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Status Updates posted by Mr.SnaPeR

  1. Hey bro are you back :v i missed you ❤️ remember me iam 


    1. ★Pr!nC3★™


      Yes Bro ❤️ How Are You ?

    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      Fine bro and you ?

    3. ★Pr!nC3★™


      Fine ❤️ Come Join Newlife ? I am There



    but i dont like this shity posts :v 

    any way i still waiting this kid repky xd

  3. First they put you in 

    The most inactive moderator 

    Then when they ask them who is the helpful moderator they put your name aahhhhahahh 

    What a nice friends 

    1. Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

      Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

      as soon dude... as i told you at pm

  4. Well now someone tell me why did that mr.asslicking mention me in that fiing post and iam not even a moderator also iam not absent i retired fk this provocation i dont care for your ass man just please stay away from me dafuk i dont wanna any one to mention me in this fking post gala wtf 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Angrry.exe™


      5obazz dar yaklo l brani ya Flenn.

    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      well flenn :v i just get mad fast xd and he just wanna to provoke me and i dont care for his shity things 

      and he knows that this is the way how children acts ! 

      about you morphine again i will tell you stay away from my way ok -___- 

    4. Angrry.exe™


      I did not say anything that bothers you. My friend seems to want to remember you of who I am

      It seems I can not get away from you because I'm in one direction




    guys isn't it scam or iam blind ? 

    1. Mark-x


      Yeah these types of  things are scam

  6. Oooo you still alive and keep destroying design ahaahha happy birthday its late xdd 

    But stop destroying design ma girl :vv

  7. hahahh i think there is new moderators and Global Moderator soon ! AHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHH

    ofc not me xd i will be something else but sorry i dont love to work for someone like you 

  8. its time to say good bye !!! 

    1. Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

      Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

      Well Well Well.....

      I Will not say anything to you, because this is Your decision and the decision back to you, i was Here For My Friends, then i'm Start to miss one step one.... i will miss you so much my dude and i will still remember you so well and i will not forgot your Help to me.... time to say good bye !!!, did you Forget your goals is you want to achieve it, any case bro, Good bye my dude friend ?? bye bye bye.... i was Don't want to see this day but i see it.. So hard luck to miss best friend...... bye ??

    2. Blackfire


      really good bye ? did u lose your mind ? this is your chance . yo uwill just wast it like that be ''good bye guys'' wow you changed alot buddy.

      anyway think two times before doing any something stupid.

    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      well blackfire i dont have any place here i think Arabians doesnt have any respect or any Appreciation here and i wont wait any one here to disrespect me or insult me ! well now i can open and be free if i didnt open for a while 

      i achieved what i want by being one of this stuff but i didnt feel comfortable when someone helped only his friends but no no others are nothing ,,, The Owner of this Community doesnt do any thing by himself he just leave it for them no one ask for decisions every one does what he want . but now i dont care .. and i dont give a shit ! 

  9. ooooo man i think this is a bad month a very bad one i saw that now you retired ? ? 

    We will Miss you Very Much Man ❤️ ? 

    Good Luck In Your Real Life ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

    1. [N]audy


      Thank bro ❤️ kiss me ? 

    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      ? haha i told them to remove me :v 

    3. [N]audy


      why bro ? lol u saw global with multi))) :,v

  10. Haaaa well it was a reeeaaal long time also a haard time for me ????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      No its not exams not yet 

      My aunt died ! ???

    3. Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

      Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

      alah yrhamha 

      and My aunt died friday also ??

    4. Tweek
  11. well guys sorry fir my activity it was a real hard days for me 

    I was studying hard also I was in the hospital with my bro checking him sorry I will start my work again tomorrow ???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T
    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      ace how could you be wife of naudy and khaled at the same time ??

    4. Hannibal 亗

      Hannibal 亗

      @Mr.SnaPeR It's the same way for you to be Celtixxx and Evil baby wife!

      @#Ace you are the wife of my DI** only..!!! understood? ? 

  12.  wowwww dude You Destroyed design Section xDD

    1. Flenn.


      no they say i'm just useless , noob and bad person

  13. well know iam confused now @Mr.Love please tell me where am I from xd

  14. when you be tired and open community and find this 

    Suarez sent you 99 points
    8 hours ago 

    it makes me very happy 

    lovev you baby ❤️@Suarez

    1. Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

      Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T


      for 99 points every this, Snaper you sell me? ? 

  15. Here You Are @Flenn. ofc you understood right ? 46837363_896116920776979_235411239430678


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      but dont you know ahmed el feshawy xd

    3. Flenn.
    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      pff xd i wish if you can understand Egyptians mind XD

  16. iam bored why no one make vs me a battle :v 

    in design :x 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      go make it you ?

    3. Flenn.


      i'm always here ? 

    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      well flenn lets do it but you will win xd

      lets try any way ?

  17. zHGGQkm.png

    take this In your as* ? by @FearLess xD

    1. FearLess
    2. Suarez™


      @Mr.SnaPeR ok dont worry , diss is cominnnn





    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      iam the winner :v ? 

    3. #Ace


      Yeah you and celtix do it every 10 min we know that no need to tell

    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      ahahaahha  nice conversation xDDD 

      Loooove you so much bro ! ❤️ 

      i really needed that ?

  18. i will go and sleep because i am really angry and disappointed !

    Good Night 

    Note You Can give all who attended that meeting VIP for Spamming ??

  19. First i really got confused today for my first time i feel mad and cant do anything i felt bad inside my self  waiting in a meeting which no one wait Mr.love's reply or talk every one came just for gifts not to help community i didnt even see someone say guys i have an idea for community. i just wasted my own time, left my studies and came to attend that meeting to see spams and things that i didnt think that i will see in my live about 500 messages on teamspeak in one channel from 57 members ! you can just count how many one member sent messages? you cant count it and when love came he sent one message then i found much spam that you cant even count or read i couldnt read what love said or what did any one say because of this spam ! all what i can say that , it was a Horrible Meeting ! @Mr.Love


    1. Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

      Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

      this is was a best meeting ?,  and i thank who was have a good Spam

  20. well people Global meeting is tomorrow and for real I need all of you to come because you may win some points also a game on steam so guys dont forget that its tomorrow be active on ts3 and when it start we will make a status update 

    Regards my lovers 

  21. hoy hoy crash see this :v 

    crash-3.png     Crash.png     Crash2.png


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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