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super zombie

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Everything posted by super zombie

  1. Bye Dude 

    i love you.


  2. you are stop send messages stupid to me for like ?

  3. I hope you understand the people who say that I am a beginner in society ?

    I have wandered all communities romania 

    Please understand this

    1. lonut gfx

      lonut gfx

      Hahaha I'm alone in who knows your personality!

    2. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Like that? =))

      sneaky spy GIF by LEGO

  4. Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Resident Evil Revelation Battlefield 4 Need For Speed Most Wanted Madagascar 3 Gta San Andreas Gta auto v GTA auto iv
  5. you a1 are at  blacklist hhh 


  6. v2.text
  7. en and women of the world beware: toxic masculinity is everywhere. And according to the world’s leading psychology group, it needs to be stamped out. Sensing, perhaps, a certain confusion from men and boys in terms of what’s expected of them in today’s pick ‘n mix gender culture, the American Psychological Association – widely regarded as a global leading authority on such matters – has released its first set of official guidelines. It’s a ‘how to be your best self’, if you like, for poor congenitally defective men. Because whilst girls and women presumably don’t need guidelines (our sex being impossible to improve upon) every traditional male trait detailed in the study – from “stoicism”...
  8. you banned!
  9. Welcome
  10. super zombie


  11. Welcome
  12. Welcome
  13. Your nick:super zombie Your ip ( www.iptest.ro ):morocco Your STEAMID:STEAM_1:0:5268176 The reason you have been banned: @JaEgArN He placed in the black list And I do not use VPN I was a good player at server and i have I do not know who he is bojka or pak or oppo and i have scor at Clik The admin who banned you: @JaEgArN The time:1 Year Your proofs (screenshot Or Demo):https://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/286614-✞blacklist-newlifezm✞/
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