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Everything posted by King_of_dark

  1. ¤ Your name: King_of_dark ¤ Claimed Admin name: MeZ-Ze ¤ Date and time: 22/04/2024 - 12:10:10 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/lTSN9tu ¤ Reason of complaint: The person Slay worked for me without any reason The reason is that the map is new and first round and Admin MeZ-Ze was the last and the zombie They killed Bomb It's okay, no problem why admin MeZ-Ze gave slay I want an opinion from all of you about my words And Thank you
  2. your activity 0 #Contra
  3. فلاشات Kingston Datatraveler Quote Kingston DataTraveler Exodia 32GB USB 3.2 Flash Drive DTX/32GB, priced at 123 Egyptian pounds. Kingston Datatraveler Flash 70 32GB TYPE-C 3.2 flash drive, priced at 130.00 Egyptian pounds. Kingston DTSE9H Flash Memory - 16GB, Silver, priced at 136 Egyptian pounds. Kingston DT EXODIA M USB3.2 GEN 1 flash drive - 32GB, priced at 139 Egyptian pounds. Kingston Datatraveler Exodia Flash 32GB USB 3.2 flash drive, priced at 145.00 Egyptian pounds. Kingston D T Kingston DTDUO3G2/32GB USB Flash Drive for Tablets and Smartphones - 32 GB, priced at 151 Egyptian pounds. KINGSTON Flash Memory 32GB USB2.0 Metal - DTSE9H/32GB at a price of 163 Egyptian pounds. https://www.nologygate.com/news/اسعار-فلاشات-كينج-ستون-Kingston-في-مصر
  4. image.png Several users have reported this bug to Microsoft, which affects one of the optional protections related to kernel isolation. Windows 11 has proven to be a very complete operating system for playing, although it has not been free of problems and bugs (in reality, no system is) that have been solved through updates that also add new content or plug security holes. However, the latest system update comes with an error under the arm that our reader Javier García has informed us about and that several people are complaining through the official Microsoft forums because it causes one of the Windows Defender protections, the antivirus that Windows itself includes. Specifically, this failure causes the local authority (LSA) protection to be deactivated, one of the optional protections that are included within the kernel's isolation security features and that, explained in a simple way, helps us protect the credentials that we have them saved in the operating system in a more secure way, preventing drivers and other elements without a secure signature from being loaded into the system. This protection, to begin with, is deactivated by default in Windows 11 but those who wanted to maximize their security and have it activated have found that it has been automatically deactivated and, when trying to activate it, they have encountered erratic operation like that of a user called Setacraft which after activating it, found that "the option was still activated, but it still asked me to restart, so I restarted again, and despite the restart, it kept telling me to restart for it to activate, so I tried disabling it the option, restart again, and activate the option and restart again... and it keeps telling me to restart even though the option is activated. At the moment Microsoft has not commented on this bug and at Vandal Ware we are going to contact them to see if they are preparing some type of update to correct the bug or if they have any temporary solution beyond not updating Windows 11 if you want to have it activated (or go back to the previous version if you have already updated the operating system). In the future LSA will be activated by default Just this week we learned that Microsoft plans for Windows 11 to activate this LSA protection by default, something that they have already applied in the beta versions of the operating system and that they will implement in the "public" version in the future. Precisely, preparing the system for this change may be generating this conflict. As for the problem, if you are dedicated to playing, Microsoft itself recommends deactivating the core isolation protections to gain performance (and reactivating them when you finish playing, which is very tedious) so it is something that in principle does not always affect us too much. and when we tread carefully on the internet (something we should always do, on the other hand). https://vandal.elespanol.com/w5980/la-ultima-actualizacion-de-windows-11-viene-con-un-error-que-afecta-a-la-proteccion-lsa
  5. AMD's Radeon RX 7900 GRE GPU finally sees its DIY debut in European markets after months of limited availability through system integrators. AMD's Radeon RX 7900 GRE GPU Hits DIY Market In Europe, 100 Euros More Expensive Than 7800 XT The AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE (Golden Rabbit Edition) was introduced in China a few months ago as a global launch. AMD disclosed that the Radeon RX 7900 GRE global availability will be confined to "selected" PC builders only, which disappointed several users who wanted to get hold of the GPU as they had to purchase a whole PC to get the card. However, after being sold in pre-built PCs for a good few months, the GPU is finally available in DIY in Europe. AMD's Radeon RX 7900 GRE GPU has been listed by individual retailers in Spain and Romania, suggesting that the DIY availability is indeed promising in the region. In terms of pricing, the Spanish retailer PCComponentes has listed the GPU at €719.90 / USD $761, while the Romanian retailer PCGarage is selling the GPU at 3.699,99 RON/ USD $787. AMD disclosed a USD $649 MSRP of the Radeon RX 7900 GRE at launch, hence the above-mentioned listings are certainly quite higher. However, it is relatively still better priced than the higher-end AMD offerings from the same store. If we talk about specifications, the AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE features a cut-down Navi 31 GPU with 80 RDNA 3 compute units or 5120 stream processors which is slightly reduced versus the 7900 XT with 84 compute units or 5376 stream processors along with a slimmed-down VRAM and memory configuration of 256-bit along with 16 GB GDDR6 capacities. The card is meant to compete against NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 4070 Ti which retails at a higher price point of $799 US. An important point to note is that since AMD "officially" doesn't sell the Radeon RX 7900 GRE separately in the global markets, the stores currently offering the GPU are importing it in bulk from China, which is why it won't come with the traditional AMD packaging, rather an ordinary box, which is usually for replacement GPUs. Moreover, the T&C regarding the warranty from AMD hasn't been defined yet for global regions, but the Spanish retailer is offering a complete 2-year warranty, hence you shouldn't be hesitant opting for the GPU. https://wccftech.com/amd-radeon-rx-7900-gre-gpu-diy-availability-europe-prices-starting-at-e720/
  6. Today, Epic Games announced the public release of Unreal Engine 5.2, the next major version of the third-party engine of choice for most triple-A game developers. Unreal Engine 5.2 comes with many new features and improvements. Let's lead with what's plagued many PC games lately, chiefly made with Unreal Engine 4: stuttering. The previous release, UE 5.1, had introduced an experimental PSO precaching system to improve hitching in DirectX12 games. In UE 5.2, the performance and stability have been increased, and the system now supports skipping drawing objects altogether if the relative PSOs aren't ready yet. While the goal is to have them ready, there is no guarantee they will be. With the new support for skipping, the stuttering shouldn't happen if the PSO hasn't been compiled. Epic also reduced the number of caches to compile in Unreal Engine 5.2 thanks to improved logic that smartly finds those that would never actually be used. Lastly in this area, the old manual caching system can now be used alongside the automated precaching one. Unfortunately, it may take a while before game developers switch to the new version to take advantage of these additions. The virtualized geometry system Nanite has received some improvements, too. There is now support for Custom Depth and Stencils, Lighting Channels, and Global Clip Plane; Variable Precision Normals are available to create, for instance, high-quality reflections on cars; and the Nanite Streamer, which fetches geometry data from the disk, has had its performance, stability, and statistics improved. Lumen, the other major UE5 feature, benefits from improved global illumination and occlusion for thin geometry (such as ears) on characters, and the hair grooms are integrated more seamlessly. High-quality reflections on translucency have received material roughness support (they were limited to mirror-only) in Unreal Engine 5.2, and software ray tracing now defaults to using Asynchronous Compute for consoles. Hardware ray tracing now supports two-sided foliage and can better approximate secondary bounces for reflections. Epic also added Async Compute support for inline ray tracing passes, and ray traced shadows for Rect Lights and lights with a source size are more accurate in this new version. Rough surface rendering for human skin types has been improved. Moreover, Unreal Engine 5.2 expands Variable Rate Shading (VRS) from XR devices to desktop and adds Contrast Adaptive Shading (CAS) to analyze the previous frame and better understand which areas should be rendered at reduced shading rates. Game developers are also likely to appreciate big new features like the Procedural Content Generation Framework, which is useful to quickly po[CENSORED]te large areas or even worlds after defining rules and parameters, and Substrate, a brand new tool that replaced the standard suite of shading models with a modular framework that supports a wider range of surface appearances, capable of providing a better layered look. https://wccftech.com/unreal-engine-5-2-out-now-adds-improvements-to-anti-stuttering-system-enhances-lumen-and-nanite/


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