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Everything posted by GRC21

  1. @Roselina ♣ flowers îmi cer mii de scuze, nimeni din Thunder nu a vrut sa iasă un război între noi, ne cerem scuze dacă v-am deranjat în legătură cu jucătorii sau membrii din forum etc. Răzbunarea e arma prostului, dar uneori trebuie folosita. Eu spun sa încheiem totul aici, sa strângem mana și sa ne vedem de viata. Regards :Grc ❤️
  2. A venit momentul sa spună și un membru din serverul ThunderZM câte ceva. Mycro ai perfecta dreptate,dar totul a pornit de la un membru din staff-ul TZM care ne-a trădat 🙂(nu e nevoie sa dau nume, probabil știți deja la cine ma refer). Acest trădător drag a spus niște cuvinte care nu își aveau rostul, în primul rand m-a înjurat pe mine cu niște cuvinte foarte urate,iar în al doilea rand a înjurat serverul. Este și vina noastră ca unii dintre admini și manageri l-au înjurat pe Mr.Love dar și el ne-a făcut șoareci cu comportament de canal, iar co-fondatorul TZM a fost redenumit sub numele de "CAPSUNARUL ANGLIEI", asta nu este o jignire sau suntem noi nebuni? Noi nu am vrut sa pornim nici măcar un "război" între servere sau comunități dar s-a întâmplat 🙂. Imi cer scuze în numele staff-ului tzm (ar fi normal ca și Mr.Love sa facă același lucru).Noi punem punct acestui "război", rog staff-ul nostru sa vorbească în pm cu Mr.love dacă au ceva personal cu el, iar Mr.love sa facă același lucru. Mult succes tuturor ❤️ Regards:Grc
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  4. https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/34111-n4ss3r/?status=93230&type=status

    Ty nasser ❤️

    Just so you know if i want to remove you i dont need any more opinions.😂

    About your insults, don't forget that I wouldn't give my life for a grade on forum "my traitor", You show your maturity, to your years that you have for nothing . 😉 Don't forget that you were the one who went after the grade in tzm😂

    PS : khaled isnt my bf, my traitor, But you can still think about it and not eat the care of my life😉

    1. |N4SS3R|


      The true need to be public.

      Im not hiding behind walls.

    2. GRC21


      Ofc, you are more than a bf ❤️ 

  5. Enter here ¬ 


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  12. 1. ACTIVITY As you know, the server is not in the best period, and the activity of ADMINS and MANAGERS its the same (not in the best period),With this please try to stay afk or playing! 2. FIGHTS BETWEEN ADMINS i wish we could act like a family,anything can be solved by talking,please try to avoid fights and maybe you'll make good friends just like i did. Regards:GRC❤️
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  14. Hi everyone, if you want to win VIP in our server (THUNDERZM) open this link and sign up 

    With love:GRC🙂


  15. Hello dear friends, my friend @Meh Rez vM ! ♫made an extraordinary giveaway, you can sign up too right here


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  17. 1.Three of Egypt's most famous pyramids are found in Giza Necropolis, although in reality there are about 140 pyramids in the ancient Egyptian region. 2.The oldest pyramid is considered that of Pharaoh Djoser, which was built in Saqqara Necropolis in the 27th century. 3. While the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser is the oldest, that of Khufu (also known as the "Great Pyramid of Giza") is the most massive. The initial height of the construction was 146.5 metres and the current height is 138.8 metres 4.Until the construction of Lincoln Cathedral in England, that is, until 1311, the Great Pyramid of Giza had left its title as the largest building in the world, built by humans. She held the record for 3871 years. 5.The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest building of the 7 wonders of the ancient world and the last of those that have been preserved to this day.
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  18. Nick: GRC21 Real name: Grec Adela How old are you?: 14 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): I play cs 1.6 , 10 months Where are you from?(country and city): Romania - Luduș Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I am a calm, much-discussed, understanding and helpful person. Note some of your qualities: I am understanding and I understand very quickly what I have to do Tell us some of your defects: Being a calm person, I get upset about little things. Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): I did not have any grade in the forum, only manager cs 1.6, being Owner in Tzm On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): - Which category/project you want to care off?: Journalist or Gambler (I can help any category, just designer not) How well you speak english?(and other languages): 60% Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: yes ofc (For both questions) For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Contact methods: I can be very active . Last request: first
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