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Everything posted by Murad

  1. Hello sir I am add my server here 

    1. Murad


      Say sir can you add my served here

    2. FALLEN'


      @eXpLoReRs say sir, will you add his server here?

  2. Byee guys I am going to leave for 3 year's byee @EniiH^ my new friend good bye
  3. Happy birthday @DoD
  4. Byee Good luck
  5. Welcome
  6. Bro PM fast

    1. HAYYAT


      ★ Your Nickname: HAYYAT★ Your Age: 16★ Your Skype name or/and Steam:no have★ Languages that you can speak: English French★ Your Current Location: Algeria★ Do you have experience as admin: 2years★ Where did you had past experience as admin: Other servers★ How many hours can you play per day: 7 h★ Link with hours you played (minimum 30 hours): here (You must write your own nickname before copying the link) (http://www.gametracker.com/player/(HAYYAT)/★ Reason that you want to become admin:-★ Other extra information about your request that you want to add:-ty 

  7. Thx for Reply My Request Avatar and Nice added pictures bro thx alot

  8. Bro wait for me in 2 days I am just now in traveling then I am send you Nick PW TAG ok

  9. Sidi can I connect you via pm

  10. Congratulations Playboy

  11. Sidi can I connect you pm

  12. Sinan can I connect you pm

  13. Bro why your server well unknown check him

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Murad


      Seby you get me FTP yes or no

    3. SebyCSGO
    4. Murad


      Ok and Hardy XXX removed I don't need this server admin 

  14. Wilker go make request in headshot searching CO-OWNER

  15. Help bro come in pravit massage send me you in pravit massage pls come it's me D@RK GOKU

  16. Predator come in pravit massage send me pravit massage

    1. Fir3


      I am 100% he will ask you for admin xD

    2. Adem-


      yeap thats right hhh

  17. connect to @Love - GO.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM or @Sethhh. created new server
  18. Welcome to CSBLACKDEVIL have fun

  19. Neo come in pravit massage you send me hii

    1. Murad


      @#NeO- I WHONT to me CO-owner in perfectzm and manager cs 1.6

    2. Revo


      wllh la ditih hhhh

      @D@RK GoKu 15euro Monthly dude

    3. NeO-,
  20. Tu kon he re

    1. Murad


      Tu Aman hai kya

  21. Neo come in pravit massage

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