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version on

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Everything posted by version on

  1. welcome to csbd have fun
  2. v1 is awesome,perfect and nice c4d and effects good luck freinds =D
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2su8At4GWDU the voice kid make me smile i since i still 14, i will learn sing
  4. v2,i like it,is so simple
  5. well,i was liking zombie plague but now is become boring i prefere for this while deathrun
  6. guys guys you talk about palestine and you forgot syrie,to now 2.5 milion has die destroyed the entire city before some month i saw the syrians in moroco, asking for money to live god bless palestine and syrie
  7. the problem is that not fear for palestine,israel have the modeste weapons, tanks,planes...and what the palestine people have ?? stone!! knife!! is not fear really
  8. version support GAZA but the problem is the others powerful country help israel like U.S.A and england...
  9. is just a picture
  10. link d'oesnt work can u upload with zippyshare
  11. v1 is look so imaginaire
  12. v2,is look nice,and it's so easy to see,v1 is light too much i vote for v2
  13. v1 nice effects,i like the using of c4d
  14. oh thank you verry much, i also tryed before long time,is so big,is need minimun 3 GB at ram anyway thank's
  15. version on

    need a help

    hello guys,i dont have problem,but someone here can give me link to download trapcode particular,or somethings like that for after effects cs4 but i want something free,because when i search i found with money...
  16. vote v2,is look nice,perfect,good effects,and using of c4d also v1 is not good,is so dark..
  17. actually i like real madrid,and the best part in the match is when ronaldo goal his second goal with shot,is best goal i ever seen
  18. v2 is look real
  19. last 2 years they played penalty and madrid lose,that nuer is so good
  20. we had the best time i ever seen,since my start at newlife,after some while you commed i was knowing that you will bee an greatest freind as you said everythings has his time,so i cant stop you, good luck in your life that it will become a simple life and best wishes dude
  21. i vote for v1 v2 is look dark at face of ronaldo...too dark
  22. Nick: version on Name Of Server: ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.com Picture Of Score:
  23. you have to copy fonts to panel configuration --->fonts,or go poste de travail--->C>Windows--->fonts and put it their
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