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Everything posted by MussicOnPro!

  1. At the beginning of the Lenín Moreno government, a loan operation was carried out with Goldam Sachs International for $ 500 million. At the beginning of the Lenín Moreno government (May 2017-May 2021), Ecuador completed credit operations that had exceeded the limit of 40% of gross domestic product (GDP), concluded a report from the State Comptroller General's Office. The control body reported on November 4 that, after an audit of the public debt operations carried out between January 2014 and September 2020, it was detected that in October 2017 the Ministry of Economy and Finance signed a credit agreement for $ 500 million with Goldam Sachs International, despite the fact that on that date the percentage of liabilities reached 48.41%. For this, the government at that time made credit commitments without "requesting the approval of the National Assembly, or preparing the Plan for Strengthening and Fiscal Sustainability, provided in article 124 of the Organic Code of Planning and Public Finance (Coplafip)," reported the Comptroller's Office in an official statement. As explained, the Finance Portfolio applied the provisions of executive decree 1218, of October 2016, “with which it was established that the debt / GDP ratio would be determined using the consolidated statements of public debt. This caused the aggregate balances, in relation to the consolidated ones, to decrease by $ 15,801 million. The report warns, based on the constant information in the aggregate debt balances of 2017, that the debt limit would have been exceeded earlier, in March of that year ”. At that time, the Ministry had used the consolidated statements of public debt that projected total indebtedness for 2017 of $ 34,947 million, corresponding to 34.77% of GDP. As of December 2017, it had been indicated that the limit percentage of 40% of GDP would not be exceeded, however, “the use of the consolidated statements caused the internal obligations of the statistics to be suppressed and the debt / GDP ratio decreased from 48 , 61% to 32.9%, without the variation being due to the payment of the loans ”. The audit observed that using the consolidated statements of public debt is not provided for in any legal body and is contrary to the historical practice of the Ministry to present debt statistics using aggregate statements and the code. As of June 207, according to the Comptroller's Office, the statement of financial situation of the General State Budget, Ecuador's public debt reached $ 48'647,334,819.98. That is, 48.41% of GDP for that year. LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/politica/la-deuda-publica-supero-el-limite-permitido-de-endeudamiento-en-el-2017-segun-contraloria-nota/
  2. In September 2021, new car sales in Mexico reported a total of 76,930 units, which represents a slight decrease of 1.1% compared to the same period of the previous year. The Nissan Kicks has been a great performer, returning to the Top 10 best-selling cars. The Mexican car market returns to negative territory. Although it is not a big crash, the change in trend is consolidated. In September 2021, car sales in Mexico reached 76,930 units. A result that, if compared to that obtained in the same period of the previous year, represents a small drop of 1.1%. On the contrary, the accumulated data remains positive. And it is that between the months of January and September 2021, new car registrations in Mexico accounted for a total of 757,846 units, 14.1% more than in 2020. We must bear in mind that this important American market is not alien to the crisis global generated by the shortage of semiconductors. It will be decisive to see what happens in the coming months Nissan Versa, the best-selling car in Mexico in September 2021 What have been the most demanded models by Mexican drivers? If we take a look at the ranking of the best-selling cars in Mexico, we will find important changes compared to previous editions of this list. Now, in what there are no changes is in the model that continues to lead this market with an iron fist. The Nissan Versa has obtained a new victory. In second place is the Chevrolet Aveo and, closing the podium, in third place, we have the Volkswagen Vento, which has had a great performance. At the gates of the podium has been the Nissan March. Another of the outstanding models has been the Nissan Kicks (9th) whose performance has allowed it to return strongly to the Top 10. Nissan's dominance is evident, and proof of them is that it clearly stars at the top of the ranking. Half of the models that make up the Top 10 belong to the Japanese firm. LINK: https://www.motor.es/noticias/ventas-coches-2021-mexico-septiembre-202182234.html
  3. The decision comes after the socialist government of Antonio Costa has failed to carry out the Budgets for next year. The President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, announced today that he will dissolve Parliament and call early elections on January 30, to get out of the open political crisis with the rejection of the Budgets for 2022. The announcement was made in a communication to the country, after conducting a round of contacts with the main actors in the country during the last week. The Government of the socialist António Costa, in a minority, was left alone in defending its Budget project for next year, after its former partners on the left turned their backs on it and the right also voted against it, which it has led to elections after only two years of legislature. LINK:https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/internacional/detalle/8430471/el-presidente-de-portugal-convoca-elecciones-anticipadas-30-de-enero/
  4. Iran will be the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Mauricio Montalvo; of Production and Foreign Trade, Julio Prado, and of Telecommunications, Vianna Maino. The increase in investments will be one of the axes of the official visit that begins, this Thursday, November 4, the president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, to Spain. Lasso arrived in Madrid a few moments ago after participating in the COP26 summit, held in Glasgow, United Kingdom. According to a statement from the General Secretariat of Communication (Segcom), the objective of the visit is to continue deploying the strategy "More Ecuador in the world and more world in Ecuador" and to strengthen relations with strategic partners. As part of this agenda, some high-level appointments with authorities in this country and meetings with businessmen are planned. The day of this November 4 will be marked by the meeting of Lasso with King Felipe VI of Spain, at the Palacio de la Zarzuela (at 09:00, Spanish time; 02:00 Ecuador time) and with the president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón (at 4:30 p.m., Spanish time; 10:30, Ecuador time), at the Palacio de La Moncloa. These meetings will discuss matters of mutual interest that will strengthen bilateral relations between the two nations. Hours later, the president will have an appointment with the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, in Plaza de la Villa, and will attend the Spain-Ecuador business meeting, with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce; so far the attendance of 90 company representatives has been confirmed for this event, Segcom said. On November 5, the head of state will participate in the "ABC Spain-Ecuador Forum: Thinking the S-XXI", a space for reflection and a proposal for analysis on the economic, political and social scenario of both countries and Latin America. In this meeting, in which Lasso will be the main speaker, there will also be figures such as former Spanish president José María Aznar; the director of ABC, Julián Quiroz; and the vice president of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), Emilio Lamo de Espinosa. The event will take place from 09:30, Spain time (03:30 Ecuador time). He will also visit the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso. The appointment will be at the Royal Post Office, at 11:00, Spain time (05:00, Ecuador time). The official agenda in Madrid will end on November 6 with a meeting with Ecuadorians residing in Spain. In an interview with the Efe agency before starting the trip to Europe, Lasso indicated that in the meetings with the king and with the president of the Spanish Government he will seek "to strengthen Ecuador's relations with Spain and also the European Union." He pointed out that the issue of the Schengen visa will be on the agenda, "since Ecuador signed a free trade agreement with the EU after Colombia and Peru, but the visa liberalization for Ecuadorians is pending." Asked about the negotiations on the issue, he acknowledged that "there is progress", although "they are still small." The other big issue is that of investments, which he will address in meetings with the Spanish business community. "Ecuador is preparing an Investment Summit on November 19 and 20, and obviously we want the participation of important Spanish companies that look to the country with an investment opportunity in strategic sectors," Lasso told Efe and listed key sectors such as "hydrocarbons, minerals , telecommunications and energy, especially renewables and infrastructures ”. For this he will be accompanied by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Mauricio Montalvo; of Production and Foreign Trade, Julio Prado, and of Telecommunications, Vianna Maino. Lasso wants to tender a series of strategic projects in sectors such as infrastructure, mining, oil and energy, and thereby achieve his goal of 30,000 million dollars in investment by 2025. In 2019, Spain had an investment position in Ecuador of some 2,362 million dollars, in a range of sectors that included crude oil extraction, commercial distribution, non-metallic mineral product manufacturing, telecommunications and the food industry, among others. According to the Bank of Ecuador, in 2020 it remained the second foreign investor with 230.9 million dollars that year, 20% of the total, behind Canada. Lasso, who in foreign policy is based on the maxim "more Ecuador in the world and more world in Ecuador", wants to increase these figures within a policy of openness to the world with which he seeks some "20,000 million dollars" for everything type of economic reactivation projects that promote employment. "Knowing a little about Spain, I would say that sectors such as infrastructure, road construction and also the clean energy sector, wind and photovoltaic", he said about the potential of Spanish companies LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/politica/inversiones-uno-de-los-ejes-de-la-visita-del-presidente-guillermo-lasso-a-espana-nota/
  5. At the recent Caravaning Show, Toyota has presented its new proposals based on its commercial models. The new ProAce Verso Camper and ProAce City Mini Camper come with an interesting design and very interesting solutions, a range specially conceived with the help of Tinkervan. The Japanese brand enters one of the most attractive categories on the market, and in which it is rare that a European manufacturer is not immersed. Even some Premium level are, and the Camper is in fashion. The Japanese from Toyota have taken the opportunity to present their latest developments at the Caravaning Show held in Barcelona, just a few days ago. The ProAce Verso Camper and ProAce City Mini Camper have been conceived together with one of the greatest specialists in the field of Camper, a serious bet that makes the ProAce Verso and ProAce City Verso two very interesting options to get off the asphalt and enjoy of the nature. But also to counteract the sales of a leading model in the market, the Volkswagen California. The German brand has expanded the offering with a smaller option, the recently introduced Caddy California. Toyota ProAce Verso Camper and ProAce City Mini Camper, two new bets The two models have been presented with a more typical crossover aesthetic, with the body painted in white and the upper part in black, the same color used in the alloy wheels and a series of special details such as the coating on the bottom. from the bumpers or side sills. Common features between the two models, but which are also differentiated by other details. For example, the ProAce Verso has a tent built into the roof, an equipment that is not available in the compact model, and that can accommodate two passengers. Another two can be accommodated on a sofa bed inside. What the two do share is a large interior space, perfectly used to the maximum to have a small refrigerator and a sink that, both this and the refrigerator, are fed by a water tank that has a water pump. Both have an awning on the right side of the two models, while inside they have a kitchen with a ceramic hob as in the case of the ProAce City Verso. it dispenses with the furniture and only has the plate. The two models also feature as standard equipment a separate heater supplied by Webasto. LINK: https://www.motor.es/noticias/toyota-proace-verso-camper-proace-city-mini-202182292.html
  6. The decision will allow the vaccination of 28 million minors of that age group. From next week the vaccination will be "fully operational". The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States, Rochelle Walensky, authorized this Tuesday that Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine be administered to children between 5 and 11 years old. The decision will allow 28 million children in this age group to be vaccinated "as soon as possible," according to the CDC. The dose of the vaccine will be 10 milligrams, one third of the serum of adults. It will be administered in pediatric clinics and pharmacies. According to the US Government, sufficient doses have already been secured for all children, so that from next week the vaccination campaign will be "fully operational." At the meeting previously held by an expert panel, Director Walensky noted that pediatric admissions for the delta variant have skyrocketed in US hospitals. For his part, President Joe Biden assured that the vaccination of this age group "will allow" to end parental concern and reduce the degree of transmission of the virus. According to data from the CDC, since the beginning of the pandemic, 1.9 million cases of covid-19 have been registered among children between 5 and 11 years old, 8,300 hospitalizations and 94 deaths. LINK: https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/internacional/detalle/8426209/ee-uu-comienza-a-vacunar-con-pfizer-a-menores-de-entre-5-y-11-anos/
  7. Samsung's commitment to folding mobile phones has been consolidated this year with a new generation of its two formats: on the one hand the Galaxy Z Flip3 with that more 'lifestyle' approach and on the other the Galaxy Z Fold3, the star folding that puts the focus on productivity and multimedia experience. Last year I was able to analyze the Galaxy Z Flip and this year I repeated with the Galaxy Z Flip3, a format that I was skeptical of, but that after trying it managed to conquer me. However, until now I had not been able to test the Fold beyond tinkering with it briefly at the IFA 2019 fair. I have finally been able to make up for it and have spent a month with the Galaxy Z Fold3 as my main mobile. This has been my experience. LINK: https://www.xataka.com/analisis/samsung-galaxy-z-fold3-opiniones-analisis-30-dias-uso
  8. New job postings from id Software mention a project to develop an 'iconic action FPS', which could give clues to new installments of DOOM or Quake. id Software, the company responsible for sagas such as DOOM or Quake, has opened new job offers on the official website of Zenimax (parent company that belongs to Microsoft since September last year) looking for professionals to get involved in the development of a new installment from an "iconic long-range action FPS saga". Either of the two franchises mentioned above could fit that description, actually, but the company does not specify which of the two it is. There are several openings for this project, such as Senior Animation Technician, Skybox Artist, or Conceptual Stage Artist, plus many others. In all of them, "expertise with an artistic style of science fiction and fantasy" is requested, since they will precisely be in charge of implementing backgrounds, panoramas and other elements with "triple A quality" in the video game. New DOOM or new Quake? The new job offers that video game companies advertise have always given us clues to know what they are currently working on; With this we can know that id Software is developing a new installment of one of its iconic FPS franchises. That, actually, is not saying much considering the study we are talking about, although we do know that they have a new multiplayer game in their hands whose code name is Project 2021B, which according to sources could be a new Quake in collaboration with MachineGames, studio responsible for the latest titles in the Wolfenstein saga with which they also collaborated precisely in the recent remastering of Quake. On the other hand, DOOM continues to be a very present saga among studio fans, so much so that the latest installment, DOOM Eternal, has grossed more than 450 million since its debut. id Software has already said that there are more stories to tell in this universe, so after the last update of this title perhaps they could have already started working on a new installment. Be that as it may, it seems that it will still take some time to know what exactly this new project from id Software is, a legendary company that this year celebrates its 25th anniversary. LINK: https://vandal.elespanol.com/noticia/1350749059/id-software-abre-vacantes-para-un-fps-iconico-nuevo-doom-o-quake-a-la-vista/
  9. At the beginning of the 90s there was a war in the world of consoles that today is epic, we are talking about the Mega Drive versus the Super Nintendo, the SEGA versus Nintendo respectively. But what was the battle like in terms of hardware? That is why we have decided to make a technical comparison between these two historical video game systems. Anyone who lived through their childhood in the early 90s will know that one of the biggest dilemmas was: which console is better, Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? And to this day that controversy still continues, since both had excellent games, but we are not going to compare the games of each of them, but there were differences in hardware between them. 68000 versus 65C816, Mega Drive and Super Nintendo CPUs compared The Mega Drive CPU is a clone manufactured by Hitachi of the Motorola 68000, which operated at 7.68 MHz clock speed, its characteristics are the same as those of a standard 68K so it has no secret that makes it special compared to some processors of the time. In the case of Super Nintendo, its CPU is a modified clone of the 65C816, which is the 16-bit version of the 6502 running at 3.58 MHz. Let's see how each of them compare: The 68K is faster in clock speed, but its access to RAM is slower compared to the 65C816, but it is much simpler and to do certain complex math functions requires special support chips. Both can address up to 24 bits, this means that they support up to 16 MB of RAM. The 68K's data bus is 16-bit, while the 65C816's is 8-bit. The clock speed of the Super Nintendo CPU depended on the clock speed of the ROM of the cartridges and this could be 1.79 MHz, 2.8 MHz or 3.58 MHz. On the other hand, the speed of the Mega Drive CPU was always the same and it did not depend on the speed of the ROM of the cartridges. The SEGA console also had a secondary CPU, an 8-bit Z80 CPU. Running at 3.58 MHz, it allowed the console to run games from its predecessor, since the 16-bit SEGA had all the Master System hardware inside, including 8 kB of RAM assigned uniquely to the Z80 that correspond to the RAM of the 8-bit console, but that in Mega Drive mode are not used. Its utility in Mega Drive games was to manage audio in games, something that was very common on arcade boards of the time. To the beat of the electron beam The consoles of the 16-bit era used a methodology to generate the graphics, which is now in disuse and belongs to a period in which video memory was very expensive and therefore was not included in the consoles. of video games, which led to the on-screen graphics having to be generated in time with the electron beam that passed through the television screen. Our eyes see the image of a tube TV consistently, but it is an optical illusion created by our brain that generates the image, the reality is that the electron beam was passing very fast and it was drawing only one line at a time. The advantage of this? That the elements needed at all times were those needed in each scan line. So when one of these consoles was drawing a line on the screen, its graphical system was preparing the next one Therefore, in order to compare these two consoles, it is necessary to understand how they both generated the image on the screen and it must be said that it has its complexity and it is impossible to understand both consoles without understanding how their video system works. Bitmaps The graphics on the screen of bit consoles are composed of bitmaps, which are images formed by a matrix of points that we call pixels in which each position of the table or matrix corresponds to the color value of each pixel, between which there must be a transparent value, which indicates that in that part of the bitmap there is nothing and in the event that there is an element in the same position on the screen, but with a lower level of priority, it has been to draw the pixel of the second object. The bitmaps are stored in the cartridge and are dumped to a section of the VRAM from where the graphics hardware reads them to operate with them and generate the screen. In Mega Drive they can have a size of 8, 16, 24 or 32 pixels both horizontally and vertically, while in Super Nintendo the sizes are 8, 16, 32 or 64 pixels both horizontally and vertically. Regardless of how many pixels form a bitmap when generating the image on the screen, these are interpreted by the video system called VDP on Mega Drive or SPPU on Super Nintendo, in groups of 8 x 8 pixels. Tilemaps and sprites on Super Nintendo and Mega Drive The second element is the so-called tilemaps, these are nothing more than bitmaps but arranged like a mosaic to draw the background in an orderly way. They are generated by the CPU, which writes in a section of memory the address where the bitmap is located in the memory address and a series of attributes, which are usually the following: Color palette. Priority bit to mark in which plane is drawn. Bit to mark whether the bitmap pixels are written from left to right or from right to left. Another priority bit to mark if the bitmap pixels are written upside down or in a normal way, that is if from bottom to top or from top to bottom Mega Drive could represent up to 3 background planes, while Super Nintendo up to 4 background planes, but above them was the sprite plane, which is the name given to mobile elements on the screen and therefore change their position. screen from frame to frame. To create the background planes, a Nametable was used for each background to draw the backgrounds, which is created by the CPU in each frame during the time in which the screen is not being generated, while the sprites are marked in what It is called a "sprite attribute table", which follows the same attributes as the content of each Nametable, but adds two additional values: Horizontal position of the sprite on the screen. Vertical position of the sprite on the screen. And which is more powerful? Well, visually, the Nintendo console takes the cake, since comparatively it is capable of placing 128 sprites on the screen compared to the 80 of the SEGA console with about 256 colors from a palette of 32,768 colors compared to the 64 colors of a palette of only 512 colors. Of course, Mega Drive placed more resolution to be this 320 pixels horizontally compared to 256 of the SEGA console. Differences in Audio between Super Nintendo and Mega Drive The final part that we have left is in the sound, the SEGA console uses a YAMAHA FM synthesizer, the YM2612, which can reproduce up to 6 sound channels at the same time. The sound system on Super Nintendo is instead based on an 8-channel PCM system. While the Mega Drive system works like a program, controlled by the Z80, the Super Nintendo system instead makes use of audio samples. At the level of audio quality, the Nintendo console is superior, but it is limited by having only 64 kB to store the audio samples, so the music used to be shorter and repetitive. LINK: https://hardzone.es/reportajes/comparativas/super-nintendo-mega-drive/
  10. ¤ Nickname: @MussicOnPro! ¤ Video author: Noticias Telemundo ¤ Name of the game: Fortnite ¤ Video link:
  11. French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson held a bilateral meeting of about 30 minutes on Sunday on the sidelines of the G-20 summit amid the conflict over fishing that clouds relations between their respective countries . The crisis has been triggered by London's reluctance to grant French vessels fishing licenses in its waters, which according to Paris violates London's commitments to the Brexit pact. The meeting revealed the ocean that still seems to separate both views of the problem: instead of lowering the tension, the meeting gave continuity to the crisis. At the meeting, the French leader demanded that London respect international rules. Paris pointed out that “the objective of both was to reduce” the tension and conflict of the last days and that France now expected “seriousness” and “respect”. Paris insisted that it is "necessary" that London "respect the commitments" assumed with the European Union (EU) so that "practical and operational measures are taken as soon as possible to avoid an increase in tension." But overall, the Elysee was conciliatory and pointed out that there was a desire for a "de-escalation". "The two leaders agreed to hold discussions in the next few hours and the next few days on fishing licenses," he said in a statement. British sources, however, gave a different version of the meeting, with a combative tone, pointing out that London hopes that Paris will take the first step of a de-escalation and withdraw the French response measures that they described as "threats." Downing Street showed its "deep concern at the rhetoric emanating from the French Government in recent days." The discussion occurred on the horn that problems can grow. That is to say, less than 48 hours after the retaliatory measures announced by the French Government against the British fishing sector come into force on November 2 after not receiving all the fishing licenses in British waters that Paris claims under the Brexit deal. The Macron Executive has warned that if there is no solution, it could prohibit British fishing vessels from unloading their catches in French ports. The Government of France, in fact, maintains that almost half of the license applications submitted by French fishermen have not yet been accepted. Paris also plans to respond to the UK's attitude by imposing more rigid controls on bilateral trade at a time when the UK market is experiencing supply difficulties. LINK: https://elpais.com/internacional/2021-10-31/la-reunion-entre-macron-y-johnson-evidencia-la-profundidad-de-la-crisis-franco-britanica.html
  12. A project promoted by the Government identifies three areas in Catalonia and Aragon for reintroduction and seeks the "essential" support of municipalities and the livestock sector In the lynx saga, like humans, from time to time individuals appear predestined to mark paths and discover new worlds. They are born, in the biological sense of the term, already travelers, full of adventurous genes. Lithium, which was baptized in 2018 as the Marco Polo of the lynx after crossing the Peninsula from end to end, is possibly one of the most exploratory specimens that have been detected. And now, three years after its journey, the specimen has become the driving force behind a project to recover the historic lynx lands of northern Spain. "Litio marked the way, yes", recalls the technician of the CBD-Hábitat Foundation, Samuel Plá, from a plateau of the Sierra de Agramunt, in the north of Lleida, from where you can see an extensive blanket of bushes and trees that can be seen loses on the horizon, already in the lands of Aragon. In 2018, the male of Lynx pardinus born in the El Acebuche breeding center (in Doñana, Huelva) managed to get from Portugal to Santa Coloma de Cervelló (just 15 minutes from Barcelona), where he was found on a farm after crossing roads , rivers and mountains. It was the first Iberian lynx seen in Catalonia for a century after being declared extinct. Although apart from the striking data, the most interesting thing about his trip, according to the experts, was that it showed that in the future it was possible to create corridors that would connect the po[CENSORED]tions throughout the Peninsula: the next step to prop up the future of a species that It came out of critical danger of extinction in 2015, although it remains threatened. The Sierra de Agramunt, surrounded by municipalities dedicated to the countryside and livestock, is one of the three territories between Catalonia and Aragon in which the PreLynxCatAr preliminary project studies reintroduction. It is the first step before a "still very future", says Plá, released from lynxes, which in any case has to have the support of the local po[CENSORED]tion, highlight its promoters. In this phase, experts study the rabbit po[CENSORED]tion, the cat's livelihood, and risks (such as roads) are assessed. The preliminary project is developed by the CBD-Habitat and Crew Foundation Foundations, and is financed by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition, with support from the Generalitat and the Government of Aragon. In addition to other collaborations such as the Barcelona Zoo, the Lleida Provincial Council, and Trenca. Before the Sierra de Agramunt, the technicians have carried out work in the Alcubierre mountain range (in Los Monegros, Aragón) and in the Mas Melons area, also in Lleida. “Here [in the Sierra de Agramunt], around 22,000 hectares have been surveyed out of a total of 70,000 of the optimal area,” says veterinarian Xavier Rovira, director of the Crew Foundation. This species has been saved thanks to efforts made over 20 years, through funding received by the EU-funded program Life Nature. Currently, the CBD-Habitat foundation is part of the Life Lynx Connect program, endowed with 18.7 million euros in five years, where 21 partners act jointly, between Administrations, NGOs, companies, hunters, whose coordinator is the Junta de Andalucía. In this project, the creation of two new lynx areas is foreseen, one in Lorca (Murcia) and the other in Sierra Arana (Granada). In Valencia, there is another project already started by the Cardenal Herrera University, announced in June and also endorsed by the Government, to study the reintroduction of the animal in that community. "Despite being different projects, they all go along the same line: to be able to unite po[CENSORED]tions with corridors in the future," Pla says. Plá describes why the Lleida area complies with the first parameters that make it an aspiring lynx territory: “the scrubland covers between 30% and 60% of the territory; there are few roads; the minimum density of rabbits is exceeded; open areas for it to hunt… ”, he says in one of his work days, which EL PAÍS attends. A few meters away, his colleague and project technician Antares Bermejo analyzes the terrain. GPS in hand, he travels routes online while counting the number of rabbit latrines in his path. One of the peculiarities of small mammals, he explains, is that they always defecate in the same place to mark territory. “So for each stretch of land with excrement that we find, it is suspected that it belongs to a specimen. Thus, we can know approximately how many there are per hectare ”. The plague of rabbits and its damage to crops are one of the factors that the director of the foundation, Núria El Khadir Palomo, puts in value before the next and "essential" step: convincing the local po[CENSORED]tion, hunters, to farmers, in general to all groups that live in the area, where the plague has become one of the main headaches of the peasants. “It is not true that when you have an emblematic species on your farm, such as the lynx, they will prohibit you from doing activities. Far from that, the lynx, thanks to its function as a superpredator, controls the densities of other carnivores, recovering the balance of the ecosystem favoring other species such as the partridge ”, says El Khadir. The biologist explains that a useful experience is that of farmers and owners from Andalusia and Extremadura who transmit experience and information to colleagues from other territories who may be reluctant at first. "Now that there is so much talk about emptied Spain, the animal values areas in regression", defends El Khadir precisely next to an abandoned farmhouse in the Sierra de Agramunt. Samuel Pla takes advantage of the symbolic place and launches: "Can you imagine that in a few years between these collapsed walls the first lynxes born in Catalonia will be sheltered?". LINK: https://elpais.com/espana/catalunya/2021-10-31/asi-se-busca-el-nuevo-hogar-del-lince-iberico-en-el-norte-de-espana-un-siglo-despues.html
  13. The prototypes of the new Ford Mondeo 2022 have begun to be uncovered in the United States, one of the markets where the model of the brand with the blue oval will be sold. These new spy photos show the aesthetic features of the new saloon more defined, also revealing details of the front and rear. Since last summer we sighted test units of the new Ford Mondeo 2022 in southern Europe, the model of the American firm had disappeared from the roads until today. A new prototype has appeared in the United States, continuing with its set-up but with much less camouflage in tow, revealing details that until now were found under the black tarps that covered the front and rear. The new spy photos reveal a very continuous design in the five-door Mondeo that, this time, appears with a height from the body to the ground more typical of a passenger car than a crossover. One of the first prominent features, such as the remarkable aesthetic influence of the Ford Evos launched in China. And it is that the entire front assembly has been transferred in shape and arrangement directly to the saloon, including the very fine Full LED headlights, with the side tusk and the projectors placed below for the main lighting functions. The new Ford Mondeo 2022 discovers new details in spy photos Even the shape of the grille and the decorative lattice has also been implemented directly without changes. Even at the opposite extreme, the same source of inspiration has also been followed. The rear light clusters go further, combining the Evos' large light bar with typical Mustang styling with luminous claws. The future replacement for the Mondeo also reveals a very sporty sideline, with a curved roof line that slopes gently down from the rear doors or the anchoring of the rear-view mirrors in the door panels. By the way, that the handles have also been recessed into the sheet metal parts. The new model reveals a large glass area. The new model that will replace the Mondeo, of which it is unknown if it will keep the same commercial name or if it will be sold in Europe after the innumerable declarations of those responsible for the brand, so if it is marketed in the Old Continent it will do so in the second half of the year, as the 2023 model. In any case, we know that the new model will be offered primarily with self-recharging hybrid mechanics with the exclusive FHEV technology of the Kuga. LINK: https://www.motor.es/noticias/ford-mondeo-2022-fotos-espia-estados-unidos-202182258.html
  14. So small and so powerful. More and more sophisticated, more and more in demand. We don't usually see them, but they are in the guts of almost all digital products: they are microchips. Without them the manufacturing processes of vehicles, mobile phones, medical equipment, computers, even a simple ball, stop. And that is precisely what is happening. The global shortage of semiconductors has extended in time much longer than anticipated. To this must be added the current moment in which demand is skyrocketing after the stoppage of the COVID-19 pandemic. Factory stoppages The production stoppage caused by the coronoavirus is at the base of the problem. The pandemic coincided with factory closures during lockdown with an explosion in demand for electronic devices. The few microchips that were made in factories in China or Taiwan were for new buyers. With the reopening of factories and increasing demand, especially in the automotive world, the waiting list for chip shipments can be extended by several months. "Right now in Chinese factories there are times each month when they have to stop. In January they are already insisting that these monthly stoppages of the companies are going to be much greater because there is not enough energy to supply the entire industry to the citizens of the country ”, explains the CEO of the Injusa toy industry, Luis Berbegal Pina. The automotive industry, one of the sectors most affected The automotive sector, where Spain is the second largest producer in Europe and eighth in the world, is one of the most affected by the lack of supply of microchips necessary for assembly: from parking sensors to windshield wipers. "A car can have up to 5,000 microchips," says the general director of the Spanish Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (ANFAC), José López Tafall. In the Spanish case, the drop in production is estimated to be around 25% compared to a normal year. This has not yet meant that any plant is closed, but "temporary adjustment measures, such as ERTE, are being applied to reduce shifts or reduce production capacity because there are no inputs," laments López Tafall. "There are vehicles that cannot be finished manufacturing." Virtually all manufacturers have announced work stoppages and are negotiating flexibility and readjustment measures with their unions to avoid further production stoppages. The collapse of ports and containers The container shipping crisis further accentuates the global shortage of microchips. The trade is delayed by the shortage of ships, the collapse in the American ports or the closures of Asian ports due to the delta variant of the coronavirus. Between May and June "there was a stoppage with the closure of the port of Shanghai", recalls the coordinator of the Master of Logistics at ESIC, Antonio Iglesias. "If we add to that the stop of the ship in the Suez Canal, we already have a perfect cocktail that is representing very high increases in freight rates," argues Iglesias. Before COVID, shipping companies used to have weekly departures, now they do so biweekly. Freight forwarding companies such as Operinter, of the Alonso group, with offices all over the world and agreements with the main shipping companies, currently only reserve containers one month in advance. "If before the pandemic a container between China and Spain cost between two thousand and three thousand dollars, now we are talking about 14,000 and 16,000 dollars," explains Pedro Manuel López, CEO of Alonso Frowarding. Something similar happens with the times. “A port operation that would have to be done in one or two days for that ship to unload and load the containers back, has to be in the bay for eight days. That boat can no longer rotate, the rotation is broken, ”argues López. Regarding the lack of containers, the ESIC logistics expert, Antonio Iglesias, points out that "it is not that there is a lack of containers, but that the containers are not in the positions where they should be in order to be loaded." Bid for freight In recent weeks, exporting companies have been forced to bid on freight. Whoever pays the most gets the container. Out-of-stock and delays complicate the “Black Friday” and Christmas campaigns. Especially in the toy and technology sector. Some companies, however, are managing to get around the difficulties. The director of operations of the Korean company LG, Gabriel Mesas, recalls that Korea is one of the countries that manufactures the most chips in the world and “that helps us to have an assured supply. Right now those factories are at full capacity for the Christmas season ”. Given the increase in demand in the market, they have been anticipating for months both in the supply of components and in the reservation of transport for their merchandise. Something that smaller companies cannot guarantee. Companies like LG are looking for alternative routes. Given the lack of transport capacity by ship, air transport and even by train began to increase. Asian hyperdependence This globalization has led western consumer societies to hyper-dependence on the Asian zone due to the relocation of many factories. In many cases, the cost of freight is higher than that of the merchandise, especially in the toy industry where the size of the packages is very large. The decision of Injusa, a family toy company founded in 1947, to implement 100% of the production process in Spain is allowing them to overcome the shortage of components and transportation problems. What they are suffering, like the entire sector, is the increase in prices; both transport and raw material. Part of the price increases that are taking place will have to be transmitted to the market, which means that families will have to pay more for the same products. In such a globalized world, if the supply chain fails, the entire sector fails. Effects of offshoring Mass relocation to third countries in search of cheap labor and higher profitability is taking its toll. In the current scenario of scarcity, increased demand and higher prices, inflation could be entering the system. The European Union seems to be losing the microchip war, but there is still time. Some multinational company has already announced the opening of a semiconductor factory in Europe. Timidly they begin to put in place policies to mobilize the industrial fabric and recover part of the lost technological sovereignty. LINK: https://www.rtve.es/noticias/20211031/informe-semanal-crisis-microchips-materias-primas/2209060.shtml
  15. The Asian manufacturer is becoming a benchmark when it comes to buying a mobile phone. And, the Realme family of smartphones has some very interesting gems. And very soon we will meet the Realme Q3T, a model destined for the mid-range and that points out ways. In this way, Realme is about to launch a new smartphone from its Q series, which has been named Realme Q3T. But before the arrival of this terminal on the market, it has been listed in China Telecom, so the launch will not have much to offer, since its design and technical characteristics have been filtered, as they have collected from GSM Arena. And it is that the China Telecom listing for the Realme Q3T has revealed what its specifications, features, price and first look are. Therefore, we leave you with all the information about the next Realme Q3T. A new mid-range with a knockdown price The new terminal from the Asian firm is a network variant of the well-known Q3s model, and both its characteristics and its specifications are the same. The smartphone has an IPS LCD panel with a diagonal of 6.6 inches, with a hole in the upper left where the front camera is located, which has 16 megapixels. If we look at its back, we can see a camera module with three 48 MP, 2 MP and 2 MP sensors. Inside the Realme Q3T we find an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G SoC, along with 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of internal storage. The dimensions of this smartphone are 164.4 x 75.8 x 8.5 mm, and it has a weight of 199 grams. Regarding its autonomy, say that it has a 5,000 mAh battery and 33 W fast charging support through a USB Type C port. The Realme Q3T does not abandon the 3.5 mm jack output for headphones. Turning now to the price of the new Realme smartphone, say that this has been listed with a price of 1,999 CNY, which would be about 260 euros. This is the cost for the 8GB / 256GB configuration, and there may be other configurations to know, although these have not been listed at the moment. This is all the information that has come to light about the Realme Q3T before the arrival of its market launch. And see if this model will arrive in Spain when it is presented. LINK: https://cincodias.elpais.com/cincodias/2021/10/29/smartphones/1635519753_629654.html
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  16. Adobe's Flash standard has long since disappeared due to, among other things, security issues and vulnerabilities that have been found in recent years. Despite all this, there are still users who use and run this type of component on their computers. It should be borne in mind that in addition to the firm that developed the standard that terminated its project, many others have been blocking this content for a long time. But as is often the case in many areas of software, users do not give up. What we mean by this is that there are some who still use these files despite their potential danger. A clear example of all this is found with the files in SWF format that still run freely on the internet. Depending on the type of use we do, these can still be useful or interesting for some people. However, in case of need, it is recommended that we take some precautions to avoid security problems such as those seen in the past. This is precisely what we want to talk about next and thus prevent the data stored on our computer from being in danger. Use virtual machines to open SWF One of the best solutions that we can use, not only to use Flash content, but for multiple dangerous tasks, these are virtual machines. Thanks to programs like VirtualBox and the like, we have the possibility to install different operating systems in a virtual way and use them in a conventional way. This way everything we do here, including playing and running potentially dangerous software, won't affect the rest of the main operating system. Therefore, if we want to continue working with files in SWF format and other content of the Adobe standard without risks, a virtual machine can be very helpful. Run the Flash Ruffle emulator in 2021 In the same way, we have the possibility of installing a simulator on our computer to execute this type of content that we are talking about. A clear example of all this and known to many is the solution called Ruffle. Here we find a multiplatform Flash Player emulator that we can use in modern browsers using WebAssembly. It takes advantage of the security of the isolated environments of these browsers to avoid all kinds of malicious code and security problems for which Flash was so famous. Take advantage of the SWF File Player program There is also a program specially indicated for this type of reproductions that we previously installed on our Windows PC. Specifically, we refer to the so-called SWF File Player that allows us to run these flash content that we are talking about in these lines. Specifically, we are talking about a free application that requires the .NET Framework and Shockwave Flash Object to work with which we can easily open SWF files. This is something that we carry out from its menus or by dragging these contents to its interface. It works quite smoothly and can work with both original and compressed SWFs. Thanks to this software solution, we will be able to continue using these Flash files without any problem on our computer. All this despite the fact that the standard has already been finalized by its developer firm. LINK: https://www.softzone.es/noticias/programas/ejecuta-swf-flash-seguridad-soluciones/
  17. When not even the AMD CPUs based on Zen 4 are a reality beyond the paper it is at least surprising that details and rumors appear about the AMD EPYC Turin based on Zen 5 cores, but this has been in the last hours, already that new information has been offered about these processors. Let's see its plausibility. Although we know little about Zen 5 and the Ryzen, Threadripper and EPYC processors that AMD will launch under this architecture this does not mean that those of Lisa Su are not working on it, with Zen 4 already in the final phases of the design it is normal that the fifth generation architecture is also quite advanced. AMD EPYC Zen 5 will use the SP5 socket Socket SP5 will be used for the first time by AMD EPYCs based on Zen 4, with Genoa being the first model to launch with 96 cores and Bergamo second with 128 cores. Well, the AMD EPYC Turin will also use the same socket. According to rumors, this processor will have a maximum consumption of 600 W and therefore will use the Socket SP5 of type E that allows up to 700 W of consumption. From recently leaked details we know that it is a CPU socket of the LGA type with 6096 pins. Apparently the new socket can reach its maximum consumption for 1 millisecond of time and 440 W for a period of 10 ms. Another detail that has been leaked about the new socket and specifically the chipset with which it will be compatible is that the AMD server CPUs based on Zen 4 will use DDR5-5200 memory interfaces, but the AMD EPYC will increase the speed to DDR5 -6400. It is also rumored that we could see the implementation of PCI Express 6.0 interfaces for the first time. New details of the Zen 5 cores If the socket of the AMD EPYC Turin is the same as that of its predecessors as well as that of the EPYC processors based on Zen 3 use the same as Zen 2 then at first glance the Zen 4 and Zen 5 processors should look the same in what a size and the amount of CCD chiplets in them. We have more than confirmed that each CCD chiplet of the Zen 4 architecture will use an 8-core configuration as in the current Zen 3. So we are talking about designs of 12 CCD chiplets for Genoa and its 96 cores and 16 for Bergamo and its figure of 128 Cores. Of course, this conflicts with the information that the insiders have just given, where they talk about designs with twice the number of cores, since the AMD EPYC Turin based on Zen 5 will have configurations with a greater number of cores than those of 4th generation: 192 with 384 threads and 256 with 512 threads. According to rumors, the Zen 5 CCD Chiplets will be manufactured under TSMC's 3 nm node, which has a density 1.6 times its 5 nm node, so by eliminating redundancies it would be possible to place twice as many cores, but we We can forget about the interface to communicate the 16 cores, which would be extremely complex, so we should not rule out an intermediate node such as N4 or N4P. Another detail that has been revealed is that Zen 5 will make use of the V-Cache in all its designs, something that by the way we do not know if Zen 4 will implement it as standard as a measure to increase its performance. In any case, it is proven that increasing the amount of L3 cache increases the IPC considerably. AMD may completely separate the L3 cache from the rest on the Zen 5 cores to reduce its size. Heterogeneous cores in Zen 5? What is the other possibility? We know that AMD has published a patent for the use of heterogeneous cores and that it could see the light at least in Zen 5. So AMD could adopt the same strategy that Intel has just adopted and therefore half of the cores will be smaller size. The difference with Intel's approach? All cores would support multithreading and not just high-performance ones, but this is not something we can confirm. One thing that rules out this approach is that in the case of the AMD EPYC Turin we are talking about a processor for servers where the use of highly energy efficient cores does not usually occur, in any case AMD's approach to a hybrid configuration does not it has to be totally the same as Intel. LINK: https://hardzone.es/noticias/procesadores/amd-epyc-turin-256-nucleos/
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  18. ¤ Nickname: @MussicOnPro! ¤ Video author: Apex Legends ¤ Name of the game: Apex Legends ¤ Video link:
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  19. The pandemic has caused many establishments to adapt to digital payments. The pandemic has caused many business establishments to acquire new methods of conducting business transactions. Among the most used options are digital payments, because they facilitate processes, prevent the customer from handling cash, and even, in some cases, do not require direct contact between the buyer and the seller. With a public-private partnership, medium, small and micro tourism entrepreneurs will have access to digital payment tools According to a study carried out by the consultancy Advanced, last August, this type of payment also promoted the use of digital methods to carry out tourism in the country and businesses are progressively adapting to the increase in digital payments. According to the investigation, those same businesses indicate that 68.1 percent of sales revenue is channeled through this channel. In addition, the rest of the travel arrangements can also be carried out digitally such as reservation, luggage registration, reservation of PCR tests, among others. The trend towards digital payments in Latin America grew with the pandemic Data from the payment platform PayPhone Ecuador indicate that although the digital transformation in business during 2020 was very significant, it occurred mainly in tourist establishments (hotels, restaurants, rental services or rental of marine or extreme sports equipment). “Digital payment methods are a key ally for the reactivation of national tourism thanks to the benefits it provides, among the most representative are speed, security and comfort. Three basic factors in the new normal, especially in security matters, since they facilitate most procedures through virtual platforms. In the case of collections and payments, comfort and ease have been key, which is why more and more hotels, restaurants and travel agencies have integrated this option into their processes ”, commented Juan José Espinoza, general manager of PayPhone Ecuador. Ecuadorian payment platform reaches Panama, Peru and the United States This company indicates that, for example, it obtained an increase of 302% in tourist establishments registered in its application, compared to 2019. On the other hand, so far in 2021 there is an increase in users in this sector of 140%. They also mention that according to their statistics, several tourist businesses in 199 cantons of the country currently use digital payment methods. This represents 14% of the total of the businesses registered in its application, concentrating the majority of users in Guayas, Pichincha, Santa Elena, Azuay, Napo and Pastaza. LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/economia/el-uso-de-pagos-digitales-se-incrementa-en-el-ecuador-y-de-forma-particular-en-el-sector-turistico-segun-compania-nota/
  20. Finding a furry friend who can be next to someone during their golden years can be a rewarding experience. One of the main benefits of having a dog as a pet at this stage is its important role against loneliness. According to the Royal Canine Society of Spain (RSCE), for people who live alone they can become a fundamental pillar. "Being accompanied reduces anxiety and stress and can even delay the onset of neurological and degenerative diseases", explains the institution. Having a dog is a great decision, since you have to take into account that you are in the capacity to care for one. The best dogs for seniors vary based on the health and preferences of each adult. Some older people are more active and prefer larger dog breeds that can run, while older people with medical conditions may prefer dogs that tend to snuggle up on the couch. In general, the best dog breeds for seniors are small in size and have moderate energy levels. Here are some of the best dog breeds to keep seniors company: Poodle The poodle is a highly intelligent dog that is easy to train and eager to express affection. This breed of dog does not require a lot of exercise, a solid walk per day is sufficient. They are happy to rest and snuggle. Unlike other dog breeds, they form strong bonds with various members of the family. Poodles are ideal for older couples as they are friendly and affectionate. Beagle Beagles are active dogs that love to be outdoors. They require a significant amount of exercise and are prone to chasing squirrels and other small critters. They are best for seniors who want an energetic dog, and they do best in homes with fenced yards or when they have a long leash. They are ruled by their noses, they were bred as hunting dogs after all, so expect to stop often when you go for a walk. Energetic and sociable, these dogs love to be around people. They do well with young children thanks to their calm nature. They like to cuddle, but tend to bond better when allowed to play. Maltese These adorable dogs were specifically bred to be companions. Loyal, sweet, calm and adaptable, it is not difficult for a Maltese to quickly become the best four-legged friend of the elderly. Although they love to follow their owners, all they really need for their health are short, easy walks. Averaging 4 to 7 pounds, Maltese are easily transportable too (which is good since Maltese don't like being left alone too long). Their small size also makes them very suitable for apartments or houses with limited space. Shih Tzu Shih Tzus bond with humans very quickly, making them great options for seniors looking for a close canine companion. With an average weight of between 9 and 16 pounds, Shih Tzus, known for their long coats, have a lot of personality in their small frame. They are a confident, carefree and somewhat stubborn breed. But they are less demanding and bark less than other smaller toy dogs, making them a good choice for seniors who live in apartments. Miniature schnauzer Miniature schnauzers are one of the most adaptable dog breeds. Originally bred as farm dogs in Germany, Miniature Schnauzers are just as content living in an assisted living facility as they are roaming outdoors. Small, stocky, hypoallergenic, and affectionate, miniature schnauzers are great with, say, rambunctious grandchildren. And their tranquility, and their attunement to human moods, makes them excellent therapy animals. LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/larevista/sociedad/las-mejores-razas-de-perro-para-personas-mayores-nota/
  21. Nissan has decided to expand the range of its renewed compact SUV with a very interesting version. The new Nissan Qashqai N-GO bursts onto the scene and does so accompanied by a long list of equipment and, just as important, it sports the ECO label. You already have prices and are ready for your assault on Spanish dealerships. The new Nissan Qashqai is now available at Spanish dealers. The new generation of Nissan's po[CENSORED]r compact SUV has burst onto the scene with many important new features. The Japanese manufacturer is determined to continue boosting the sales of its SUV to consolidate it as one of the great references in its competitive category. And for this, it has introduced a new version. Everything is ready for the arrival of the new Nissan Qashqai N-GO. A version that is set to play a leading role in the range that, to date, consisted of Visia, Acenta, N-Connecta, Tekna and Tekna + trim levels. The equipment of the new Nissan Qashqai N-GO The determining key of the new N-GO version that lands in the Qashqai range is, without a doubt, its relationship between equipment and price. It has a large endowment. Especially in terms of comfort and safety. Let's go into detail and list the most outstanding standard equipment of the Qashqai N-GO that will soon make an appearance in the brand's configurator: 18-inch light-alloy wheels Full LED headlights LED taillights LED lights for daytime driving Front center armrest Rear armrest Height adjustable front seats Driver's seat with power lumbar adjustment Ambient lighting system Fabric upholstery Multiple airbags (front, side and curtain) and front center airbag Lane Departure Warning Hill start assistant Adaptive cruise control and speed limiter Active light control Active Lane Keeping Assist Traffic sign recognition Automatic lights and rain sensor Overtaking sensor Front and rear parking sensors Bluetooth Front and rear USB connection Front AUX connection 9-inch touchscreen browser Digital radio and WiFi access point Android Auto and Apple CarPlay 360º vision camera Two-zone climate control Power windows Keyless start and access system Interior rear view mirror with automatic anti-dazzle function Heated and electrically adjustable and folding exterior rear view mirrors Multifunction steering wheel covered in synthetic leather and adjustable in height and depth LINK: https://www.motor.es/noticias/precio-nissan-qashqai-n-go-202182035.html
  22. The climate summit will be held between October 31 and November 12, and it is expected to start commitments in greenhouse gas emissions to limit the thermal rise. From this October 31 until November 12, COP26 will be held in the Scottish city of Glasgow, the international climate summit that will have as its main objective to reduce greenhouse emissions so that the temperature does not rise more than 1.5 degrees by 2050. Known as climate summits, COPs or Conferences of the Parties, they constitute the highest-level political forum to address the climate crisis. The president-designate of COP26, Alok Sharma, has explained that "the main objective of COP26 is" to limit the thermal rise to 1.5 degrees "and, for this," scientific data indicates that we will have to produce less carbon than what we get out of the atmosphere ", something known as" net zero ", for the second half of the century. It is estimated that to meet the targets, developed countries will need to raise at least $ 100 billion in climate finance every year Why 1.5 degrees? With 2 degrees of global warming, the impact on people and nature would be widespread and serious. Almost all warm-water coral reefs would disappear and Arctic sea ice would completely melt at least one summer every decade, with a devastating impact on wildlife and the communities that depend on it due to rising sea levels. . On the other hand, if the ascent were limited to 1.5 degrees, the impact would be serious, but less severe. There would be less risk of food and water shortages and endangered species would be reduced. The threat to human health from air pollution, disease, malnutrition and exposure to extreme heat would also be less. Absences Although the majority of countries will have representation of the highest rank at the conference, some absences are noteworthy. This Wednesday the Kremlin reported that the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, will not attend COP26, nor will he attend the G20 summit scheduled for the end of the month in Rome, but will intervene in both events by telematic means. The same happens with the most populous country in the world, and by far the most polluting: China, whose president Xi Jinping has already confirmed that he will not travel and that his special envoy, Xie Zenhua, will do so in his place, at the head of his delegation, although he has also announced that he will participate with a videoconference. It is not yet known what will happen to India, especially po[CENSORED]ted - Chinese and Indians make up about a third of the world po[CENSORED]tion, today - and with important environmental problems, because its prime minister, Narendra Modi, has not yet confirmed whether it will be will displace the Scottish town. Other notable absences already confirmed are those of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, Mexican Andrés Manuel López Obrador or South African Cyril Ramaphosa. Although perhaps the greatest expectations have been generated by US President Joe Biden, who will attend, and who embraced environmentalism as one of his main political banners when taking office, announcing that he would officially return the United States to the Paris Agreement, from the which was released by his predecessor Donald Trump. Paris Agreement This COP26 comes 6 years after COP21 in which the Paris Agreement was signed. Scientists admit that it is a "bittersweet" agreement, because although "it was possible to sign the objective of not exceeding a thermal rise of 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial levels", the agreement "was not binding and did not contemplate legal repercussions. for countries that did not fulfill their promises ", laments the CSIC researcher Fernando Valladares. In addition, the most polluting economy, China, "put itself in profile at COP25 in Madrid" and will not be in Glasgow either, an absence that "expresses how a priority climate change is for its leaders." Despite this, the scientist explains that "China currently has a verifiable and realistic neutrality calendar for 2060" and although "it wants to make the transition to cleaner energies", in parallel "it has invested significant sums in coal", something that it will pay off in the coming years with a large emissions footprint. " Euskadi will defend the role of the regions The Basque Government will participate in the United Nations World Conference, where it will defend the role of institutions and regions in climate action. The Minister of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment of the Executive of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Arantxa Tapia, will be in Glasgow from November 4 to 8, where she will participate in various events on industry, energy and biodiversity. The Basque Government recalled this Friday that COP 26 is emerging as the most important event since the Paris Summit in 2015 and will involve the "review of the progress made by the countries", five years after that agreement. Now it is hoped "to set new, more ambitious goals to stop global warming, not only in terms of reducing emissions, but also in adapting and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change." Sánchez, first to intervene The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, will be the first leader who, after the official inauguration, speaks before the plenary of the climate summit. Sánchez, according to Moncloa sources, will make a wake-up call at the summit to take the fight against climate change seriously because he will highlight that the experts' reports show that not everything is being done as it should. In the same way, it will emphasize the need that, together with public financing to undertake this fight, the presence of private actors is necessary as well as social support. EITB tracking Within the framework of the #EKIN_klima campaign launched by EITB on the occasion of the climate emergency and the COP26 world summit, this Saturday Hodei Arrausi begins his trip to Glasgow, under the slogan '0 emissions'. Arrausi will make a daily chronicle of the journey in the ETB news, and also in programs, radio and on the web. On this map you can follow the route day by day. eitb.eus hosts the special website eitb.eus/klima, which contains all the content related to the #EKIN_klima campaign and information on the Glasgow COP26 summit. LINK: https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/internacional/detalle/8417121/el-cero-neto-y-ascenso-de-temperatura-de-1-5-grados-objetivos-de-cop26/
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  24. Pedro Sánchez considers the crisis of the last week of the coalition settled, the hardest since Yolanda Díaz succeeded Pablo Iglesias as vice president and at the head of United We Can. The president and La Moncloa, through the distributed images of Díaz and Nadia Calviño walking together through Trujillo during the Spanish-Portuguese summit in the Extremaduran city, want to leave behind the tension of recent days. La Moncloa has absolutely controlled those images of the two vice presidents because the press could not access the greetings or the walks, contrary to what is usual. Even so, the swords remain high and now the most difficult thing comes: agreeing on the content of the labor reform in this final stretch of the negotiation. Sánchez has absolutely minimized the problems in the joint press conference with Antonio Costa, the Portuguese president - who has refused to talk about his own internal crisis, which is about to end in elections - but has wanted to make it clear that the labor reform is he will do yes or yes, because it is a government commitment and also because it is necessary, in his opinion, to reverse many of the problems caused by the 2012 PP reform, which was carried out without an agreement with the unions. "This is a government that fulfills its commitments," Sánchez started. “We said we were going to raise the SMI [minimum interprofessional wage], and we did it. We also promised the euthanasia law, the educational law, or to carry out mechanisms such as ERTE, and we did. We are a government that complies. [With the labor reform] I assumed a commitment in the investiture, another in the coalition agreement, and another with the European Commission ”, he declared. Afterwards, he also explained that he understands that it is not only a matter of commitments, but that he considers it a necessity: “It is also that [the labor reform] is necessary in two areas. It is very important that we recover the consensus that was broken in 2012 with the counter-reform of the PP. We are called to rebuild that consensus. I would like to recall that the Government has reached 12 agreements in the midst of a pandemic [with employers and unions]. Therefore, the will of the Government to agree is unequivocal. The government will honor its commitments. We have to modernize labor standards ”, insisted the president. This mention of the consensus is important, because at this moment the employers are saying that as the draft is, they are very far from entering into that agreement because they believe that the Labor proposal is too close to the positions of the unions. From United We Can they want to try to convince the employers, but for them it would not be so serious to approve a reform without the employers in the same way that the PP approved it without the unions. However, the PSOE does seem willing to give more to incorporate the employers, and around this idea of a deeper or softer reform will move the discussion between Labor and Economy or what is the same, between Díaz and Calviño and his teams, now that they will both be in the negotiation. Sánchez has not wanted to make clear what he intends to do on key issues such as collective bargaining, with the prevalence of company agreements over sectorial ones, which is one of the most sensitive issues, or ultra-activity, that is, the validity of the agreements when its sti[CENSORED]ted duration is over. “These issues are part of the roadmap and will be put in place when they have to be addressed. We will do everything with coordination, the maximum dialogue and the maximum consensus for the modernization of the labor market ”, Sánchez has limited himself to pointing out. LINK: https://elpais.com/espana/2021-10-28/sanchez-cumpliremos-el-compromiso-con-la-reforma-laboral-es-necesaria-la-haremos-con-consenso.html
  25. Brigades of Rural Agents mobilized. Monitoring and surveillance. Drones Anesthetizing darts and even the support of a helicopter. The operation to capture fourteen calves that escaped three weeks ago from a farm in Algerri (Lleida) does not repair the media. The objective is to intercept them as soon as possible the better and prevent them from continuing to roam freely, because the steers, specimens weighing about 400 kilos, devour everything that comes their way. Farmers in the area have warned of the damage caused by the free mobility of the bovine herd. The cornfields have become the safe haven for escaped animals. Among the tall bushes of panizo they find shelter from their pursuers, while they satisfy their appetite. Beyond damage to crops, calves pose a risk to circulation if they roam any road. After more than two weeks trying to track them, and putting feed and salt baits to attract them, the Rural Agents have mobilized drones this week to carry out an aerial search. From the air, the hiding place of the calves was uncovered and this Monday three of the escaped animals were isolated. Anesthetizing darts were fired at them to sedate them and to facilitate their capture. They then proceeded to return them to the farm from which they had escaped. Given the high weight of each animal, it was decided to cage them in nets and transport them to the farm, pulled by a helicopter. The search operation is still open, because there are still eleven escaped animals. LINK: https://elpais.com/espana/catalunya/2021-10-27/rescate-en-helicoptero-de-tres-becerros-fugados-en-lleida.html


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