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i will game end you

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About i will game end you

  • Birthday 02/17/1993


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  1. I speak whit him on the pm. An he told me everything. On the picture i don`t se gReN_L!N3 is no`t attacking i only se you whit a lm. He told me he was on his way to attack afther he kill the last. An the other picture is on the map i don`t se his name. I only se a person there. An buy the way he fly whit jetpack there so is no`t siting on lm or somthing like this. But i warn gReN_L!N3.
  2. Astept o explicatie de la gReN_L!N3 in 24 de ore.
  3. Seend me pm whit nick: password: And Tag:
  4. Trimite pm cu nick: :tag si pass:
  5. Trimitemi pm cu nick: pass: si tagul:
  6. Banat perm si pe forum si pe server sa te inveti minte sa nu mai injuri.
  7. Pa nu mai pupi server si o sa cer sa fi si banat pe forum. Te-am pupat.
  8. Ba nu fi nesimtit pentru ca mam saturat de aimul tau vezi ca nu sunt admini on dai cu aimul de rupi. Si nu e prima data te-am zis de multe ori lasa aimul ca iei ban nu intelegi asta e frate. Te-am ars frumos. Succes la unban cat sunt eu pe server nu mai pupi server. Daca recunosti te las sa mai joci. Astept raspunsul tau dupa dau TC.
  9. i se all the photo and i think he gaget you rigthly. In @Predator- Photo up you can se evertything. You just called him kid. If you called me Kid i will gaget you to.
  10. Dami pm cu nick: pass: tag:
  11. This Complain is no`t accepted.
  12. Helper. Seend me pm whit nick: pass: tag:
  13. Nick: Romania Time: 13:55 Site: gt.rs Proof: https://postimg.cc/WhLJPqGg Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
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