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Z[0]MB!E Unkn0wn' n0 l!fe

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Everything posted by Z[0]MB!E Unkn0wn' n0 l!fe

  1. The group so here GFX Designer then you will choose yourself who is the Best
  2. you can Created it with SonyVegas or After Effects Search on youtube and you will Maybe Make it
  3. عيد مولد نبوي مبارك عليك و على كل امة المسلمين وجميع أعضاء " CSBD "
  4. if you need stuff like this
  5. Hello, This is a question that I was asked many times during the winter holiday and I tried as much as possible to make myself understood. As you know this is where most appear exploits to create problems both hosting companies and server owner. In terms of flooding and automatic crash the servers Krondor, please keep in mind In other words the panel's dproto installation of a new security fix from 21 to 22 December 2014 + engine modifications that solve the problem detected. Please do not hesitate to contact us if the problem persists or there are new ways to crash.
  6. the original image is on the folder or you copy it directly from the site !! because most of picture from the Tumblr-url they are with the white effect Like this : is the original when i open it on Picture manager windows : its original look of image with a little white and here when i opened it on PS: look the color so a little dark
  7. pe toate jocurile pe care le-ar putea folosi trisa, eu nu inteleg de ce triseaza Nu am prea mult timp sa-l urmez sa-mi pierd timpul M-am lasat deja de toate jocurile
  8. among the best server and the best Zombie Plague Addons it's greatly ZmOldSchool.CsblackDevil.Com we know that the other server they are using the same addons and Same Plague Like ( WalkingDead , NewLifeZM , ThunderZM , StreetZM ,ect.) - I tested all servers of the Community But ZmOldSchool Stay always the best Plague Addons configured on world must be clear and tell the truth.
  9. Bun venit pe noastra comunitatea Erik bucura-te bine


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