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✖ĐễSŤгǑŶẹĐ☠✖ last won the day on October 4 2018

✖ĐễSŤгǑŶẹĐ☠✖ had the most liked content!

About ✖ĐễSŤгǑŶẹĐ☠✖

  • Birthday 05/08/1999



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  1. ¤ Your name: Dobe_classy. ¤ Claimed Admin name: idk ¤ Date and time: Now ¤ Reason of complaint: I want to know why it banned me I didn't do anything to offend the server? ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo):https://ibb.co/g63YRCY
  2. You Dobe 

    I have been my best friend here at CSBD 



  3. Welcome.
  4. Welcome.
  5. AMD launches new Threaripper 2 processor models to diversify choices. These processors are for people who really do something, for servers or for enthusiasts. The new models have 12 and 24 cores and anyone can buy them. The AMD Threadripper 2970WX costs 1300 dollars and offers 24 cores at 3GHz, up to 4.2GHz through Turbo. It has a 250W consumption and is comparable to the performance of the Intel Core i9 7980XE AMD Threadripper 2920X costs 650 dollars and offers 12 3.5GHz clocks and can reach up to 4.3GHz in Turbo. These new models complement the current range of models such as 2950x 16-core or 2990WX 32-core.
      • 1
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  6. Desi sunt foarte scumpe iar iPhone XS Max este cel mai scump iPhone produs de Apple pana acum, vanarile nu au incetat sa scada. Ba din contra, cel mai scump model s-a vandut de 3 ori mai bine decat modelul XS. Cea mai preferata optiune este cea de 256GB urmata de 512GB. Preferintele de culoare sunt Gold si Space Gray. Apropo, doar Samsung produce memoria NAND pentru aceste telefoane. Deci si ei se bucura. Vezi si cat costa noile modele iPhone in Romania. Chiar si Apple Watch 4 se bucura de un succes neasteptat, iar productia acestuia este la capacitate maxima. Pentru acest an sunt asteptate peste 19.5 milioane de comenzi pentru Apple Watch.
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  7. Welcome.


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