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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by ArInA-pAn


    No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.

    1. FNX Magokiler

      FNX Magokiler

      deja de spamear dude.

    2. ArInA-pAn


      no estoy spameando bro?


  2. csbd my second family

    1. MERNIZ


      yes bro :3


  4. @Lolamento!* SERA QUE YA ERES DIFUNTO?¡






    1. Lynch


      Thanks Friend msg me can we talk?

  6. Nick: ArInA-pAn Real name: Orlando Andres Rojas Gonzalez How old are you?: 20 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): Free Fire - Cs 1.6 Where are you from?(country and city): Venezuela Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I am a very good, respectful person. I respect the staff here at CsblackDevil a lot. I like to explain things and help people..! I'M A PROFESSIONAL SOUND DJ I HAVE 3 CHILDREN I HAVE A WIFE I WORK, BUILDING I AM VERY ENTHUSIASTIC IN MY JOB Note some of your qualities: I am a hardworking retail human being Okay I love my children 🙂 Tell us some of your defects: I'm a little delicateNews,Sport Auto Hardware Software Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): Yes When I was 15 I had 1 son On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): News,Sport,HardWare,Software,Auto/Moto,Youtube Which category/project you want to care off?: Journalist How well you speak english?(and other languages): Inglesh,Spanish Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: I have a microphone but I don't use it much For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): I am always connected more than everything in the forum I've been here since 2012 Contact methods:Facebook,TELEGRAM,SKYPE,CSBD Last request: First
  7. But, where am I manager cs 1.6, can you please remove it?

  8. Could you remove this manager cs 1.6 I don't know who put it on me

  9. Where am I from manager cs 1.6 they were wrong with me I think

    1. Mr.Talha


      U R Shadow server manager

    2. ArInA-pAn


      Could you remove this manager cs 1.6 I don't know who put it on me

  10. Gracias, Por enviarme un mensaje

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. makinow uruguayo 2.0

      makinow uruguayo 2.0

      yo no le escribi a nadie 😅

    3. ArInA-pAn


      Veo como olvidas la gente putin

    4. makinow uruguayo 2.0

      makinow uruguayo 2.0

      pos la verdad que ni idea quien eres xD

  11. Zombie - BLACKCATZM


  12.  Hello, how are you? Will you not return?

  14. Two out of every ten Venezuelans have been forced to emigrate. In Colombia live almost two million of the total of six scattered around the world. Even out of nostalgia and resignation, for many returning home is no longer an option: "There is nothing left of my land." When Carmen de Blanco packed her bags to move from Maracay (Venezuela) to Bogotá (Colombia), she was 75 years old and absolutely certain that she would soon return to her lifelong home. Today, three years later, the only convictions he maintains are two: that there is nothing left of his country and that he will not return. “My homeland is a great homeland, but it is collapsed. She's dead. I had to make a new home in other lands when I was very old ”. Two out of every ten Venezuelans have emigrated since 2015, according to data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). They are more than 5.9 million; of these, almost 1.7 million reside in the Andean country. The infinite uncertainty and the (little or much) stability that they receive outside are enough to imagine a future far from where they grew up. "Why am I going to come back if, in addition, there is no one left?" They ask themselves over and over again. The list of relatives who fled is longer than that of those who stayed. The first to leave was his niece Yoselin, who emigrated to Panama seven years ago. "And after her the parade began," says Ángel Blanco, the youngest of the matriarch's six children, wryly from his modest home on the outskirts of Bogotá. "Blanca went to Ecuador, Anaixa to Cali, Andrea to Argentina ...", recalls the woman. She also has grandchildren in Panama, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic… The genealogical tree of this kind lady with tired eyes tells of the Venezuelan diaspora. The Chavista country is today one of the countries with the largest po[CENSORED]tion of migrants in the world. The political regime, food shortages, the impossibility of finding medicines, the violation of human rights and violence are behind a crisis that seems to have no end. “It didn't matter being trained and having a job. The money there is worth nothing. I have come to earn 20 times the minimum wage and I was not enough to make a market for the week, "says Blanco, a 50-year-old nurse, angrily. Four years ago his wife died of a brain aneurysm that was never operated on due to lack of supplies. “There I said:‘ It’s over. We're leaving '”, he remembers. First he came alone: “I worked from what I got, I slept for three months in this room when I didn't even have a bed and I charged 20% less than my Colombian colleagues. But I had no choice. " Today it is already settled. He lives with his 10-year-old son and his mother and has a certain regular income. "Of course, I leave my house at 3.00 in the morning and I arrive at night," he clarifies. "I'm already putting down roots here."
  15. LINK: https://todoactual.com/artículo/yamaha-xt500-h2o-es-la-nueva-moto-con-motor-impulsado-por-agua-2021 Technologies and ecological conservation united to save the planet, are embracing the world in a positive way, because now Yamaha presents us an excellent creation under ecological projects, which have zero polluting agents for the planet and is nothing more than a modern prototype. and exclusive a powerful Yamaha XT500 H2O Motorcycle. This design is causing positive impacts in the automotive industry; Therefore, its competitors are currently developing highly functional ecological 2-wheel electric vehicles, while Yamaha are the pioneers in this innovative water-powered prototype. Yamaha Japanese company par excellence, presents this innovative model of ecological motorcycle the Yamaha XT500 H2O; which presents positive alternatives to replace traditional motorcycles and be the greatest competition for electric 2-wheel vehicles. It is a highly ecological project, the propulsion given by the water is faithfully attached to the ecosystem in a natural way. It is the replacement for polluting combustion motorcycles; Its ergonomic design with an ecological engine under futuristic projections of high use, has given the opportunity to be accepted before the automotive world. Between 1976 and 1989, Yamaha made the motorcycle of the future structured with an exclusive Australian industrial design under the signature of Máxime Lefebvre. This designer, I take the time to imagine and recreate the futuristic motorcycle with cutting-edge technology. Advantages and disadvantages that this can bring in the future the Moto Yamaha XT500 2021 The look of the water-powered Yamaha XT500 H2O motorcycle has a perfect chassis structure, with a futuristic exterior appearance; the direction of the vehicle is also different. According to its appearance, it does not resemble conventional models; The handles and fork work individually, as it has a mechanism inside the chassis that is in charge of steering the motorcycle. The prototype of the Yamaha XT500 H2O motorcycle was exclusively designed by Shiro Nakamura; This prestigious inventor has evolved the model of motorcycles. Go from traditional combustion to water propulsion with exclusive details such as a 21-inch front rubber and a 19-inch rear for greater stability. Maintenance is basic and easy with little chance of mechanical failure. It is a perfect evolution for the future futurists. The internal minimum details of how a water-powered motorcycle works without errors and be efficient are being studied. This approach seeks the functionality of obtaining power for the water pump and generating the perfect water propulsion. This new project has brought in many Yamaha designers; This ingenious group is fine-tuning the smallest details to be able to launch this functional prototype; they do not estimate release dates. The studies have been thorough; the closest date to carry out this project is mid-2025. The 2021 Yamaha XT500 motorcycle powered by water is an ambitious project at technological and conservation levels. It is expected to be part of the vehicles of the future. Which opt for the conservation of a blue planet for the new human beings that will inhabit this beloved land. The Earth deserves to be cleansed by those who previously polluted it; It is time to change positively and in an ecological way.
  16. LINK:https://prensaarizona.com/2021/12/tests-de-pruebas-para-covid-19-vuelan-en-la-epoca-navidena-en-arizona/ It's not exactly a hot item on everyone's holiday list, but make no mistake, these COVID-19 home test kits are flying off the shelves. "I think it's a great idea," said Jennifer Gniffke of Phoenix. "It is an additional peace of mind, despite the fact that we are all vaccinated and reinforced." The city of Mesa had 1,200 Rapid COVID-19 test kits to give away this week. They left in less than two hours on Monday. Interest in home test kits has increased dramatically, with COVID cases on the rise and concerns about the omicron variant. Omicron is now the dominant variant of COVID-19 in the US. Many doctors recommend that you get tested for COVID before meeting with friends and loved ones this Christmas. "I'm actually spending the holidays with my family," said Richard Martinez de Mesa. "I have an older uncle and my father, so we just want to take a few precautions and make sure we are okay." According to Valleywise Health's Dr. Ross Goldberg, deciding whether you or your entire family should get tested for COVID before getting together depends on several factors. "I am not advocating any blockade," Goldberg said. “I am not advocating saying that you cannot do things. I just think you have to be safe and smart about it. " The City of Mesa expects to get more test kits in the next two days. Click here for more information. The City of Tempe will begin giving away its test kits on Tuesday. Click here for more details. "[COVID-19] is still there," Martinez said. "We just want to make sure we keep safe not just ourselves, but everyone we interact with."
  17. "you didn't work on the ticket, first my rank journlaists"



    1. Mindsphere.


      Done. 🙂 Sorry, my bad. 


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