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Everything posted by Qween

  1. Pe PS3 / PC si rabdarea mea este cat de cat buna ,nu as spune 10 pentru ca m-as minti pe mine insumi, dar iti spun sigur 7 ? .
  2. Nick: Qween Nume reak: Alexandra Cati ani ai?: 19 Ce jocuri te joci? si cat de mult ca timp?(fiecare dintre ele): Cs1.6 de 6 ani , SA:MP am jucat aprox. 6 luni insa m-am lasat, FIFA 15 de 1 an. De unde esti?(tara si oras): Romania - Bacau insa de 4 luni locuiesc in U.K - Hull. Descrie-te(cel putin 50 de cuvinte): Sunt o persoana simpla ,pitica :)), ambitioasa , curioasa , rabdatoare. Sunt o iubitoare de pisici, imi place foarte mult footbal-ul(sa joc sau sa-l urmaresc) Imi place sa ajut pe cei care au nevoie cu adevarat de ajutor. Serioasa cand trebuie si glumeata cu persoanle pe care le cunosc. Prind repede cand este nevoie sa invat ceva nou. Nu suport prostia, minciunile, fitele, ma lasa cu un gust amar in gura. Sunt innebunita dupa anime-uri. Lumea de cele mai multe ori ma crede ciudata :)). Noteaza cateva din calitatile tale: Ambitioasa , glumeata, receptiva, rabdatoare. Spune-ne cateva din defectele tale: Timida cu persoane noi , pun repede la suflet vorbele rele menite sa ma faca sa ma simt rau, incapatanata , ma incred prea repede in oameni. Pe care categorie/categorii ai fost activ/a in ultima perioada?(descrie-ti activitate): De cateva saptamani incerc sa fiu cat mai activa in categoria Devil's CLub - Social / Media(chiar daca stiu ca se poate mai mult) si in cadrul domeniului Overwatch. Care categorie/proiect doresti sa ai sub responsabilitate?(alege din ACEASTA LISTA): Devil's Club Cat de bine vorbesti engleza?(si alte dialecte): Destul de bine, as putea spune 70%, am inceput de curand aici in U.K niste cursuri numite E.S.O.L care se specializeaza in imbunatatirea limbi engleze. Folosesti TS3? Ai un microfon activ?: Dap, astept cu nerabdare coletul cu castii cu microfon. Metode pentru contact: Steam , email, whatsapp. Ultima cerere: Asta e prima cerere.
  3. Brexit is happening at 11pm tonight - Friday, January 31 - after over 8 months of extra time. The UK was originally due to leave the EU on March 29, 2019. But after three extensions and three and a half years after the referendum, it is actually going to happen. Johnson had pledged a "do or die" Brexit by October 31, 2019, but was forced to request a "flextension" after a No Deal was taken off the table. Eleven O'clock is the time when Brexit will become official. A countdown clock will be projected on to 10 Downing Street from 10pm, followed by a red, white and blue light display. But since this is a private street guarded by police at all times, no members of the public will be able to see it in person. What is the Brexit transition period? The United Kingdom and the EU have negotiated a withdrawal agreement and part of that is the transition period. When the UK leaves the EU then the transition period will apply until the end of December 2020. This could be extended until December 2022, should both sides agree.
  4. The legend of the Fountain of Youth tells about a special fountain that contains water with special powers. It is believed that by drinking this water, a person gains eternal youth. Nobody knows where this fountain is. American legends claim that it is somewhere in Florida, while European legends claim it is in Spain. Historical Basis Whispers of bodies of water with special powers granting eternal youth have been circulating the world for millennia. The story of the Fountain of Youth itself, however, is connected to the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, who, the legend says, struck out in search of it. In truth, experts say that de León had no intention of searching for the Fountain of Youth and merely sought to gain wealth by discovering new lands. The story of the Fountain of Youth originates from the Arabic lands of the Middle East and has been recycled throughout the centuries throughout many different cultures' legends and literature. In 2013, David Copperfield claimed to have discovered the Fountain of Youth—at least, a body of water with miraculous restorative powers—on one of the 11 islands he purchased in the Bahamas.
  5. Conservationists and wildlife experts are anxious that raging bushfires sweeping through Australia have resulted in “catastrophic losses”, amid fears an entire species may have been wiped out. Po[CENSORED]tions of small marsupials called dunnarts and glossy black cockatoos may have been destroyed in the fires that burned a third of Kangaroo Island, experts say. The island, located off the country’s southern coast, is known as Australia’s answer to the Galapagos Islands – but what remains has been described as a “scorched wasteland”. Ecologists are hoping to find survivors of the dunnart po[CENSORED]tion and rescue them “before they are completely gone”. Heidi Groffen, an ecologist and coordinator for the nonprofit Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife, said the mouse-like marsupials are too small to outrun wildfires and the po[CENSORED]tion of around 300 may have been wiped out. But she remained hopeful some may have found refuge in the crevices of rocks. “Even if there are survivors, there is no food for them now,” she said. “We’re hoping to bring some into captivity before they are completely gone.” “The Kangaroo Island dunnart is our main species of concern and it looks like its entire known [habitat] range has been fried. We are locating unburnt remnant patches of its habitat to see if we can locate it through camera trapping.” Mr Hodgens said a team has already set cameras to try and detect any survivors, and hope to locate all potential areas the species may persist in through drone mapping. The 50,000-strong koala po[CENSORED]tion on the island has also suffered devastating losses, with as much as half the po[CENSORED]tion believed to have been killed by the fires. And it is unclear how many from a unique flock of the rare glossy black cockatoos escaped the blazes and whether they have a future on an island where much of their habitat has turned to ash.
  6. Happy New Year to all members CSBD!!!!! La multi ani! ?


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