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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by MussicOnPro!

  1. Eres tu????? Vas a volverrr :3333?

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  2. CONTRA - Improve your activity to 3 hours per day!
  3. PRO! - Excellent Player! - Good Activity! - He respect the rules! GOOD LUCK!
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  5. CONTRA! - Improve your activity to 3 hours per day. - You need 30 hours for administrator. - Respect the rules. - Read the rules.
  6. PRO! - Improve your activity! - Read the rules! GOOD LUCK!!
  7. CONTRA!
  8. CONTRA! - Improve your Activity to 3 hours per day! - Read the rules. - Respect the rules.
  9. CONTRA. - He no respect the rules in the server. - User with very bad behaviour. - He no attack in mod zm.
  10. PRO FOR HELPER. - Improve your activity! GOOD LUCK!
  11. CONTRA. - Improve you activity to 3 hour per day. - You need 30 hours. - Read the rules.
  12. CONTRA. - Stop Spamming with requests! - You already asked request. - Read the rules.
  13. PRO. - He is good player. - Your Activity is good! - Remember respect the rules and attack in mode zm! GOOD LUCK!
  14. Respect The Model. CONTRA.
  15. CONTRA! - Improve your activity to 3 hours per day! - Respect the rules!! GOOD LUCK!
  16. CONTRA! - Improve you activity to 3 hours per day! GOOD LUCK!
  17. ¤ Your Nickname (same as in forum): MussicOnPro! ¤ Your Address Skype, facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexjose.gonzalezrodriguez1 ¤ Age: 19 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: Spanish and English ¤ Your Location: Venezuela ¤ Experience As Admin (last server GT link): 6 years ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): Yes i can ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( CLICK HERE You Must Write Your Nickname) : https://www.gametracker.com/player/MussicOnPro!/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/ ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I want to be an admin to keep control of the abusive users at night most of all, keep order a little and help those players who do not have much knowledge on the server! ¤ Password/key for admin[ Read The Rules to find it] : ZMNEWLIFE2021
  18. ¤ Nombre : MussicOnPro! ¤ Edad : 19 ¤ Tag deseado : I'm Back! ¤ Enlace de horas jugadas (mínimo 10 horas) ( CLICK ) : https://www.gametracker.com/player/MussicOnPro!/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/
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  20. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  22. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password


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