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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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Everything posted by supertonyy

  1. bueno una triste despedida ya no tengo tiempo las responsabilidades dejan a uno sin tiempo de juntarse a distraer la mente jugar y bromear con amigos adios a todos 

    good a sad farewell no longer have time responsibilities leave one without time to get together to distract the mind play and joke with friends goodbye to all?

  2. accepted t/c
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  6. Tomorrow, free day

    I will use my day to eliminate inactive and bring order to thunder ?

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  10. se que me extrañas mamasita

    1. -Garrix
    2. [N]audy


      ese men cuando vuelves ❤️ 

    3. supertonyy


      el lunes lo mas seguro 

  11. respect the model rejected
  12. in less than an hour already eliminated and suspended another person


    someone else ?

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  15. ¤ Name[/nickname]: supertonny ¤ Age:24 ¤ Country: uruguay ¤ Occupation: I work in events of all kinds ¤ A short description about you: I am normal but I love sincerity and that people are direct ¤ How did you found out Csblackdevil Community: looking for servers I found one and from there they told me about here ¤ Favorite games: cs 1.6 csgo gta5 and many more ¤ Favorite server [community only]: thunder ? ¤ A picture of you:
  16. welcome to csbd
  17. If what you are asking is like entering an anonymous you must select it before entering the forum otherwise I did not understand your question
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  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  20. taking a delicious coffee for the cold

  21. se te extraña feo ?

    1. FireCell*


      hola fea como estan todos

    2. supertonyy


      el sv se esta levantando pero se te echa de menos y lo sabes todos esperamos a que regreses 

    3. FireCell*


      Pronto regresaré sabes que es un poco difícil establecer en otro país por lo menos ya compre tlf ropa etc y ayudo a mi familias pronto como lapto

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