when, what type of vaccine and to whom. The union would be wrong asking for it to be applied earlier when nowhere has it been applied after 3 or 4 months ”. The Health sector, the Medical College and universities plan to install a work table next week to present the research on Sinopharm. For now, clarifies the Minsa, and the WHO has also said, there is no scientific evidence to apply a third dose.
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  12. https://elcomercio.pe/lima/vacunagate-universidad-peruana-cayetano-heredia-sanciona-a-responsables-del-ensayo-clinico-sinopharm-covid-19-vacuna-covid-19-coronavirus-nndc-noticia/ The house of studies has imposed the separation for a period of one year on Germán Málaga Rodríguez, who is involved in the irregular vaccination of 470 people outside of clinical trials, as well as others involved in the case. The Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) announced this Wednesday, July 14, the end of the administrative processes, aimed at evaluating and punishing the faults committed by the main persons in charge of the Sinopharm clinical trial, as a result of the 'Vacunagate' case, which involved vaccination irregular to 470 people outside of studies. Through a statement, the UPCH explained that the separation for a period of one year has been imposed on Dr. Germán Málaga Rodríguez, and for a period of 6 months on Dr. Hugo García Lescano, as well as a warning to Dr. Javier Palomino busts. Likewise, the UPCH indicated that it has implemented corrective measures applicable to the 300 research projects it carries out annually, which are aimed at ensuring transparency. ALSO REVIEW | COVID-19 vaccination: more than six million Peruvians were immunized against the disease "They include the ISO 37001 certification related to anti-bribery practices, internal and external audits, and the strict application of compliance, which is compliance with the standards by each and every member of the university," he said. In addition, the university has strengthened the role of the Office of Responsible Care in research and has implemented an office exclusively dedicated to regulating and supervising the execution of clinical trials.
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  14. Apodo : @DeepPurple Etiqueta a tu oponente : @Necro12 Género musical : Rock Número de votos (máximo 10) : 7 Etiqueta a un líder para publicar tu lista de canciones : @Shyloo
  15. https://rpp.pe/economia/economia/reactivacion-economica-dos-cadenas-de-cines-anuncian-su-reapertura-desde-hoy-noticia-1347038 The companies Multicines Cinestar and Movie Time Cinemas announced that they will reopen their doors today, Monday, July 12, after more than a year of the paralysis of cinemas due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Both chains of cinemas indicated through their social networks the restart of their commercial activities, complying with the protocols established by the Executive Power since the end of last year. The protocols imply a capacity of between 30% and 50% of its space, depending on the alert level of the region, and the restriction of the sale of food and beverages. In Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna, with very high alert, the capacity is 30%. In Amazonas, Áncash, Apurímac, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Huancavelica, Ica, Junín, La Libertad, Lima, Pasco, Puno, San Martín and Tumbes, with high alert, the capacity is 40%. In Huánuco, Lambayeque, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Piura, and Ucayali, the maximum capacity is 50%. It is worth mentioning that in the case of CineStar, the company has indicated that the reopening does not apply at its headquarters in Excelsior, Aviación, Benavides, Chorrillos, Pucallpa, Talara, Porteño, Tumbes, and Ilo. Regarding the sale of tickets, the cinema chains indicated that it will be held both in person and online. Why aren't the other cinemas open yet? Until a few weeks ago the National Association of Cinematographic Rooms (Anasaci), made up of chains such as Cinemark, Cineplanet and UVK, indicated that they will not reopen until the Ministry of Health (Minsa) gives them an answer on the approval of food consumption in the cinemas. As they maintain, approval of the sale of food and beverages within movie theaters is necessary to cover operating costs such as payroll payment. "Tickets have much higher costs, we have a tax rate of almost 30% and then half of what remains, you have to pay the owners of the film and what remains, which is minimal, we cannot cover the operating costs of the cinema, "explained Diana López, a spokeswoman for the union, to RPP Noticias a few weeks ago. Anasaci estimates that since March 15, 2020, the sector has accumulated losses amounting to more than US $ 300 million, and that this could lead to the bankruptcy of 30% of theaters in the country.
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  16. #Contra It does not present a constant activity.
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