Everything posted by MussicOnPro!
There is no doubt that the Bugatti Chiron has been a worthy replacement for the old Veyron. Its engineers acknowledge that the first model was never an example of design, but rather was a demonstration of the French firm's capabilities. Today, Molsheim warns that the limit of the planned 500 units is so close, that there are hardly any units available. The end of production of the exclusive Bugatti Chiron is closer than we thought. The French firm planned a maximum production of 500 units, counting among these five hundred also the special editions that have been manufactured, so the limit is more than close. The brand has issued an advisory to lagging potential customers to place their orders because there are so few units available. The second Bugatti model was previewed at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show, and just a year and a half later, there had already been 300 firm orders for the French hypercar, so between mid-2017 and early 2018 there were only 200 left. Units available. The brand recognizes that, in this quarter of this year, it has received a veritable flood of orders, despite the economic damage caused by COVID-19. Bugatti Chiron customers have no crisis, only 40 units available In fact, Bugatti officials have described this penultimate quarter as a record, with a large part of the orders coming from the United States. And in the global calculation of the sales of the model around the world to date, the New Continent is the best customer of the 1,500 hp model. The recent injection of orders has pushed planned production to the limit, leaving only 40 units available of the Chiron Pur Sport and Chiron Super Sport, with the Chiron and Chiron Sport being sold out. The Veyron replacement was presented with a completely new design, more modern but just as aggressive and sporty, with truly record-breaking performance: its powerful 8.0-liter 16-cylinder W engine with four turbochargers managed to reach a maximum power figure of 1,500 hp and 1,600 Nm. Some numbers with which the benefits are of real heart attack, because from zero to 100 km / h it takes only 2.4 seconds, 6.1 seconds to 200 km / h, and little more than double until 300 km / h, with 13.1 seconds. The Chiron Pur Sport pushes these figures further to the limit, setting a record on the Nürburgring as one of the fastest production models in the world. With 50 kilograms less and a specific aerodynamic configuration thanks to a 1.90 meter spoiler, which gives it a brutal rear image, some modifications to the propeller made the Super Sport produce a hundred more horses - 1,600 hp - and reach a reach top speed of 440 km / h. It is time to think of his replacement who, now with Rimac, can become a real beast ... LINK: https://www.motor.es/noticias/bugatti-chiron-produccion-limite-202182219.html
The Algerian Government remains firm in its commitment to guarantee the supply of natural gas in the terms already established and is prepared to increase export volumes in the event that Spain requests an increase in this offer, the Spanish third vice president and minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera. "The full guarantee has been made explicit with respect to the volumes agreed today," said Ribera, while also referring to the way in which to satisfy a possible greater demand from Spain, if necessary. . The third vice president of the Spanish Government traveled to Algeria today to strengthen bilateral relations, four days before the expiration of the contract for the supply of gas through the Maghreb-Europe Gas Pipeline (GME), one of the two that supplied Spain already Europe, as well as to continue collaboration with that country in all energy sectors. Ribera, who has interviewed the Algerian Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamad Arkab, has referred to the fact that there is "a capital commercial relationship for the well-being of Spanish society with respect to the supply of gas, capital from the point of view of planning, good management, of resources, obviously including the exploitation and export of natural gas from Algeria ". Likewise, he explained that the way to satisfy an eventual greater demand from Spain has also been addressed. "The minister has explained to us how to undertake this gas transportation through the Medgaz gas pipeline, given that the contractual relationship with the Maghreb gas pipeline expires on October 31," said the third vice president of the Spanish Government. Uncertainty about the supply of Algerian gas, key for Spanish and European industry, had grown since last August Algeria broke diplomatic relations with Morocco and announced its decision not to use the Maghreb Europe Gas Pipeline (GME), which is born in the desert. Algerian and arrives in Spain through Morocco, once the contract expires on October 31. LINK: https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/economia/detalle/8412811/argelia-asegura-suministro-de-gas-a-espana/
On Monday they do my second covid-19 test. I am anxious I hope everything goes well 😞
The president of the PP and leader of the opposition, Pablo Casado, affirmed this Monday during an interview on Onda Cero that his party and the Government have not "begun to talk about names" for the renewal of the constitutional bodies that have committed to agree; among them, the Constitutional Court. However, Casado has indicated that he hopes that this week "names can be put on the table", and has defended that these are not "politicians in office or who have just left" a political position, with express mention of the Constitutional Court and before the possible candidacy of former Minister of Justice Juan Carlos Campo. Last Thursday and just 24 hours after the PP offered to unblock the negotiations on the institutions with the expired mandate (except that of the General Council of the Judicial Power), the first major agreement was reached with the Executive: the renewal of the Constitutional Court, The Court of Accounts, the Ombudsman and the Data Protection Agency. The General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) has been left out of the agreement because the PP refuses to address this negotiation if there is not a commitment to change the law so that it is the judges, and not Parliament, who directly elect its members . Casado insisted today on that demand: "If Pedro Sánchez agrees to modify the law, there will be a renewal of the CGPJ." In the current system of election, it is the legislative chambers that designate the 20 members of the judges' government, although 12 of those members are chosen from among the names proposed by the judges themselves. The po[CENSORED]r leader considers that he cannot agree to renew that body (which has been in office for almost three years, and with a relationship of forces that corresponds to when the PP ruled with a majority) if there is "a perception of politicization" and the method designation is not in line with what Europe is asking for. Regarding the Constitutional Court, on the other hand, Casado has defended the relevance of the executive and legislative powers intervening in the election because “it is not a judicial body” but a “political one”; although he went on to clarify that he did not mean that it is at the service of the political parties, but rather that it is not a strictly judicial body but one of constitutional guarantees. Regarding why the PP did not change the system for the CGPJ when they governed with an absolute majority, he stated: “I am elected by primaries in my party with a mandate and with a program that I have to fulfill. And I am the first to praise what Mr. Aznar and Mr. Rajoy did. They made a reform that went further in the depoliticization, but it did not reach the maximum ”. Casado has stated that the PP can reach other political agreements with Sánchez, but if he makes a “turn to moderation”: “Let him say that tomorrow he breaks with Podemos, that tomorrow he breaks with the independentists and that he refuses to agree with Bildu, and the Po[CENSORED]r Party will be there ”, he said. In his opinion, the intention expressed by Pedro Sánchez at the 40th congress of the PSOE, held this weekend, to abolish the PP labor reform and what is known as the gag law does not make it "more moderate or more social democratic", but "more radical". A response to the main slogan of the socialists during the convention, which has been, precisely, the demand of social democracy. On the image of unity that the PSOE has projected, the po[CENSORED]r leader has affirmed: "It seems to me very good that the heads that he had hanging on his fireplace now applaud him, but the PP is not his comparsa." Finally, Casado has closed the door to a possible constitutional reform: "As we now open the Constitution, with which Catalonia is falling, we will be making a mistake." This same Thursday morning, Pedro Sánchez has defended his will to reform it in an interview on Cadena SER, but he has rejected it for not having the agreement of the Po[CENSORED]r Party, whose votes are necessary to exceed the required qualified majority. Abortion law The PP leader has also referred to his position on abortion, although he still does not fully clarify it. Casado has stated that he will wait for the Constitutional Court to rule on the appeal that the PP has filed against the current deadline law, and meanwhile ―if it reaches the Government― it will approve a “maternity” law, “so that there are measures prosecutors, work-life balance, housing, that help women to be mothers ”. “Until the Constitutional Court does not resolve the use of abortion or euthanasia, we are going to put laws that help what really matters to us, which is that in Spain there is a very large demographic deficit and that is what interests us , that people can have children, and whoever does it with public aid ”. These are "measures that are not criminal, are not punitive," he specified. Official sources of the PP assured EL PAÍS days ago that the party plans, if it reaches La Moncloa, to repeal the current abortion law, although it receives the endorsement of the Constitutional Court. "Whether the court says one thing or the other, when we get to the government we are going to promote an alternative law," said those sources. From the leadership of the PP they stressed that they will replace "the radical laws of Sánchez by positive laws", and that will be so "whatever the Constitutional Court says", with an action "in parallel". Casado has specified this Thursday that he will wait for the Constitutional Court to resolve his appeal, but does not clarify what he will do after the judicial decision. LINK: https://elpais.com/espana/2021-10-18/pablo-casado-sobre-la-renovacion-institucional-no-hemos-empezado-a-hablar-de-nombres.html
Like us, many animals experience feelings and emotions that we can easily recognize in species with which we share millions of years of evolution (like many primates) or thousands of years of living together (like cats and dogs). Such recognition generates empathy, hence many people seek the best luck of the animals in which they recognize themselves. In society, this claim must be given the form of regulations. In this sense, it is to be applauded that the Government of Spain works to promote animal welfare. However, the Draft Law on the Protection and Rights of Animals, recently released by the General Directorate of Animal Rights of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, seems to us, despite its intention, deeply misguided and erroneous . The presented text attempts to regulate a complex and diverse range of situations based on the welfare objectives of a few species, mainly cats, dogs and horses. This, and the confusing and careless use it makes of the terms "animal" (which it does not define), "companion animal" and "domestic animal", leads to numerous absurdities and contradictions. For example, in its current wording, Article 70 would prohibit filming nature documentaries that show the suffering of any of the main animals (something common in practically all documentaries); Or, what is more striking, 83 would impose fines of between 100,000 and 600,000 euros for intentionally killing "an animal", ignoring that many animals, such as rats, mosquitoes or intestinal parasites, without going any further, are usually lethally controlled. In its eagerness to cover, the draft conflicts with Spanish and European regulations and strategies for the conservation of biodiversity. For example, it is expected to generate a list of species that may be companion animals (positive list), informed by a Scientific and Technical Committee for Animal Protection. This invades the scope of Royal Decree 630/2013 that regulates the Spanish Catalog of Invasive Exotic Species, in turn informed by a Scientific Committee that advises the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. On the other hand, the text of the preliminary draft prohibits on several occasions the activities of control and eradication of invasive species that imply the death of animals, which collides with various programs protected by the aforementioned Royal Decree, and directly violates Union directives European that are mandatory The draft also regulates the possession and reproduction of exotic species in captivity, which would undoubtedly pose a serious risk to many wild po[CENSORED]tions. To take a close example, no one is hidden from the deep-rooted custom of keeping ornamental and exotic birds in cage. In 2017, some 49 million of these birds were estimated in captivity in the EU and recently about seven million, belonging to a thousand different species, in Spain. What perhaps very few readers know, and of course the drafters of the draft seem to ignore, is that while caging a bird captured in the wild is suffering, this is not the case for a specimen born in captivity. The “natural” habitat for canaries or parrots that we see today is the cage where they were born. In fact, if they escape or are released, their destiny is almost always death, because they do not know how to adapt to the state of freedom. Fortunately, the EU prohibited in 2005 (EC Regulation No. 318/2007) the importation of wild birds for health reasons, a prohibition that was later reinforced by Spain to prevent biological invasions (RD 1628/2011). The society responded positively by reproducing exotic birds in captivity and creating, in a collateral way, an effective conservation tool that goes beyond our borders. In Spain, and the EU as a whole, we have not only avoided the importation of millions of wild-caught birds by supplying ourselves with specimens born in captivity, but we have also become the main exporters to other countries, thus reducing the danger. extinction of many species due to the global trade in wild individuals. Limiting captive breeding of these species, practiced by more than a million Spaniards, to the point of impossible, would not only have a strong economic and social impact in our country, but would also represent a serious step backwards for the global conservation of birds. . In the drafting of the preliminary draft, numerous other scientific studies that indicate harmful social effects and on the conservation of wild fauna have not been taken into account in the event that their proposals were carried out. This is the case with the special attention (an exclusive chapter and numerous articles) that the text pays for what it calls feline colonies. These groups of domestic cats occur in places with an abundance of food, generally provided by people considered in the text as "caretakers" of the colonies. The availability of food does not make those colonial cats in good condition. In fact, they are in worse physical shape and live on average less than solitary stray cats (and of course, much less and much worse than house cats). But whatever their condition and way of life, cats do not stop hunting. Cats kill huge numbers of animals. In 2013 it was estimated that each year, in the United States alone, about 2.5 billion birds and more than 12 billion mammals die in the jaws of cats. These figures exceed those of animals hunted by humans and those estimated to be run over by road traffic. The impact of cats is also very important on reptile po[CENSORED]tions, being one of the main threats to endangered species, such as giant lizards and other canarian reptiles. Cats are also potential vectors of diseases that can pass to people (toxoplasmosis and other parasites) and to wildlife, as demonstrated by the feline leukemia outbreak that almost wiped out the Doñana Iberian lynx po[CENSORED]tion in 2007. The feline colonies, where cats do not live following the social organization of these felines, since they are found in abnormally high densities and interact intensely, they function as centers of contagion and spread of these diseases. We believe that the intention of the bill to inventory and maintain the cat colonies and the number of individuals that occupy them (at the expense of municipal budgets) in the long term is meaningless. We understand and share the sensitivity that these animals generate and the desire that management actions consider the well-being of each individual. But the objective must be to reduce to the minimum possible and in the short term the number of domestic cats that live in freedom in our cities and fields (and that of dogs, by the way). The draft also clashes with biodiversity conservation strategies when it is limited to the area that should be its competence, such as domestic animals owned by a person. This is the case with working dogs and the coexistence between wolf and cattle, for example. Mastiffs have historically been a fundamental tool for the protection of extensive livestock against large predators. For the mastiffs to have the impulse to protect the cattle, they must be raised with it, from puppies, and for the protection to be effective they must always remain with the cattle. Current regulations do not assign a special category to these working dogs, which is already causing problems for breeders who use mastiffs. But the situation will become untenable if the bill, which imposes a minimum age for canine work (18 months) and a maximum time of solitude (without a human) of the dog of 24 hours, is successful. Prohibiting farmers from accessing one of the best protection tools against predation can lead to increased rejection of the wolf. Halting the loss of biodiversity is a relevant objective of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. No matter how noble the purpose, ensuring the well-being of a few nearby animals cannot be done at the cost of the suffering of a multitude of animals that we do not see or with whom we do not empathize, much less the deterioration of the biodiversity necessary for the survival of all. What is exposed here are just a few examples. We believe that the draft law made public by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 should be withdrawn, as it collides with numerous regulations in force and prevents harmonizing the welfare of domestic animals with the conservation of biodiversity. It is necessary to work on a new proposal clearly focused on domestic pets, and to do so with the critical support of experts in wildlife conservation. LINK: https://elpais.com/clima-y-medio-ambiente/2021-10-16/derechos-de-los-animales-y-conservacion-de-la-biodiversidad.html
The Cape Verdean authorities extradited Alex Saab to the United States this Saturday, an alleged front man of Maduro and accused by Washington of laundering 295 million euros to pay for corruption of the president through the US financial system. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has accused the United States of giving "a fatal stab" to Mexico's dialogue between the government and the Venezuelan opposition with the extradition of Alex Saab from Cape Verde, accused of being the front man of the Venezuelan leader. "The Government of the United States knew that by kidnapping Alex Saab, a member of the Mexican dialogue commission, it was putting a fatal stab at the dialogues and negotiations in Mexico (...) (the United States) does not want dialogue, they do not want peace for Venezuela, they do not want democracy and progress for Venezuela, "criticized President Maduro in a speech broadcast on the VTV network. Maduro has defended that the Economic Community of West African States (CEDAO) had ruled on two occasions that Saab "was innocent and should be acquitted", as well as the "prohibition of his extradition." "The corrupt, peddlers, dragged by the president, prime minister and magistrates of the Constitutional Court of Cape Verde dragged themselves and did not comply with the sentence, and took him away without an arrest warrant," the Venezuelan president denounced. This is why Maduro has defended that the situation with Saab represents "a very serious kidnapping" for international law and has pointed out that Venezuelan institutions should go "to all instances, with great force, to denounce (the facts)." "We must continue our battle for truth and justice against US imperialism," he has settled. For their part, hundreds of Venezuelans have demonstrated this Sunday in the capital, Caracas, to protest against the extradition of the diplomat. The Cape Verdean authorities extradited to the United States this Saturday Saab, an alleged front man of Maduro and accused by Washington of laundering 350 million dollars - 295 million euros - to pay for corruption of the president through the US financial system. Saab was arrested in June 2020 when he was making a refueling stop on a Cape Verdean island, a country that has approved his extradition to the United States. Given this, the Maduro government announced the suspension of its participation in the dialogue with the Venezuelan opposition in Mexico City. For their part, both the Venezuelan opposition and the Government of Norway, facilitator of the negotiations between both sides, have expressed their support for the contacts and have urged the ruling party not to abandon the sessions. LINK: https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/internacional/detalle/8390290/venezuela-acusa-a-ee-uu-de-dar-punalada-mortal-al-dialogo-de-mexico-con-extradicion-de-saab/
Felicidades papiii!!! Vamos a darle con todo
1- Why Do You Want To Be A Moderator And Join The Staff?: I want to be a moderator to learn more, you support the csbd community more, I feel that I can demonstrate much more by being a moderator, I know that it is not a very easy position since it is a lot of discipline, responsibility and time but I want to try new things with you. 2- What Are The Hard Works You Have Done To Our Community ? (In what way): Ok, sincerely I like the challenges of doing more and more, at the moment I am working on 2 big projects. As she is a journalist and guardians of gaming, I am also working in the designer area, which is a very complicated area and I try to do my best on a daily basis. Another is my server which I dedicate a lot of time and work to make it grow 3- Do You Have Any Idea That Can Help The Project That You Liked To Develop Further?: I feel that it is a great project and many have not realized it, I think that for example rankings of the best players in 1 vs 1 could be added. And so on to make it more competitive. Also since there is a League of Legends room, the 1 vs 1 could be added. They are small details that in spite of everything can make a difference.
Nick: @MussicOnPro! Real name: Alex González How old are you?: 19 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): I play clash of clans, League of Legends and most of the day to cs 1.6 Where are you from?(country and city): I am from Venezuela, Falcon State-Punto Fijo Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I am an excellent person with everyone, I treat everyone the same. I love to play and enjoy the things that I do. I love playing soccer, playing video games and many things. I also like to work and I feel that I am super organized in my work Note some of your qualities: I am responsible in everything that is entrusted to me, I like the limits of doing more and learning more every day Tell us some of your defects: I am a bit closed when something is new to me, I ask a lot to avoid problems in it. Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): Currently within the forum I have 4 responsibilities. Journalist, Guardians of Gaming, GFX Designer are the positions that I currently have and I work every day to improve. And I also have my own server which I dedicate a lot of time to, its name is WarNightZM. On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): I am currently active on Guardians of Gaming, Journalist, GFX Designer and as I said earlier on my server. Which category/project you want to care off?: I want to take care of my server since a lot of work and time has to be dedicated to it every day. Like the Guardians of Gaming Category. I feel that you can get more out of that project and improve it so that many more people like it. How well you speak english?(and other languages): Currently, if I rate myself, my level of English is 6/10 since it is still difficult for me to listen and write when they speak it. But I am good at reading English. Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: If I have ts3 I am very active in it. And I also have a microphone. For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): I can be active daily and probably years one does not know what can be found later. Contact methods: Facebook, WhatsApp and Ts3 Last request: First request.
GFX Battle - Sergentu' vs King [Winner King]
MussicOnPro! replied to Don Sergentu's topic in GFX Battles
v2. like effect and text -
v1. like the text and color.
Music Title: Shivers Signer: Ed Sheeran Release Date: 03/09/2021 Official YouTube Link: Information About the Signer: - Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video): 10/10
Musician Name: Post Malone Birthday / Location: Siracusa, Nueva York, 4 de julio de 1995 Main instrument: Vocal Musician Picture: Musician Awards & Nominations: 2019 Album of the year, Record of the year, Best Melodic Rap Performance/ 2021 Most successful artist on the Billboard 200 Best Performance: - Other Information: When he was 9 years old, he and his family moved to Grapevine, Texas. He liked to play basketball and watch sports. His father was the assistant director of food and beverage for the Dallas Cowboys, so Malone could get free food and tickets to his games. His musical beginnings were rooted in the fact that Post loved to play Guitar Hero, which led him to ask his mother to buy him a real guitar for Christmas. This happened when the rapper was just 12 years old. The particularity of Malone is that in the beginning, when it comes to music, they were in a very different genre and this made him stand out. With influences such as Metallica and Megadeth, Malone began to play the guitar and even played hardcore styles, later moving on to more classic rock and finally hip hop and trap.
Artist: Arcangel Real Name: Austin Agustín Santos Birth Date /Place: Nueva York, 23 de diciembre de 1985 Age: 35 Social status (Single / Married): Married Artist Picture: Musical Genres: Reggaeton, Trap Awards: Latin Grammy Top 3 Songs (Names): Si Se Da, Tu No Vive Así [Explicit], Sigues Con El Other Information: Austin Agustín Santos, better known by his stage name Arcángel, is an American reggaeton and Latin trap singer. After his return to Puerto Rico, he was part of the Arcángel & De la Ghetto duo. The duo eventually came to make songs that became po[CENSORED]r with reggaeton fans in the United States and Puerto Rico, such as "Agresivo", "Sorpresa" and "Mi Fanática" in the mid-2000s.
The financial entity that suffered a cybersecurity incident explained that customers will not have fines or surcharges considering the problems raised. Banco Pichincha reported that the payment date of the financial institution's credit cards has been modified, from Friday, October 15 to Tuesday, 19. Thus, no surcharge or default interest will be generated as a result of this change. Additionally, he announced that this Saturday, October 16, all agencies will open, from 08:00 to 14:00, in order to allow clients to carry out their transactions. The issue of the possibility of falling into default has been one of the main concerns that bank clients have expressed, through social networks, because due to computer problems of the bank itself, which occurred since last October 9, no he had been able to meet those payments on time. Banco Pichincha reported that the payment date of the financial institution's credit cards has been modified, from Friday, October 15 to Tuesday, 19. Thus, no surcharge or default interest will be generated as a result of this change. Additionally, he announced that this Saturday, October 16, all agencies will open, from 08:00 to 14:00, in order to allow clients to carry out their transactions. The issue of the possibility of falling into default has been one of the main concerns that the bank's clients have expressed, through social networks, because due to computer problems of the bank itself, which occurred since last October 9, no he had been able to meet those payments on time. The information on the changes in card collection was published this morning on the microsite created by the Bank to keep the public updated on the progress made by the bank to fully recover the operations that were affected by a cybersecurity incident. . The bank's owner himself, Fidel Egas, responded on his Twitter account to a comment from one of his clients who complained because he thought that he would surely be charged interest on arrears: “Don't worry. We will forgive interest if it was for our problems. If they are charges from other banks, we will recognize them ”. Additionally, the bank clarified that operations can already be carried out through the various channels. Interbank operations, he said, can be carried out with financial entities that have a direct agreement with the bank. This is how he described it on the website https://informacion.pichincha.com/ Web banking You can make inquiries about balances and movements and direct transfers between Banco Pichincha accounts, as well as interbank transfers from the entities with which they have a direct payment agreement (Bolivariano, Guayaquil, Produbanco, Loja, Austro, Diners Club, Internacional banks, Solidario; and cooperatives Alianza del Valle, Sagrario, Pablo Muñoz Vega, National Police, MEGO, July 23, Andalusia, October 29, JEP). Mobile banking Balances and movements and direct transfers between Banco Pichincha accounts are available, as well as interbank transfers from the entities with which we have a direct payment agreement (Bolivariano banks, Guayaquil, Produbanco, Loja, Austro, Diners Club, Internacional , Solidario; and cooperatives Alianza del Valle, Sagrario, Pablo Muñoz Vega, National Police, MEGO, July 23, Andalusia, October 29, JEP). App Deuna! You can make inquiries of balances, movements and payments. ATMs It is possible to make money withdrawals and deposits. Agencies In order to support customers who have not been able to carry out their transactions in these days, all our agencies will open this Saturday, October 16, from 08:00 to 14:00. In shopping centers, the attention will be in the usual weekend hours. LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/economia/banco-pichincha-modifica-fecha-de-pago-de-tarjetas-para-no-recargar-inteses-de-mora-nota/
For the first time, cases of leprosy were identified in wild chimpanzees, according to a new study, in findings that have astonished experts. Cases of leprosy in chimpanzees were found in Guinea-Bissau and the Ivory Coast, making this the first time that cases of leprosy have been found in a non-human species in Africa, the researchers said in a study published Wednesday. Leprosy is an infectious disease that can seriously damage the nerves, skin, and respiratory tract of humans. It can lead to the development of lesions and nodules, as well as loss of sensation in the extremities and blindness. The scientists used camera traps to study chimpanzee behavior between 2015 and 2019. By looking at the images, the researchers found two males and two females with "severe leprosy-like lesions," according to the study. The symptoms - similar to those experienced by humans - progressed over time. "When I first saw the images of a chimpanzee with nodules and lesions on its face, I immediately realized that it was leprosy because it looked a lot like leprosy in humans," said Kimberley Hockings, senior lecturer in science. from conservation at the University of Exeter in the UK and one of the study's authors, told CNN on Thursday. So far it is not known exactly how the chimpanzees were infected, but it is believed to have occurred as a result of exposure to humans or "other unknown environmental sources," according to the study. Leprosy has been seen in wild animals before, such as red squirrels in the UK and armadillos in the Americas, but it was quite shocking to see that leprosy "appears suddenly in chimpanzees because they are so well researched," Hockings noted. He said more research will now be conducted on how wild chimpanzees came into contact with the disease and what it means for a species that is already at risk due to factors such as hunting and habitat loss. Hockings added that the discovery concerned researchers and conservation efforts. Treating leprosy in wild chimpanzees could prove challenging. "Treatment of leprosy in humans is relatively straightforward, especially if it is diagnosed early enough," Hockings said. "But for animals that are not inhabited by humans, like these po[CENSORED]tions in particular, it is very difficult to administer antibiotics. There are limitations to treating animals for leprosy and we have to consider the ethical implications of shooting darts at chimpanzees, so the question of treatment is complicated. " Hockings said he will incorporate the discovery into his broader research, which focuses on interactions between humans and great apes, as humans have traditionally been considered the main host for leprosy, and now it is suddenly showing up in wild chimpanzees. . The research was published in the journal Nature. LINK:https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2021/10/14/lepra-es-vista-en-chimpances-salvajes-por-primera-vez-trax/
The Social Democratic leader has announced, together with the Greens and the Liberal Party, the start of formal negotiations to agree on a Government The Social Democrat (SPD) Olaf Scholz is on his way to becoming chancellor of a "coalition of progress", as the leaders of Los Verdes and the Liberal Party (FDP) called it this Friday, after the three parties agreed to start formal negotiations to form a government in Germany. Scholz has appeared with the two co-chairs of his party, Saskia Eskien and Norbert Walter-Borjans; with Los Verdes co-chairs Annalena Barboeck and Robert Habeck, and with Liberal leader Christian Lindner to announce the decision of the teams that have participated in previous talks. "The three parties are in a position to promote the most important industrial modernization project of the last 100 years," summed up Scholz at the hearing. The document that will serve as the basis for the coalition negotiations underlines the importance of ecological transformation and decarbonization, rules out tax increases, thereby fulfilling one of the main wishes of the liberals, and raises an offensive of investments and targeted measures. to increase social cohesion. Among the measures planned in this last aspect is the increase in the minimum wage from 9.60 euros to 12.0 euros per hour, which was in the programs of the SPD and Los Verdes. Among the achievements of Los Verdes in previous talks is the project to abandon coal in 2030, eight years ahead of schedule. The beginning of the negotiations must be approved by various bodies of the three parties during the weekend and on Monday it is expected that an agenda will be defined for the coming months. "I think we have all already said that we hope to have a coalition agreement before the end of the year," said Scholz, whose party was the most voted in the general elections, with 25.7% of the vote, ahead of the conservatives of Armin Laschet, who obtained 24.1%. LINK: https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/internacional/detalle/8385628/scholz-en-camino-a-liderar-una-coalicion-del-progreso-en-alemania/
The Guarantees Commission resolved to summon the President of the Republic, his wife and one of their children The Commission on Constitutional Guarantees and Human Rights of the National Assembly approved the work schedule that it will apply in the investigation of the so-called Pandora Papers, which appoints the President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso, for having assets or capital in tax havens. The investigation plan includes the appearance of 41 people from the academy who are experts on the subject of tax havens, the media that are part of the International Network of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), the President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso; his wife, María Lourdes Alcívar; his son Santiago, and national and international public institutions. On October 7, the plenary session of the National Assembly commissioned the Guarantees Commission to investigate this case, despite the fact that two days before the Oversight Commission opened the investigation and even accepted an invitation from the president to Carondelet to receive his testimony. and information. National Assembly clarifies that a single commission will be in charge of the investigation into Pandora's papers Los Pandora Papers is a leak of 12 million documents about the fortunes of powerful people, including more than 330 politicians from 90 countries, where the name of the current President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso, appears. Named persons use secret offshore companies to hide their assets and capital in tax havens. As decided by the Guarantee Commission, chaired by José Cabascango (Pachakutik), requests for information will be made to the institutions and experts, for which each legislator will have to send the questions for each institution. The information will be systematized by the advisory team. October 25 is the deadline for the committee to present the report to the committee, and three days later the report will be voted on by the committee. During the commission's debate, Assemblywoman Sofía Sánchez (PK) raised the need to request an international oversight of the investigation process. Faced with this request, the legislator Paola Cabezas (UNES) questioned that the presence of an oversight will delay the work because it would have to wait for the institution to send overseers to start the process. Sánchez changed his approach to invite international observers, in order to make this investigation process more transparent. Appearances The work schedule was unanimously approved by those present at the session, but Assemblyman Mario Ruiz Jácome (Pachakutik) left open the possibility of including new appearances. The investigation will start with at least 42 calls to render their version before the Guarantee Commission. LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/politica/mas-de-40-comparecencias-se-esperan-en-la-investigacion-de-los-pandora-papers-en-ecuador-nota/
The new species of spider is the first to be exclusively described by Ecuadorian scientists in the history of zoology in the country. A study developed by researchers from the San Francisco de Quito University and the National Biodiversity Institute (INABIO) describes for the first time a type of rare hunting spider in Ecuador, located in the Amazon region. This was reported by INABIO on Wednesday, stating in a statement that it belongs to the Taczanowskia family and was collected in a community of the Waorani indigenous nationality in the Curaray river basin, in the Amazon lowlands. The new species belongs to a very rare group that has very particular customs, because instead of weaving orbicular webs like other spiders of the Araneidae family, the Taczanowskia hunt by stalking. These arachnids stand on leaves and use their long nails on their feet as knives to hunt their prey. The species was baptized as Taczanowskia onowoka, which means spirit in the Waorani language, a word chosen in recognition of that original people, which has a great connection with biodiversity and the Amazon, the bulletin said. Also because its members provided support and authorization so that investigations could be carried out in their ancestral territories. Furthermore, the new species of spider is the first to be described exclusively by Ecuadorian scientists in the history of zoology in the country. According to the researchers, the new species described can be easily identified and differentiated from all other Taczanowskia by the characteristics of its abdomen, which has a light-dark coloration on the back and sides, as well as a reticulum of white hairs, and two tubercles. big. The Taczanowskia is one of the lesser known genera of American spiders and the records on the continent are very meager since only five species belonging to the family have been described in Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Colombia. The Curaray river basin, where the new species was found, is part of one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in the world: the Napo river basin. It has an immense amount of different species of flora and fauna that are not found anywhere else on the planet, indicates INABIO. The Ecuadorian spider was discovered during the expeditions of the “Discover Napo” project, an initiative developed by the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in association with the WCS organization and funded by the Moore Foundation. LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/larevista/ecologia/descubren-una-nueva-especie-de-arana-cazadora-en-la-amazonia-ecuatoriana-nota/
We continue with news from the CIMAMotor, China International Motorcycle Trade Exhibition, in this case with the presentation of the new Jedi Motor models, an unknown in our country but with a lot of potential. Founded in 1975 Jedi Motor / Jinan Jedi began its production by providing motorcycles for the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China and speaking of China, that's a lot of motorcycles ... In its current range we find a 200 cc enduro, a 250 cc custom, a 320 cc GT and the Sport-Touring GT750 cc, and at the CIMA it presented 3 new models; Vision K750, Sport GT 750 and the JFR750. Jedi Vision K750 This sports car undoubtedly draws attention for its daring and futuristic forms, it equips the same in-house engine as its current 750 models, a 730 cc twin-cylinder engine that offers 68 hp at 7,500 rpm. The cycle part also stands out for its quality; Aluminum-magnesium double-beam chassis, developed in collaboration with Swiss space specialist Suter, inverted fork, and four-piston Brembo Monoblock caliper brakes. The same engine and most components serve as the basis for the other two models that accompany the Jedi Vision K750; the Sport GT 750 and the JFR 750. Sport GT 750 and JFR 750 The Sport GT 750 2022 is a Sport Touring that maintains the design of the current model with slight changes such as the air intakes located on the sides of the front of the fairing and the larger capacity fuel tank. In the suspension section, it equips an inverted front fork and a shock absorber attached to its cast alloy swingarm, and keeps the 2 Brembo discs in front supported by another rear one. The naked JFR 750 was presented in two versions, a scrambler-style version with a circular headlight and spoked wheels, and a more road-focused version with cast wheels. We do not know if Jedi Motor is currently planning to export its range to the European market but seeing at least the design exercise of the potential Vision K750 it is not lacking. LINK: https://solomoto.es/jedi-motor-vision-k750-sport-gt-750-jfr750/
Two years after the mobilizations and paralysis of October 2019 and less than six months into the new government, President Guillermo Lasso came out to the balcony of the Carondelet Palace to address dozens of followers in the Plaza Grande and tell them that they will all defend Quito and they will not allow violence, excesses, aggressions and attacks. In an intervention that lasted less than ten minutes and accompanied by his wife, María de Lourdes Alcívar; The Secretary General of Communication of the Presidency, Eduardo Bonilla, and other officials, Lasso said: “It is not possible that they want to make an apology for the crime on the part of those who two years ago intimidated Quito, wanted to set fire to a public building, kidnapped police officers and journalists attacked one of the journalists from behind ”. The president's pronouncement comes at the same time that the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), an organization that broke off dialogues with the Government, holds a "October memory meeting", at the House of Ecuadorian Culture, by the " 529 Octubres ”, with other organizations such as the Peoples' Parliament, indigenous movement, po[CENSORED]r sectors, workers, women, students, neighborhoods of Quito. More than 700 investigation cases were opened after the October 2019 national strike “Those of us who owe nothing, fear nothing. Thank you for your support, that those in the House of Culture listen to us well, that here are the Quiteños and Ecuadorians who are going to defend Quito and we are not going to allow new excesses, violence, aggression and attack, we defend Quito all ”, was the message that the president sent them from the Presidency. Lasso added that those who say they admire the Joker, from the Batman movie, respond that "the bad guys only win in the movies," that in reality those who want to defend Quito win. "I thank you for being present this day to remember the courage, the spirit of freedom, peace and harmony, which is the characteristic of this Quito, Light of America," he concluded. LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/politica/guillermo-lasso-quito-movilizaciones-octubre-2019-defender-violencia-conaie-nota/
Phoenix Engineering is based in Thailand, and from what we have learned, their Gunner 50 has caused quite a bit of buzz in Asia. Can you imagine why? The company's plans do not include approaching the European market, which can undoubtedly be a relief for many. Although it might arouse the curiosity of others! There are many small motorcycles, the Honda Monkey and MSX 125 are a clear example of this. But there is more, but ask the Benelli Tornado Naked 125, for example. Now, from here to Gunner 50… There is a world! For starters, it is powered by a very simple 49cc air-cooled engine that produces around 4hp of maximum power. So its power or benefits would be the last thing so you would surely buy it. Another very different thing is its particular aesthetics. Halfway between a giant lantern and a bazooka, it certainly wouldn't go unnoticed. The seat rests on a thick steel tube that houses the 4.5-liter fuel tank, and which has the front and rear light clusters at both ends. The chassis is of double cradle unfolded in steel tube, with the tubular swingarm also made of this material. Its simplicity is reflected in a conventional fork, and a shock mounted laterally directly to the swingarm. Of course, the brakes are disc on both trains and the tires are 12 ”. But beware! It is available in six colors to choose from. And the LCD instrumentation can also change to suit your tastes. What a detail! LINK: https://solomoto.es/phoenix-engineering-gunner-50-la-moto-linterna/
Australian Police on Tuesday charged two teenagers with animal cruelty for allegedly deliberately killing fourteen kangaroos, including two babies, near the coastal town of Bateman’s Bay, more than 220 kilometers south of Sydney. The New South Wales Police, whose capital is Sydney, reported in a statement that they arrested these two 17-year-old adolescents, who must appear on November 22 for these alleged crimes that carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison and more than $ 16,000 (about 14,000 euros) fine. The incident became known on Saturday when police responded to a call to report the sighting of kangaroos on Long Beach Beach, where they found the remains of five kangaroos and a baby. Shortly afterwards, authorities found the bodies of another seven kangaroos and another baby on the nearby beach of Maloneys Beach, as well as another injured small kangaroo, which was taken to the "Wires" animal care and rescue center. The surviving calf, a female named Hope, is in the process of recovery. "It is a tragic and callous act that has left an indelible mark on our dedicated volunteers and residents of the South-Central Coast (of New South Wales) who came to the scene," Wires said in a message posted Monday on his profile. From Facebook. In 2018, an Australian court separately sentenced two Australians to prison for stabbing a kangaroo in an attack recorded and posted on social media. LINK:https://www.eluniverso.com/larevista/ecologia/dos-adolescentes-acusados-de-crueldad-animal-en-australia-por-matar-a-14-canguros-nota/