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In 2015, 399 young women aged up to 44 years died of cancer in Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, 399 young women up to 44 years of age died in 2015 from cancer, with breast, stomach, colon, cervix, liver, pancreas, bronchi, leukemia, lymphomas and ovarian cancer being the most frequent diagnoses . The Siglo XXI Radiotherapy Center, within the framework of International Women's Day, calls especially on women who do not exceed 45 years of age to maintain healthy lifestyles and to go to medical centers in case of that they feel some discomfort such as tiredness, loss of appetite, irrational hair loss or continuous pain in a specific part of the body. For the oncology specialists at Siglo XXI Radiotherapy, it is important to have blood, urine, and stool tests every year, as well as check your breasts and have a Pap smear, because sometimes cancer appears without symptoms, thus preventing suffering from any type of cancer. common disease in young women. The radiation oncologist, Dr. Rolando Loría of Radiotherapy Siglo XXI, pointed out that cancer can occur at any age, however, the first years of adult life are accompanied by important changes such as leaving the parents' home, getting a full-time job complete, becoming mothers, and each of these stages brings challenges and stress. Hence the importance of having healthy behaviors. “We tend to believe that nothing bad can happen to us because we are young, but the truth is that cancer does not only affect older people, but also young adults who have not even reached 45 years of age. For this reason, in addition to periodic examinations, eat well, including fruits and vegetables; exercising regularly and protecting yourself from the sun when outdoors are factors that help prevent cancer. It is also necessary to review the medical history of the parents, since in many cases, the diseases are hereditary”, indicated Dr. Loría. For the oncology specialist it is also necessary to avoid tobacco, irrational tanning and limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages. There are cases in which stomach cancer was diagnosed in women between the ages of 20 and 24, others in which colon cancer affected 6 between the ages of 35 and 39, and cervical cancer in 14 between the ages of 40 and 44, and these women died of the disease. See box. Radiotherapy: life expectancy At the Siglo XXI Radiotherapy Center, treatments are offered to treat breast cancer with forced inspiration, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, image-guided radiotherapy and a treatment schedule of five to 15 days depending on the stage of the disease, which improve quality of life of young patients. The treatments are very effective in women who detect their condition early and many times, thanks to this condition, they require very few doses to stop the cancer or improve the living conditions of the patients. https://www.vidayexito.net/estilo-de-vida/salud/mujeres-son-diagnosticadas-con-algun-tipo-de-cancer-antes-de-los-45-anos/
The information is provided in the latest update of the Russian Defense Ministry on the special military operation in Ukraine. Russian experts in radiological, chemical and biological defense have studied a series of original documents revealing the details of a secret project of the United States and NATO in Ukraine that investigated the transmission of diseases from animals to humans, the spokesman for the Ministry of Defense reported. Defense of Russia, Igor Konashénkov. The statements were made during a press conference on the progress of the military operation in Ukraine. In particular, the spokesman commented that for years and under the immediate control of American experts, a study on the transmission of diseases by bats to humans was carried out in a laboratory in the city of Kharkov. "Within the framework of an American project , the Kharkiv Institute of Veterinary Medicine studied wild birds as carriers of highly pathogenic avian influenza," the military official added. At the same time, he argued, Ukrainian laboratories were evaluating conditions under which transmission processes can become unmanageable, cause economic damage and pose risks to food safety. Large amounts of human biomaterials were removed from Ukraine to the UK and other countries "In the near future, we will publish a new package of documents received from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories and present the results of the expertise," the spokesman said. On March 6, Konashenkov reported that biological weapons components have been developed in Ukrainian laboratories located near Russian territory. The spokesman stressed that during the special military operation in Ukraine it was learned that the kyiv regime hastily destroyed evidence of a biological weapons program financed by the US Department of Defense. On March 10, the head of the Russian Radiological, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops, Igor Kirillov, offered these details about the projects being carried out in biological laboratories in Ukraine with US funding. https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/424159-rusia-revelar-detalles-documentos-laboratorios-secretos-ucrania
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"Alex Saab is a full member of the Venezuelan dialogue delegation, his kidnapping and untimely transfer to the United States directly attacked the development of the dialogue in Mexico, which was already bearing important fruits for the Venezuelan po[CENSORED]tion," the president said. of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, upon leaving the meeting of the Commission for Dialogue and Peace. In his opinion, the kidnapping of the Venezuelan diplomat represented: “an affront to diplomatic work” and to the work carried out in the negotiation process that had been carried out in Mexico. “There has been no type of change in that sense,” Rodríguez said, referring to the formatting of the national dialogue instructed by President Nicolás Maduro and the Executive's demand for the immediate release of the Venezuelan diplomat. "We will continue to insist that we are assisted by legal reason, International Law and human instances, for which Alex Saab is a full member of the dialogue delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," Rodríguez reiterated. Rodríguez insisted that in this so-called “reformatting” stage of the dialogue, an intensive round of consultations and meetings will be held with all the factors of the Venezuelan opposition. "We went on an offensive of work, of important meetings with all sectors, our approach is that we are all in the process of dialogue to know the perspectives of Venezuela, from all sectors" «The dialogue must be more inclusive, after the photograph after the elections we must incorporate all sectors. The third element is that it is a dialogue in peace », he insisted after recalling the context of political conflict prevailing in the country during the development of the negotiations held in the Dominican Republic (2017) and in Norway (2019). The conflict was defeated. “This conflict translated into terrorism, attacks, coups. That whole heinous racket was defeated." https://ultimasnoticias.com.ve/noticias/politica/rodriguez-alex-saab-es-miembro-pleno-del-dialogo-venezolano/
From the FIAT subsidiary in Brazil, a news that had been made public over the weeks is confirmed: the new Pulse SUV of the Italian brand will have a sports version developed by Abarth. This will be the official debut of Abarth as a regional brand, despite the fact that some Scorpion models had previously been marketed, such as the Stilo Abarth in 2002 (2.4 liters with 167 Hp) and the 500 Abarth in 2014 (1.4 Turbo 167 Hp) , models produced in Europe. FIAT points out that the Pulse Abarth will be a car tailored to lovers of sports driving, and that it will stand out for three essential characteristics: performance, technology and innovation. However, the brand has not given additional information regarding its mechanics and performance figures. As the Rio de Janeiro magazine Quatro Rodas had published some time ago, the FIAT Pulse Abarth would mount the new 1.3-liter Firefly Turbo engine with 185 Hp. It would be managed by a six-speed automatic transmission, with front-wheel drive, and will have a sportier suspension. Like the FIAT Pulse, the sports version will be developed and manufactured in Brazil, and its commercial launch in that country is announced for the last quarter of the year. It is worth remembering that the normal Pulse was presented at the end of 2021. http://noticias.autocosmos.com.ve/2022/03/16/el-fiat-pulse-tendra-una-version-deportiva-firmada-por-abarth
Development itself has led Latin American and world po[CENSORED]tions to increase the life expectancy in years of their po[CENSORED]tions. As the rates of people aged 15 or younger are decreasing, and an accelerated increase in the po[CENSORED]tion of older adults, which leads us to think: Are our countries prepared for a demographic increase in the older adult po[CENSORED]tion and a decrease in an economically active po[CENSORED]tion? How will we prepare for these challenges? Accelerated aging By 2025, the countries of the region are expected to approach more advanced stages of the aging process, as mortality and fertility continue to decline. In this way, Costa Rica will be the country in the Central American and Caribbean region with the most advanced stage of aging (106.5 older persons per hundred children under 15 years of age), with one of the lowest fertility rates (1.7 children per woman). Moderate-Advanced Aging Four countries (Panama, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador) have fertility rates between 1.8 and 2.0 children per woman. By 2025, these countries will present an aging index that will range between 45.5 and 78.4 elderly people for every hundred children under 15 years of age, placing them in a moderately advanced phase of aging. Moderate Aging Other countries such as: Guatemala and Honduras, are located in a phase of moderate aging, in which levels persist above the replacement level of fertility (more than 2.1 children per woman). In addition, they have an aging rate of less than 41 older people for every hundred children under 15 years of age. Growth in Accelerated Aging Rates By 2050, countries with accelerated aging rates, such as Costa Rica, will continue to advance in this process, with fertility rates of 1.6 children per woman and between 157 and 206 elderly people for every hundred children under 15 years of age. Countries that are now in moderate-advanced phases, would move to advanced aging (Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Panama), passing to fertility rates that will range between 1.7 and 1.9 children per woman and aging rates between 115 and 145 people older for every hundred children under 15 years of age. Finally, Honduras and Guatemala (which currently present a moderate stage), will move to an advanced-moderate stage in aging. Decreasing its fertility by 1.8 children for Honduras, with 80-93 older people for every hundred of 15 years; And for Guatemala, a rate of 1.9 children per woman, with an aging of less than 70 people per hundred of 15 years. As we have seen, estimates and projections of the number of older adults will continue to increase in the Central American and Caribbean subregion. Although the growth rates are not the same among the countries in the study, it is a common trend that the rates of accelerated aging will continue to increase. What actions to propose? Countries with advanced aging such as Costa Rica, and moderate-advanced aging such as Panama, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador, must quickly adapt to changes in the demographic age structure of their po[CENSORED]tions. On the other hand, the group of countries that presents a moderate aging such as Guatemala and Honduras, must create conditions to face the rapid aging that these po[CENSORED]tions will present. Multidisciplinary Actions: implement plans for dignified aging in the region. It is necessary for the region to implement rapid action plans, within its public policies, that involve long-term visions to create foundations and build a dignified aging, not only in terms of health and hospital care, but also in multidisciplinary approaches to employment, rights human rights, education of respect from young generations, recreation, economic support and well-being. Central American Asymmetry in Aging: The demographic transition and the aging process in the region have been characterized by the speed with which demographic changes have occurred, a situation that has not occurred in other regions of the world, for example Europe. In this context, it is necessary to take into account the lack of time that this implies to carry out the socioeconomic and institutional adjustments consistent with the emerging demographic scenario. This asymmetry is manifested when comparing the rapid process of demographic transformation and the slower and more volatile economic and social development. The Central American and Caribbean region is facing accelerated aging processes with rates that have been increasing since 1950, and alarming projections for 2050. Alarming data because the rates of people under 15 years of age have decreased, which implies that the PEA (Economically Active Po[CENSORED]tion), is decreasing, and there is no such economic base in the labor force of society. In order to reach a future with dignified ageing, building the foundations from now on, a true cultural change is necessary, which begins with the education of the younger generations and which, based on a rights-based approach, leads to respecting, protecting and guaranteeing those rights to older adults, free from discrimination. For this, it is necessary to speak out vehemently against considering old age as a disease, because it promotes discrimination and perpetuates stereotypes related to aging. In addition, places such as the European Union, Canada, and Taiwan have carried out actions that promote the "silver economy" (economic activities of people over 60 years of age), migration of the young adult po[CENSORED]tion that manages to serve as a social economic base, and investment in spaces public and promotion of physical health in older adults, respectively. https://www.vidayexito.net/estilo-de-vida/salud/la-expectativa-de-vida-aumenta-en-centroamerica-y-el-caribe/
The president made observations regarding the maximum term to carry out the abortion, the requirements to access the procedure and the conscientious objection of health professionals. The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, partially vetoed the bill that allows the interruption of pregnancy in case of rape in the South American country, approved by the National Assembly on February 17. The approval of this project in Parliament occurred after in April 2021, the Constitutional Court (CC) of Ecuador decriminalized abortion in cases of rape. "I have decided to include observations on the bill with the aim that it be in absolute agreement with the opinion of the CC," Lasso said in a statement issued Tuesday night. The president justified his veto in that "there are clear provisions in the sentence (of the CC) that have not been complied with by the Assembly" or that "are not consistent" with the Ecuadorian legal framework. The objections presented by the president of Ecuador include 61 alternative texts, according to what he says in the statement. The observations Lasso, who has repeatedly stated that he defends life "from conception to natural death," made observations regarding the maximum term to carry out the procedure of interruption of pregnancy, the requirements to access abortion and the objection of awareness of health professionals. deadlines In relation to the deadlines to carry out an abortion, the bill approved in Parliament established that it is a maximum of 12 weeks for adult women and 18 weeks for girls, adolescents, women in rural areas and towns and nationalities; while for rape victims with mental disabilities "the best medical practices will be observed and complied with." The plenary made the exception in the case of girls, adolescents, women in rural areas and towns and nationalities when considering their "special characteristics" and "who deserve priority attention by the State." In his veto, the president requested that the deadlines be unified in 12 weeks, "both for cases of the rural sector and the urban sector." He argued that "establishing differences between citizens based on places of birth or conditions of origin" would be contrary to the principle of equality established in the Constitution. Requirements Regarding the requirements to carry out the process, the bill establishes that rape victims only have to fill out a form, once they receive information about the process to carry out the termination of pregnancy, to give their consent. "Under no circumstances will any prior complaint, examination or statement be required from the girl, adolescent, woman or pregnant person who wishes to interrupt her pregnancy as a result of rape," says the bill. In his opinion, Lasso considers that Parliament "has practically omitted" to establish requirements to access the abortion procedure, as established by the ruling of the Constitutional Court. "Therefore, in my objections I have included requirements that will bring the legal body compliance with the Court's judgment," he says. The president proposes that the interruption of pregnancy can be done only when at least one of these three requirements is met: That the victim or whoever knew of the fact has filed a complaint for the investigation of the crime of rape, except in the case of women with mental disabilities. Have the victim sign an affidavit. In the case of minors, this can be signed by their legal representative. That a treating physician or legal practitioner perform a health examination in which, under oath, it is certified that there are indications of a violation. conscientious objection The project approved by the Ecuadorian Parliament establishes, with respect to the rights of health personnel who intervene directly in the procedure of interruption of pregnancy, that conscientious objection "is a personal, very personal right" and that it is not possible "the objection of collective or institutional conscience". However, Lasso considers that conscientious objection was not fully developed in the text. "Unfortunately, the Assembly project has openly disregarded this right, which is why I have been forced to include articles that guarantee the application of this constitutional principle to all health professionals," he says. In his proposals, the president leaves the door open so that private health institutions can claim conscientious objection institutionally, refusing to provide legal abortion care to women victims of rape. Specifically, his veto indicates, among the prohibitions of health personnel: "Claim conscientious objection in an institutional way, when it comes to state hospitals"; while in the rights of health personnel it establishes: "Conscientiously object to the practice of consented abortion in cases of rape, personally, collectively or institutionally, in the latter case with the exception of public hospitals." From guarantee to regulation President Lasso even proposes changing the name of the regulation. The project approved in the National Assembly was called the Organic Law that Guarantees the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy for Girls, Adolescents and Women in Case of Rape. However, the president points out that the ruling of the Constitutional Court uses the verb regular and not guarantee; Therefore, he proposes that the project be an Organic Law that Regulates the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy for Girls, Adolescents and Women in Case of Rape. Along the same lines, he makes changes to article 1 of the regulations. The approved text says that the object of the law is "to guarantee, protect and regulate the right of women, girls, adolescents and pregnant people to the voluntary interruption of their pregnancy in cases of rape." In this regard, the president proposes that it say that this law is intended to "generate an appropriate regulatory framework that regulates consented abortion in the event of rape, subject to human dignity and the full exercise of rights, without undermining the constitutional protection of life from conception. Throughout the veto document, the president insists that abortion is not a right, but an exception. What happens now? Now the bill will return to the National Assembly, which has a period of 30 days to decide whether to maintain the original text or accept the proposal of the President of the Republic. Some conservative organizations, such as Familia Ecuador, expected a total veto of the president to the regulation and even carried out a collection of signatures to pressure in that direction, reaching almost 44,000 signatories. For their part, feminist groups and groups in favor of abortion, although they consider that this bill is an important step, demand "a fair and restorative law", which does not contemplate deadlines or requirements. Regarding the presidential veto, from Surkuna, one of these organizations points out that "it changes the object of the law", since it does not seek to "guarantee access" to abortion, but rather to "obstruct it". The Ecuadorian Center for the Promotion and Action of Women (Cepam) Guayaquil rejected the veto, considering that the presidential measure "sends a clear message against the right to a life project and the rights of victims and survivors in case of rape". https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/424058-ecuador-lasso-veto-parcial-ley-aborto-violacion
Musician Name: Rosalia Birthday / Location: 13/08/1993 Main instrument: singer, songwriter, producer and actress Musician Picture: Musician Awards & Nominations:Lo Nuestro Awards for Remix of the Year Best Performance: Con Altura Other Information: -
Music Title:ROSALÍA - CHICKEN TERIYAKI (Live on SNL) Signer: Rosalia Release Date: 13/03/2022 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer:- Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video):-
Venezuela reiterated, in the second edition of the Antalya 2022 Diplomatic Forum, Turkey, the importance of consolidating political and economic integration, through assistance mechanisms such as Celac, Alba-TCP and Petrocaribe, with a view to the well-being of the peoples. This was stated by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Félix Plasencia, through the social network Twitter. «In this #ADF2022 we contribute the vision of Venezuela, in a valuable panel that evaluated the challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean to achieve comprehensive development in these times of complexity. Our proposal is more union, cooperation and solidarity », he wrote on social networks. Likewise, he said that they ratified the rejection of the illegal and arbitrary imposition of unilateral coercive measures. The Antalya 2022 Diplomatic Forum was held from March 11 to 13, under the slogan "Recodification of diplomacy", with the participation of six heads of state and more than 60 ministers and deputy ministers. During their stay, both Foreign Minister Félix Plasencia and Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez held bilateral meetings to strengthen cooperation ties with countries such as Turkey, Suriname, Singapore, Somalia, as well as with the EU High Representative, Joseph Borrell, among others. https://ultimasnoticias.com.ve/noticias/politica/venezuela-ratifico-necesidad-de-consolidar-integracion-en-la-region/
Good oral health is only achieved with proper education. Many mothers and fathers wonder at what age children should go to the dentist for the first time? This consultation is usually made to the pediatrician, however the most qualified health professional to respond and cover all the details is the pediatric dentist, the specialist who is ideal to start the dental control of children from birth. The review and control of the oral health of newborns, even if they do not have teeth, is essential, since they can very often present oral conditions in their mouths such as cysts, sores and some discomforts typical of age. Dr. Luis Diego Pérez, pediatric dentist and professor at the Faculty of Dentistry at ULACIT, explains that statistics show that when children start such control at an early age, their level of risk of suffering from dental caries is lower, and they can reach adulthood without suffering from dental caries. These advantages are directly related to early dental care, where they can enjoy adequate and necessary health education, as well as preventive treatments for their teeth and avoid the appearance of dental caries in the future. “It is no secret to anyone that brushing children's teeth is not an easy task. Children should be brushed by their parents until about 8 years of age and most people are unaware of this information. By visiting the pediatric dentist, parents can learn new brushing techniques that are more suited to their family environment and use new cleaning strategies in children other than brushing, which can collaborate with their discipline in their daily hygiene habits”, he mentioned. Dr. Luis Diego Pérez, pediatric dentist at ULACIT Clinic. Likewise, many parents wonder why their child suffers so much from dental caries if they do not eat sweets, cookies, or some kind of sweet, so the specialist comments that the subject of cariogenic diet has been a taboo throughout the years, since parents to this day still believe that children suffer from cavities only if they eat sweets; It can not only be caused by sweets, but by many other very frequent foods in the children's diet that parents are unaware of. Given this situation, it is important to keep in mind that good oral health is only achieved with adequate education, which is why the ULACIT Clinic has created a Dentistry Fair for children on Friday, April 8 from 1pm to 4pm. at its facilities in Tournón. More information at 25234063, 25234155, email clinica@ulacit.ac.cr, or WhatsApp 88507878. https://www.vidayexito.net/estilo-de-vida/salud/atencion-odontologica-temprana-en-ninos-puede-evitar-la-aparicion-de-caries-dental-en-un-futuro-y-prevenir-enfermedades-orales/
"We will make sure that neither China nor anyone else can compensate Russia for these losses," said White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan warned CNN on Sunday that any move by China or other countries to help Russia evade Western sanctions imposed after the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine "absolutely" will have consequences. In addition, "we will make sure that neither China nor anyone else can compensate Russia for these losses," the official said in an interview with NBC's Meet the Press. He also stated that the US has made it clear that other countries should not rescue the Russian economy. Meanwhile, the spokeswoman for the US National Security Council, Emily Horne, announced that Sullivan and members of the National Security Council and the State Department will meet next Monday in Rome with authorities from the Chinese Communist Party and the director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Yang Jiechi, as part of Washington's "continuous efforts" to "keep the lines of communication open" between the two states. In addition, Sullivan stressed that Washington and its allies will continue to increase pressure on Moscow. He added that the US has no plans to have US military forces operating in Ukraine, but that the country will defend "every inch" of NATO territory, while increasing assistance to Ukrainian fighters, including by supplying anti-aircraft weapons. . "Firm and forceful response" For his part, the spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian, declared Thursday that Beijing will react harshly if Washington imposes sanctions on it for its position regarding Russia in the midst of the operation in Ukraine. "The US should not impose sanctions on Chinese companies and individuals or harm China's legitimate rights and interests in handling its relations with Russia, otherwise China will have a firm and forceful response," the spokesman warned. Likewise, from the Ministry they emphasize that it has been shown in practice that sanctions will not solve problems, but, on the contrary, will cause new ones. They will not only create two or more economic losers, but also disrupt the process of a political settlement, which is "not constructive at all." For her part, US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said Tuesday that Western countries are trying to convince Chinese authorities that neutrality is not an option in the situation around Ukraine. https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/423665-eeuu-china-intentar-ayudar-rusia-consecuencias
There will always be a person who, whether or not he is a lover of cars and a follower of the automotive industry in general, will be surprised to meet pop-up headlights, technically called "retractable". We refer to the headlights that could be hidden in the vehicle itself, in order to preserve its aerodynamic line. Either forward or backward; Located on the grille, hood, fender or bumper, the solution was present mainly in sports cars launched between the 1960s and 2000, and was used by top-level brands such as BMW, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche. In recent days, a video of just 60 seconds began to circulate on social networks, in which the particular lighthouses are seen in all their splendor, unfolding in different ways and with various designs inside. As you may have seen, the video concentrates models of all types and colors. While most are sporty, sedans and convertibles also make an appearance. As additional information, much of it is on display at the GM Heritage Center, the museum that General Motors owns in Detroit, United States. Pop-up headlights: why weren't they used more? The end of retractable headlights came at the beginning of this century. As we have already told you on some occasion, there were several factors that marked his goodbye: The aerodynamic cleanliness was lost when opening them. Smaller headlights with plastic covers were developed They failed a lot. Sometimes they did not open, they opened and did not turn on, etc. Unsafe in collisions with pedestrians. Next, we share a gallery with several of the models used this type of headlights. Which of the models do you think was the best? http://noticias.autocosmos.com.ve/2022/03/12/conoce-la-historia-de-los-faros-pop-up-y-descubre-por-que-ya-no-se-usan
I just checked your activity, only today you have done activity so you have activity for 3 days to see your results for now I will not give my vote yet
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I just reviewed your activity in the section for me I have no problem that you enter the project Good Luck!
Name of this band music: ColdPlay Members: Chris Martin, Guy Berryman, Will Champion, Jon Buckland, Phil Harvey The time this band music was created is: 1996 Band Music Picture: Musical Genres: pop rock and alternative rock Awards: International Album of the Year Top 3 Songs (Names): Hymn for the Weekend, Yellow,Something Just Like This Other Information: -
Music Title: Anuel AA - McGregor (Video Oficial) Signer: Anuel AA Release Date: 04/03/2022 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer:- Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video):-