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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Muy Love @-Daniela😍
  2. Bye Nice banned lol🤣🤣🤣🤣 Rip

  3. Poco F1 a fost un telefon cu un raport calitate/pret foarte bun si pe care l-am testat si noi. Reuseste Poco F2 Pro sa se ridice la nivelul asteptarilor stabilite de fratele mai mic? Poco F2 Pro nu este de fapt un telefon nou deloc – este Redmi K30 Pro rebranduit. In timp ce K30 a fost rebranduit ca Poco X2, fratele mai mare a devenit actualul flaghip Poco. F2 Pro foloseste un ecran Super AMOLED de 6.67 inch cu rezolutia FullHD+, adica 1080×2400, iar rata de refresh este cea standard de 60hz. Foloseste cel mai recent procesor Qualcomm, varful de gama Snapdragon 865 realizat pe o tehnologie de 7nm. Versiunea de baza vine echipata cu 6GB RAM si 128GB pentru stocare de tip UFS3.0. Restul versiunilor, cu echipare de pana la 8GB RAM si 256GB pentru stocare folosesc UFS 3.1. Fotografiile principale se vor face cu ajutorul senzorului de 64MP Sony IMX686, pentru ultra-wide avem un senzor de 13MP, 5 MP telefoto si unul de 2MP de adancime. Camera de selfie este ascunsa si actionata de un motoras mecanic. Autonomia ii este asigurata de o baterie de 4700mAh, care se incarca prin tehnologia Quick Charge 4+ la 33W. Conform reclamei are nevoie de 63 de minute pentru o incarcare full. Telefonul vine cu Android 10 si interfata Poco Launcher. Versiunea de baza a telefonului va costa 500 euro, iar cea mai scumpa ajunge la 600 euro. Cu alte cuvinte, am mai pierdut un asa zis flagship killer desi pretul e in continuare avantajos.
  4. -The Ford Mustang Sixth Generation is the sixth generation of the Ford Mustang, it is wider (40 mm), lower (38 mm) and more aesthetically dynamic than its predecessor, the design reminiscent of the original Mustang with the Kinetic language Ford design. In this generation, unlike the previous ones, the model was not created solely oriented to the US market, but with a more global conception. Good proof of this is that it would be the first Mustang to be commercialized on a large scale in the European market. Thanks to its engine it can reach a limited 270km / h. Without limiting it can reach 320km / h. Ford Mustang Sexta Generación The new Mustang has several engines, the main novelty is a 2300 cc 4-cylinder EcoBoost that delivers around 309 hp and 407 Nm of torque, in the United States the well-known V6 and V8 Coyote are maintained, although with performance improvements. As basic equipment we find a Getrag six-speed manual gearbox that transmits power to the rear wheels, which optionally include a limited-slip differential. Also available as an option is a six-speed automatic torque converter with paddles behind the wheel. vi For the first time in history the Mustang incorporates an independent multi-link suspension on the rear wheels, replacing the rigid axle used in previous generations. The front also changes, using a McPherson scheme with a double lower ball joint and two tubular tie rods that anchor these two ball joints to the chassis, instead of an L-shaped arm. As for the brakes, if we opt for the "performance pack", We will have four-piston rigid front calipers for the EcoBost and six for the V8, both signed by Brembo, and located on 19-inch diameter wheels. [1] The new version of the Mustang shows similarities with the Ford Fusion car, having more aesthetic characteristics, with a more aerodynamic design showing luxuries inside and outside the car, Available in a 3.7-liter V6 version and a 5.0-liter V8 version with new calibrations. Convertible Mustang is the fastback's more carefree cousin. Although it shares the same genes, it was deliberately designed from top to bottom like a convertible. Speaking of awnings, the new Mustang convertible converts to a convertible in half the time of the current model. This new version of the 2015 Mustang has an all-new look and a totally Mustang soul. In 2015 Ford produced the Ford Mustang Apollo Edition, a single unit auctioned for more than 200,000 euros. Ford Mustang Descapotable Sexta Generación vista trasera del Ford Mustang Descapotable Sexta Generación
  5. This month I tested two new products that I have never met before. One of them is this streaming computer from Acer. I didn't know it existed until it reached my test and I tried to figure out if it was useful or not. This streaming PC is part of the Nitro series and as you know, Acer is a company that puts a lot of emphasis on gaming and is always present at eSports competitions. With this mini PC as a video card they decided to come to the aid of those who are at the beginning of the road. This mini PC, because this is actually, is not a main one to play. You wouldn't even have it because it doesn't have a dedicated video card and no processor with very high frequencies. But he is thought and optimized to do something else. When you play and stream live on Youtube or Twitch, your computer is under a lot of stress. If you do not have a good to very good configuration, it is difficult to do such a thing at a high quality.
  6. Nickname : LexMaN Tag your opponent : @The GodFather Music genre : Rap Number of votes ( max 10 ) : 7 Tag one leader to post your songs LIST : @Revo 324
  7. Skopje, moderna capitală a Macedoniei este o adevărată carte de istorie; ocupată de diverse popoare de-a lungul existenței sale, își expune cu mândrie urmele trecerii lor: situri romane, biserici și mănăstiri bizantine și moschei otomane, un amestec eclectic de cultură creștină și islamică. Skopje este unul dintre puținele orașe care au perfecționat arta îmbinării vechiului cu nou în cultură, artă și arhitectură. Când ajungi în Skopje, începe vizitarea orașului cu Fortăreața Kale și Podul de piatră, de pe râul Vardar. Fortăreața, construită în secolul al X-lea, este în vârful dealului, așa că vei avea o priveliște excelentă a orașului. În apropierea fortăreței estemoscheea Mustafa Pasha, unde, dacă urci în minaret, vezi orașul în toată splendoarea sa. Tot pentru o panoramă excelentă a orașului, ia un taxi și urcă pe Muntele Vodno, la mănăstirea Svewti Pantelejmon, cu superb bisericuță din secolul al XII-lea și un extraordinary restaurant cu mâncăruri tradiționale. Micuța mănăstire Sveti Spas a fost construită sub pământ pentru că în timpul stăpânirii otomane, era interzis ca o biserică să fie mai înaltă decât o moschee. Mănăstirea adăpostește un iconostas de zece metri lungime și șase metri înălțime, superb sculptat în secolul al XIX-lea. Uită-te cu atenție la sculpturile miniaturale din partea stângă, care sunt autoportretele artiștilor. Vizavi de mănăstire este un muzeu și mormântul lui Goce Delcev, erou național care a luptat împotriva otomanilor și a fost ucis de aceștia în 1903. Vechiul Bazar Oriental merită o vizită de câteva ore, mai ales dacă vrei să faci cumpărături deobiecte tradiționale sau să privețti cum sunt lucrate de meșteșugari. Atmosfera este de souk și poți avea impresia că ești în Istanbul! Pentru delicioasa bucatarie macedoneana, cu influente grecesti si italienesti, mergi la restaurantul Balkanika, un restaurant traditional, cu ospătari îmbrăcați în costume po[CENSORED]re, muzică po[CENSORED]r live. Comandă Imam baialdi, Tava balkanica (un aperitiv care conține carne de porc tăiată bucățele, carne de pui, miel, carne de vită, brânză și ciuperci). Încheie masa cu vclătite Bajadera sau o baklava! De Catalina Alberti. http://www.antena3.ro/thumbs/big2/2013/10/25/skopje-combina-ia-perfecta-intre-nou-i-vechi-232163.jpg
  8. Loading you up with a compilation of 2020 first look previews. By Serena Bleeker Updated: December 6, 2019 First look previews of new motorcycles are like the first chapter of a novel or pilot of a TV show. They are meant to hook you in and keep you craving more. With motorcycles, it's those enticing details about a new limited production superbike or cool new café bike or scrambler, for example. We've already pumped out many 2020 motorcycle first looks (and even have a few first ride reviews completed like the 2020 BMW S 1000 RR). Below you can scroll through the sneak peeks we have covered thus far. Click the link to read the rest of the nitty-gritty details. Do these first previews hook you? Stay tuned for upcoming ride reviews, dyno videos, comparisons, etc. that will add to the stories that each of these motorcycles tells. If you want to stay in the know, sign up for our eNewsletter, like our Facebook page, or bookmark our homepage to get the latest. u Sign Up NEWSLETTER SIGN UP NEWS BUYERS GUIDE NEW MOTORCYCLES USED MOTORCYCLES REVIEWS GEAR MC GARAGE MC COMMUTE MOTORCYCLIST PODCAST ON TWO WHEELS PHOTO GALLERIES VIDEOS EMAIL FACEBOOK TWITTER INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE RSS Skip to content ADVERTISEMENT / ADVERTISE WITH US NEWS New Motorcycles Of 2020 Loading you up with a compilation of 2020 first look previews. By Serena Bleeker Updated: December 6, 2019 First look previews of new motorcycles are like the first chapter of a novel or pilot of a TV show. They are meant to hook you in and keep you craving more. With motorcycles, it's those enticing details about a new limited production superbike or cool new café bike or scrambler, for example. We've already pumped out many 2020 motorcycle first looks (and even have a few first ride reviews completed like the 2020 BMW S 1000 RR). Below you can scroll through the sneak peeks we have covered thus far. Click the link to read the rest of the nitty-gritty details. Do these first previews hook you? Stay tuned for upcoming ride reviews, dyno videos, comparisons, etc. that will add to the stories that each of these motorcycles tells. If you want to stay in the know, sign up for our eNewsletter, like our Facebook page, or bookmark our homepage to get the latest. 2020 Cruisers 2020 Yamaha VMAX tubo


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