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Everything posted by RenzO

  1. v1 ,clear , blur , brush , border , pattern , effect , text
  2. Name of the oponent: DaNGeROuS KiLLeR Theme of work: http://i.imgur.com/nATaNOu.jpg Type of work (signature, banner, Avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Size: 150x250 *Text: battle Watermark: csblackdevil Working time: 1D
  3. welcome to csblackdevil and have fun!
  4. welcome to csbd and have fun!. Mr.hitler
  5. Welcome to csblackdevil and Have fun.
  6. welcome to csblackdevil and have fun!
  7. v2 , brush , text , effect
  8. RenzO


    Hello Iman , when you finish your work - go to File > save for web > Presets Set to PNG-24 then Click save
  9. v2 , text , brush , effects
  10. welcome to CSBD Lucian and have fun!
  11. welcome Rajesh Choudhary and have fun .
  12. v1 , blur , text , border
  13. v2 , effect , border , brush , text
  14. v1 = 6 Votes v2 = 9 Votes v3= 2 Votes Thank you guys for accept this challenge.
  15. welcome to csbd Dani and have fun!
  16. v1 : v2 : v3 :
  17. Name of the opponent: Mr.Sebby and Levan Theme of work: http://i.imgur.com/bcBASh8.jpg Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Avatar Size: 150x250 *Text: Battle Watermark: csbd Working time: 24H
  18. accepted
  19. v2 , text , blur , redimension
  20. v1 blur , text , border , pattern , brush.
  21. v1 , brush , textures
  22. v2 , blur , brush
  23. accept # The member Special Champ™ cannot receive any new messages
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