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MoHanD^EL Gzarr

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Everything posted by MoHanD^EL Gzarr

  1. Voted!
  2. Nick: MoHanD^elgzar Age:14 AMX Experience(years): i am god at scripter not that much Time when you can be online: idk maybe 6-7 HRS What other things you want to do as co-owner?: Help server + manage it with players + About Boost i am not sure + but i have experirence as co-owner Do you have grade in other servers: Yes i was in StreetZM Owner but not now
  3. Nick:MoHanD^EL Gzarr Age:19 AMX Experience(years):4 years Time when you can be online:3 & 4 hours What other things you want to do as co-owner?:ban hackers help server & players Do you have grade in other servers:N0
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