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ProfessionaL ♛

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Everything posted by ProfessionaL ♛

  1. Did you read my explanation ?
  2. All of what you need is easy to do but i need the original code for doing these changes.
  3. I will give you more explanation of what i want to do: The coin will be hard to get, the player will need to win the game to get only 1 coin so if he playing 24 hour will earn like 100/150 coins , We should give players something to play for, This will make the game more fun The grade will be expensive it will sell for 1000 coins, the player need to about month for earn these coins and it will be the low grade like helper and if the player who bought the grade followed the rules and make activinty on the server will get upgrade. about buy vip by count it will be for just 1 month or 1 week for 1000 coins too
  4. Why we say for the admins "You should be active for a lot of time to maintain your grade" and we can add new option let more player join our server and make the admin playing anytime!! Let's make new plugin for reward the players those are doing activity on the server, i will make new coin system ... How to get this coint ? you need to win the game to earn this coin !! 1. Make menu for hats & wings for this coin! Ex: Title of the menu: Hat number 1 ( cost: 100 coint ) Hat number 2 ( cost: 200 coint ) Hat number 3 ( cost: 300 coint ) wing number 1 ( cost: 400 coint ) wing number 2 ( cost: 500 coint ) wing number 3 ( cost: 600 coint ) 2. Make menu for buying vip or admin Ex: Title of the menu: 1. vip grade ( cost: 2000 coint ) 2. adminstator ( cost: 1000 coint ) 3. free vip system at night: Earn: 300 hp, 100 armor, +duble jump If you like something of these three things just say ( 1 or 2 or 3 ) and if you have more suggestion please don't hesitate to say.
  5. بقلك اما مش هكلمك تاني بس وربنا لو قلتلي اعملي حاجة محرض عليك ولا هعبرك


  6. يا محمد رد علي الفيس عشان عاوزك

  7. streetzm 4:00 at moning with skin crossfire


  8. invision power 4.3.6 have bad problem Licenses key you must make work on the forum to get this key baddddddd for all if anyone want licenses for free and invision power 4.3.6 or 4.28 or for free with themes professional skin with new updates and i will make vedios for how to make site and install ivision power with them and updates and how to make site for free with hosting with panel


  9. hey guys all come play with me game "PUBG" on pc or mobile come come come ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ProfessionaL ♛

      ProfessionaL ♛

      this game on steam all come my name in this game is "MrAbdOo" if you want play with me add me on facebook and i will add you in my team in game 


    3. #Superme


      i will add you 

    4. #Superme
  10. can i join ??? i will make my work very fast just in 5/10 min if you wanr accept me ?
  11. its me in the real this picture good or not ??


  12. منتدي شباب العاالم في مصر اغنية روعة ميكس بجميع لغالت العالم



  13. i make edit for photos |photography| if you want send me your real picture





  14. hello guys i makeing free pictrure photographer if you want send me you real pictuce

  15. Hello Csblackdevil who is play wormax.io 

    if you played it you will see new skin if you want new skin or any skin in wormax for free say yes and i will give you account have 4 skin i have 15 email have 4 skin need tell me <3 

    have a nice day good luck

    1. ProfessionaL ♛

      ProfessionaL ♛

      to get upgrade to get skin for free get alls is email 

    2. ProfessionaL ♛

      ProfessionaL ♛

      E-mail: freeskin@gmail.com password: maroc11

      E-mail: mtk14200@gmail.com password: Waffen63

      ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ new e-mail ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Tell me when problems occur

      E-mail: skinforall@gmail.com password: 101010

      E-mail: mtk14200@gmail.com password: Waffen63

      ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ new e-mail ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

      E-mail: skin@skin.skin password: 101010

      E-mail: fesddrgerdge@gmail.com password: 303030

      E-mail: abdo@gmail.es password: 101010

      E-mail: abdobenhamidou2@gmail.com worked password: 101010

      E-mail: abdobenhamidou1@gmail.com worked password: 101010

      E-mail: skin@skin.com password: 101010

      E-mail: abdo@outlook.com password: 101010

      E-mail: free@mail.ma password: maroc11

      E-mail: maroc@maroc.ma password: maroc11

  16. free picture for all >3

    صÙرة ذات صÙØ©

    صÙرة ذات صÙØ©

    صÙرة ذات صÙØ©

    صÙرة ذات صÙØ©

    صÙرة ذات صÙØ©

  17. new photo for my friend in my country





  18. best music ❤️


    1. [~OMAR~]


      shitty voice with a hot body OMGGG


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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