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TheWild ™

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  1. iQoo Z9 series is confirmed to go official in China on April 24. While the Vivo sub-brand has only mentioned the iQoo Z9 and iQoo Z9 Turbo, the upcoming lineup could include the iQoo Z9x as well, as per recent reports. Just a week ahead of the official debut, a tipster has leaked the key specifications of the iQoo Z9 series smartphones. All three phones are said to come with dual rear cameras and 80W fast charging support. The iQoo Z9x is tipped to run on Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC, while the iQoo Z9 Turbo is already confirmed to ship with Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC. Tipster Ishan Agarwal (@ishanagarwal24), in association with 91Mobiles, has leaked the specifications of iQoo Z9 Turbo, iQoo Z9 and iQoo Z9x. As per the report, the iQoo Z9x will get a 6.72-inch 120Hz LCD screen, while the iQoo Z9 and iQoo Z9 Turbo could feature a 6.78-inch 144Hz AMOLED panel. All three models are said to pack dual rear cameras led by 50-megapixel primary sensor. The iQoo Z9 and iQoo Z9x are tipped to feature 2-megapixel portrait sensors, the iQoo Z9 Turbo is likely to carry an 8-megapixel ultrawide snapper. The iQoo Z9x could sport an 8-megapixel selfie shooter, while the vanilla iQoo Z9 and the Turbo variant might get a 16-megapixel front camera. iQoo has already confirmed that the iQoo Z9 Turbo will run on Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC. The tipster claims that the iQoo Z9x will have a Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC under the hood. The iQoo Z9 might feature a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC. The Indian variant of iQoo Z9 5G shipped with MediaTek Dimensity 7200 5G SoC. The iQoo Z9x and the vanilla iQoo Z9 could feature LPDDR4X RAM and UFS 2.2 storage. The iQoo Turbo, in contrast, is said to include LPDDR5X RAM and UFS 4.0 storage. The iQoo Z9 Turbo is already confirmed to house a 6,000mAh battery. The leak suggests the same battery call for the other two iQoo Z9 series phones. The iQoo Z9 Turbo and iQoo Z9 are said to offer 80W fast charging support, while the iQoo Z9x could come with 40W charging speed. iQoo Neo 9s Pro Might Debut With These Snapdragon and MediaTek Chipsets iQoo already announced that the iQoo Z9 and iQoo Z9 Turbo will be launched in China on April 24 at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST). The standard iQoo Z9 5G was released in India last month with a price tag of Rs. 19,999 for the 8GB RAM + 128GB storage model. https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/news/iqoo-z9x-turbo-series-launch-april-24-specifications-report-5454464#pfrom=topstory
  2. Si llevamos muchos años utilizando ordenadores, la denominada era post-PC nos pasa de largo sin tocarnos y lo más probable es que tengamos más de un equipo guardado en una caja al que llevamos varios años sin darle ningún uso. Si nos estamos planteando la posibilidad de llevarlo a un centro de reciclaje o incluso venderlo, antes de nada, debemos contemplar la posibilidad de darle una utilidad en nuestro día a día. Antes de nada, dependiendo del uso que vayamos darle, debemos plantearnos si merece la pena reemplazar el HDD por un SSD. Otro aspecto que también debemos analizar es si merece la pena instalar una distribución Linux, siempre y cuando el uso que vayamos a darle sea compatible con la aplicación que vayamos a utilizar. Esto es especialmente recomendado si hablamos de un PC bastante antiguo que ya en su momento no se llevaba bien con Windows 10.Si quieres conocer todos los usos que podemos darle a un viejo PC que tengamos por casa, os invitamos a seguir leyendo y seguro que os lleváis más de una agradable sorpresa.Las plataformas de almacenamiento en la nube son, en la actualidad, la forma más cómoda y sencilla de tener siempre una copia de seguridad de nuestras fotos, vídeos, documentos y demás fuera de nuestro ordenador. Los dispositivos NAS son ideales para este propósito, utilizando sistemas operativos como OpenMediaVault o FreeNAS, sistemas operativos basados en Linux que nos ofrecen las mismas funciones que podemos encontrar en este tipo de dispostivos. Pero, si nuestras necesidades pasan por reunir en un mismo lugar todos los archivos que utilizamos para trabajar o estudiar junto con los dispositivos que queremos compartir en red en un único lugar, podemos utilizar el PC para crear un servidor de archivos local o incluso en la nube. Para llevar a cabo este proceso, es recomendable utilizar una distribución Linux al ser mucho más ligero que utilizar cualquier versión de Windows que todavía tenga soporte oficial en forma actualizaciones. Servidor multimedia Otro interesante uso que también podemos darle a un viejo es PC es como servidor multimedia para tener siempre a mano nuestra música, fotografías, vídeos y películas siempre accesibles desde cualquier otro PC. Para crear un servidor multimedia, no es necesario instalar un sistema operativo especial, ya que podemos utilizar las aplicaciones Plex y Kodi, ambas completamente gratuitas y que están disponibles para Windows, Linux y macOS. Además de todos los usos que hemos mencionado más arriba, también podemos contemplar la posibilidad de convertirlo en un servidor para algunos videojuegos como Minecraft para así evitar tener que pagar todos los meses por un servidor sobre el que apenas tenemos control. Disfrutar de juegos retro Si nos gustan los juegos retro, podemos convertir nuestro viejo PC en una máquina recreativa o consola para disfrutar de juegos antiguos utilizando un mando de control. El número de emuladores que podemos utilizar para convertir nuestro viejo PC en una consola de múltiples plataformas es muy amplio y variado siendo RetroArch, una de las mejores opciones, ya que reúne todos los emuladores en una misma aplicación. Si estamos pensando en añadir cámaras de nuestra casa y no queremos depender de la aplicación para dispositivos móviles que nos ofrecen los respectivos fabricantes, podemos utilizar a nuestro equipo para centralizar todas las alternas de movimiento con su correspondiente grabación sin tener que utilizar la tarjeta de memoria que incluyen estas cámaras o los servidores de almacenamiento en la nube. Pero, antes de nada, debemos asegurarnos de que las cámaras que tenemos pensado comprar, incluyen una software para gestionarlas desde un PC ya que no todas ofrecen esta opción. Centro de domótica Si hemos comenzado a implementar la domótica en nuestro hogar y no queremos estar siempre pendientes de nuestro móvil para gestionar su funcionamiento, podemos hacer uso de nuestro viejo como centro de domótica utilizando Home Assistant. Esta plataforma, disponible para Windows, Linux y macOS, además de para dispositivos Raspberry Pi, ofrece soporte para más de 2.600 dispositivos inteligentes compatible con Amazon Alexa, Hue de Philips, Google Assistant, HomeKit de Apple, kea Trâdfri, Sonos, Zigbee y muchos más. https://hardzone.es/noticias/perifericos/octocat-cobra-vida-raspberry-pi-impresora-3d/
  3. Los ordenadores portátiles se han convertido en elementos hardware imprescindibles para muchos debido a las ventajas que nos proponen con respecto a los equipos de sobremesa. No cabe duda de que una de las razones por las que compramos estos equipos, es por su movilidad. No hace falta decir que esto nos permite llevar siempre encima nuestro ordenador, ya sea por motivos personales o más profesionales. Además en los tiempos que corren no tienen nada que envidiar a las enormes torres que forman parte de nuestro escritorio de trabajo. Incluso a la hora de jugar, muchos ordenadores portátiles nos ofrecen rendimientos espectaculares. Pero claro, aquí nos encontramos con un componente sumamente importante y que debemos tener muy en consideración. En concreto nos referimos a la batería que es la que realmente nos proporciona la autonomía y la movilidad necesaria para usar este equipo. De ahí que al margen del procesador o la memoria RAM, en estos ordenadores portátiles este es un elemento que igualmente debemos cuidar y mantener. Medidas para aumentar la autonomía del portátil En ocasiones necesitamos varias horas de autonomía en las que poder trabajar con nuestro equipo ya que no tendremos acceso a la corriente eléctrica. Es importante que tomemos algunas medidas de precaución para así aumentar ese tiempo de vida antes de que se apague. Por ejemplo aquí es importante que disminuyamos de manera importante el nivel de brillo de la pantalla. También podemos hacer uso de la función que nos permite darle prioridad a la autonomía antes que al rendimiento del equipo. A su vez es importante que prescindamos de determinadas aplicaciones que consumen recursos y a su vez batería, como por ejemplo sucede con los juegos. Además, es muy importante realizar ciclos sanos de carga y descarga. Muchas veces solemos cargarla al 100% y usarla hasta que se agota por completo. Aunque de vez en cuando esto no está mal, no es la mejor forma de mantener la batería. Si queremos que nos dure lo máximo posible, lo ideal es hacer cargas hasta el 90%, nunca agotándola por debajo del 20%. Y, si lo vamos a tener conectado a la corriente, que bloquee la carga en torno al 60% para evitar forzarla. Una vez sabemos todo esto, también es fundamental que conozcamos en todo momento el nivel de batería restante para así gestionar mejor la autonomía. Es por ello que a continuación os mostraremos diferentes maneras de conocer en todo momento este porcentaje restante. Formas de ver el nivel de batería del portátil en Windows En primer lugar y quizá uno de los métodos más sencillos y efectivos sea hacer uso del icono que encontramos en la bandeja de la barra de tareas de Windows. Este se sitúa junto a otros iconos sumamente importantes como el de la conectividad o el volumen de sonido del sistema. Basta con que situemos el cursor del ratón sobre el correspondiente icono que os comentamos para que el sistema nos muestre el porcentaje restante. Ni siquiera hará falta que pinchemos sobre el mismo. En el caso de que no aparezca este icono, tenemos la posibilidad de activarlo desde la aplicación de Configuración. Aquí no tenemos más que situarnos en el apartado Barra de tareas / Activar o desactivar iconos del sistema para poner en marcha Energía. Igualmente tenemos la posibilidad de obtener un interesante informe acerca del uso de la batería donde igualmente podremos ver su nivel y otros datos útiles. Todo ello con tan solo hacer uso de un sencillo comando que podemos ejecutar en una ventana del símbolo del sistema. Accedemos a CMD y aquí escribimos lo siguiente:Automáticamente esta orden genera un archivo en formato HTML y el comando nos especifica dónde lo ha guardado. Accedemos a esa ruta de disco para continuación echar un vistazo al nuevo fichero y toda la información que pone a nuestra disposición. Ya os hemos comentado antes que cuando trabajamos con un ordenador portátil este componente hardware resulta un elemento clave. De ahí que algunos desarrolladores externos hayan creado sus propios proyectos para ayudarnos a conocer el porcentaje de batería en todo momento. Un ejemplo lo encontramos en la aplicación gratuita llamada Pure Battery Analytics que se centra en estas tareas. Nos permite visualizar el porcentaje de batería en la bandeja de Windows de manera más eficaz que con el método mostrado antes. https://www.softzone.es/noticias/windows/ver-porcentaje-bateria-portatil-windows/
  4. Music title: Richy Jackson Shares Signer: N\A Release date: 16‏/04‏/2024 Official YouTube link:
  5. Nick movie: snagged Time:101min Netflix / Amazon / HBO: Netflix Duratio
  6. The PM said he would speak to his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu to express solidarity and also discuss how to prevent "further escalation". Mr Sunak told MPs Iran's actions had been "reckless and dangerous". Tehran launched more than 300 drones and missiles at Israel in retaliation for a deadly air strike on its consulate in Damascus. Israel said 99% of the projectiles had been intercepted with help from allies - including the US, UK and Jordan. In a statement in the House of Commons, Mr Sunak confirmed the RAF had intercepted "a number of Iranian drones" and said the air force was "the best of the best". He said Iran had "once again shown its true colours" and its attack had been intent on "further destabilising the Middle East". "Saturday's attack was the act not of the people but of a despotic regime, and it is emblematic of the dangers that we face today," Mr Sunak said, adding that threats to stability were "growing, not just in the Middle East but everywhere". He said the UK was "working urgently with our allies to de-escalate the situation and prevent further bloodshed". "We want to see calmer heads prevail and we're directing all our diplomatic efforts to that end," Mr Sunak said. Turning to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, he said "nothing that has happened over the last 48 hours affects our position on Gaza". Mr Sunak said it was "Israel's right, and indeed it's duty, to defeat the threat from Hamas" but also reiterated his calls for a "long-term and sustainable ceasefire". Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said he "welcomed the prime minister's call for restraint" and that the attack "left the world a more dangerous place". He added: "If diplomacy takes centre stage, and it must, then we also need to be clear diplomatic premises should not be targeted and attacked. That is a point of principle." The strike on Iran's consulate in Syria on 1 April killed seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officers officers, including a top commandes Lord Cameron added that the UK did not support a retaliatory strike, echoing US President Joe Biden's comment that Israel should "take the win". The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Germany's foreign minister Annalena Baerbock have also called for calm, while French President Emmanuel Macron said France would do everything possible to avoid what he described as a regional conflagration. Israel's cabinet and opposition leaders have met in Tel Aviv to consider their response to the attack. Herzi Halevi, chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), said Iran's attacks would be "met with a response" and said Israel was considering its next steps. Earlier, a spokesperson for the UK prime minister said the country and its allies were "clearly not briefed" by Tehran, in response to Iran's assertion that it gave advanced warning of the attack. Attack drones were intercepted by the RAF in Syrian and Iraqi airspace, where it was already operating with the US as part of the Operation Shader mission against the Islamic State group. Lord Cameron confirmed the UK's role was to "backfill" for the US and the RAF had agreed to shoot down Iranian drones if they came through that airspace. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68815198
  7. From the July 1999 issue of Car and Driver. Long before the invention of the automobile, French jour­nalist Alphonse Karr noted that the more things change, the more they stay the same—an observation that does seem applicable to this twosome. On the one hand, we have a brand-new sport-utility, the Nissan Xterra, that returns to the fun­damentals of its class: a body-on-frame design with mildly macho styling and—a pleasant surprise in an age of high prices—a bar­gain price. On the other hand, we have the Jeep Cherokee, which hasn't undergone any major changes since it began altering the appearance of suburban carports some 15 years ago. Obviously, there's a major difference in design philosophies here. Even so, we still perceive some striking similarities. Both vehicles compete on the border of the subcompact- and com­pact-SUV classes, which is increasingly well-po[CENSORED]ted territory with lots of choices. Both vehicles are relatively free of frills, and both have the right stuff for fairly rugged off-road duty, which can't be said of the Honda CR-V, the Toyota RAV4, or the Subaru Forester. Since off-road capability is a defining trait here, we decided to shovel a higher-than-normal proportion of dirt into our test regimen. Accordingly, we shaped a course for the west coast—the west coast of Michigan, that is—and the mammoth sand dunes of Silver Lake State Park about 35 miles north of Muskegon. The park is open to recreational vehicles, and for a modest fee—$20.25 each—visitors can take their dirt bikes, ATVs, and sport-utes out there and churn sand to their hearts' content. Understand, we do this sort of thing strictly in the interest of thorough testing. Automotive historians cite the Jeep Wrangler's military ancestors as the prog­enitors of the modern species sportus util­itus, but the real father of the SUV boom is the vehicle you're looking at right here. Introduced in 1983 as an '84 model, the Cherokee was the first unit-bodied sport­-utility, an innovation that yielded benefits in curb weight—note the 545-pound dif­ference between our Cherokee tester and the Xterra—and chassis stiffness, the basic ingredients for good handling. With its handy size and four doors, the Cherokee caught the attention of fashionable sub­urban moms from Scarsdale to Pasadena.Jeep has invested modestly in various updates, most recently in 1997, but the cur­rent Cherokee still looks very much like the two-box original, right down to the irregular seams and gaps between its body panels, a perennial weakness that doesn't seem to retard this little wagon's persis­tent po[CENSORED]rity. Although the '97 update gave the Cherokee a more modern instru­ment panel (shared with the Wrangler), there's no disguising the age of the design, and that goes double for its propulsion sys­tems. Our tester—a Sport model with Jeep's basic Command-Trac part-time four-wheel-drive system and Up Country off-road suspension package—was pow­ered by the optional 4.0-liter pushrod in­line six. This aging powerplant generates gratifying torque—225 pound-feet—but its noise and vibration belong to a more primitive era, traits that were magnified by a driveshaft vibration during startup accel­eration. Interior noise, most of it related to the industrial sounds coming from the powertrain, was substantially higher than what you'll hear inside the Xterra at all speeds. https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/comparison-test/a60010621/1999-nissan-xterra-1999-jeep-cherokee-sport-archive-test/
  8. Does your heart skip a beat when we say the term ‘adventure’? Are you always looking for ways to involve yourself in some sort of adventure, be it trekking, Bungee jumping, or the breath holding skydiving? If the answer to all our questions is a big yes, then congratulations, we are here to exploit your love for adventure by bringing to your mountain bikes that you can trust while you do some mountain biking. Top 10 mountain bikes for all the adventure lovers(Pexels) In fact, mountain bikes are the rugged adventurers of the cycling world. Mountain bikes are loaded with sturdy handles, wide tires, and power brakes that are built to handle rough trails, rocky paths, and steep inclines without breaking a sweat. From leisurely rides in the countryside to extreme off-road competitions, these rugged machines are the go-to choice for outdoor enthusiasts seeking thrills, exploration, and a connection with nature.And if you too are on the road to explore mountain bikes to increase your love for adventure, you are at the right spot. We have curated a comprehensive list of top 10 mountain bikes for you. These rugged bikes can be taken for a street stroll or even on those rugged surfaces.Experience the thrill of off-road adventures with the Leader Scout MTB 26T Mountain Bicycle. Engineered for performance and durability, this bicycle features a sturdy frame and reliable components that can withstand rugged terrains. Its 26-inch tires provide excellent traction, while the front suspension fork absorbs shocks for a smoother ride. With 21-speed gear options, you can conquer hills and navigate tricky trails with ease. Whether you're hitting the trails or cruising through the city, the Leader Scout MTB is your trusted companion for outdoor excursions.The Urban Terrain UT2000 Cycle is the perfect blend of style and functionality. Designed for urban commuters and leisure riders alike, this cycle features a lightweight frame that offers agility and manoeuvrability in city streets. Its comfortable saddle and ergonomic handlebars ensure a pleasant riding experience, whether you're commuting to work or exploring the neighbourhood. Equipped with reliable brakes and smooth-rolling tires, the UT2000 delivers stability and control on varied terrain. With its sleek design and practical features, this cycle is an ideal choice for urban dwellers seeking convenience and versatility. https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/pick-from-our-top-10-mountain-bikes-to-satisfy-the-adventure-seeker-inside-you-like-never-before-101713257565848.html
  9. The tauros, a specially bred version of the long-extinct auroch cattle, is being introduced to Portugal's Côa Valley. On a cold, misty morning, a herd of dun-coloured Sorraia horses, an endangered local breed, graze on grass and small shrubs, their short and stocky bodies enveloped in the mist by the Côa river in the mountains of northeastern Portugal. As the sun rises and the mist starts to dissipate, it unveils the deep gorges of the Côa Valley, where vultures and eagles nest on the cliffs. Further south, a herd of large black and chestnut cattle with long horns run with agility. Known as tauros, these bovines are a specially bred version of the long-extinct auroch, the wild ancestor of the modern cow. The horses and tauros were released by Rewilding Portugal, a non-profit organisation whose mission is to create a 1,200 sq km (463 sq miles) wildlife corridor along the Côa River, improving habitat connectivity between the Douro River in the north and the Malcata mountains in the south. "We promote the coming back of wild species and replace the extinct ones, such as the auroch and the wild horse," says Pedro Prata, the head of Rewilding Portugal. Since it was established in 2019, the organisation has released two herds of 20 Sorraia horses and 15 tauros in an area spanning about 20 sq km (7.7 sq miles) to restore natural processes with natural grazing. Thousands of years ago, the wild ancestors of cattle and horses roamed freely across the Côa region, migrating in large herds and playing a key role in maintaining grassland ecosystems. The animals were so important that our ancestors decided to paint and engrave their images in caves and stones. Along the Côa Valley, representations of aurochs, wild horses and other creatures dating back 24,000 years have been carved on the schist outcrops. The area boats one of the largest concentrations of Paleolithic open-air rock art, and is recognised as a Unesco World Heritage site. With its long horns and massive body, the auroch features prominently in the engravings. Once the largest land mammals in Europe, aurochs went extinct in the 17th Century due to overhunting and habitat loss. The last of the species died in Poland in 1627; one of the first recorded cases of extinction. But recent efforts are trying to bring back these mighty herbivores. Rewilding Portugal partnered with the Taurus Foundation, a Dutch organisation dedicated to breeding bovines that could thrive in Europe's wild landscapes. The foundation has been using a method known as back-breeding to combine cattle breeds in southern Europe that still have some of the characteristics of their auroch ancestors: large stature, long legs, a slender build and big horns curved forward. "We combined primitive breeds to try to get the closest possible genetically to what the auroch once was," says Goderie. The goal is to create a wild bovine that can once again roam freely and that is prepared to deal with predators. For millennia, grazing aurochs created open spaces for other species to thrive. As the closest to the extinct auroch depicted on the prehistoric engravings, Goderie says tauros can fulfil a similar ecological function that is vital for biodiversity. "Natural grazing will lead to more natural processes that are missing from local ecosystems, more habitats and more biodiversity," he says. "This land is marginal, the soil is poor and there is a lack of water. Summers are very harsh here and will get even worse with climate change. The landscape will become even less suitable for farming," says Prata, a biologist who grew up on a farm near the Côa river. Production is so low on the rocky hillsides that over the last decades, many farmers abandoned the valley and it became one of the least inhabited places in Portugal. Prata also left as a young man to find better opportunities abroad. But the reasons why farming communities left were also what made Prata move back with a new vision for the region. Depo[CENSORED]tion and land abandonment became an opportunity to bring nature back. "We inherited a very degraded landscape. So we are proposing to let this landscape regenerate by rewilding," says Prata. The goal is not to recreate what the landscape once was, but to tap into the potential of what it could be. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240312-the-rewilding-project-bringing-back-an-ancient-breed-of-cattle-to-portugal
  10. Emiliano Martinez (Aston Villa): To beat Arsenal took a superb team performance by Aston Villa from start to finish and it was a wonderful return to Emirates Stadium for manager Unai Emery. His team couldn't have performed any better than a 2-0 win away from home. As far as tactics go Aston Villa carried them out to the letter and it started with Emiliano Martinez. Playing out from the back, and when Arsenal are pressing, you have to have nerves of steel. Martinez remained unshakeable throughout this entire fixture. However, he is a goalkeeper first and foremost and when he was called on to produce something special he did precisely that. His point-blank save from Leandro Trossard at a crucial stage in the match was a turning point in the game and Villa never looked back. This is a team and a manager who look like they might be going places. Fabian Schar (Newcastle): Fabian Schar should have been booked in the first few minutes against Tottenham for his tackle on Son Heung-min and so should Dan Burn for pulling back James Maddison. If referees are going to be lenient in the opening exchanges, and I detect more officials are giving players a little latitude, it should not be for deliberate or premeditated offences. Let's not go back to the days when it was accepted a defender could have a free hit at a striker and the official would turn a blind eye. Having said that, the fixture was never in doubt once Newcastle realised that their visitors were never up for the battle. This was a poor show by Tottenham but an impressive performance in the end by Newcastle. From his very first tackle, Schar was determined to leave an impression on the game and he did just that. Joachim Andersen (Crystal Palace): To win at Anfield was a magnificent result for Crystal Palace and Joachim Andersen was at the heart of this victory for the Eagles. The Denmark international was outstanding alongside Nathaniel Clyne, Jefferson Lerma and Tyrick Mitchell, who between them kept an impressive clean sheet. The result almost certainly means that Palace will now avoid being sucked into any sort of scrap with Everton, Nottingham Forest or Luton, who are all desperately trying to avoid relegation. Meanwhile, Liverpool's Mo Salah was well off the pace and has been for some time. Jurgen Klopp's team looked like the midweek defeat against Atalanta in the Europa League had taken too much out of them and they appeared to be running on fumes. Whether Liverpool can recover from dropping points in their last two league fixtures and still mount a credible title challenge remains to be seen, but I think they may have blown it. Josko Gvardiol (Manchester City): He scored his first goal for the club at the Bernabeu in the quarter-finals of the Champions League in midweek and then along came his first Premier League strike against Luton Town just four days later. Both were quite superb, although the finish against Real Madrid would have carried far more significance. Nevertheless, the way the Croatia international has seamlessly slotted into the Manchester City set-up is incredibly impressive. Gvardiol's success since he burst into the team has given City options. The full-back is as comfortable on the ball as Joao Cancelo was when he was occupying the position and seems just as capable of scoring goals. City, who went two points clear at the top of the table, now look ominous. With six league games left to play in the Premier League, a second Treble is still very much on the cards. Luton had 12 players who have tasted first-team football out of action due to injury so came out of this difficult fixture with their reputation still intact. I don't think a player can ask for any more than when your fans, who have paid good money to see you perform, applaud you off the field because you have given your best. Seeing Luton fans show their appreciation for their players in such a manner was telling. Unfortunately for the Hatters, Jeremy Doku almost single-handedly tore the visitors to shreds. This game was never part of Luton's points tally plan; however, the next five games are. They now face a monumental challenge and I believe they must win three games from five to stand any chance of staying in the division. I always felt that this division was always too much for the Bedfordshire club, but I can't fault their spirit. Alexander Isak (Newcastle): Spurs were 3-0 down in less than 60 minutes. If ever there was a case of a team showing how desperately inconsistent they are, then Tottenham's performance at St James' Park was it. The normally impressive Micky van de Ven looked like he was playing on skis, while James Maddison seem to go through the entire match as if the scoreline didn't matter, oblivious of the fact that his team were fighting for a Champions League spot, and getting hammered. Newcastle's Alexander Isak took complete advantage of Tottenham's failings with two well-taken goals, and with a bit of luck the Sweden international might have had a third. Tottenham have increased their ticket prices for next season. With a Champions League spot looking increasingly unlikely as the season draws towards a close, can anyone offer a justification? Matheus Cunha (Wolves): Forest-Wolves was a fabulous contest between two Midlands rivals. If Gibbs-White was the star of the show for Nottingham Forest then Matheus Cunha was the man of the moment for Wolves. The Brazilian cut Forest to pieces on one occasion and then robbed them of two points on another. His first goal was like he was doing samba footwork as he danced around three Forest defenders before smashing the most exquisite shot past Matz Sels. Wolves have had a magnificent campaign under Gary O'Neil and there is no reason why they can't push on next season with just a little investment. I think Forest will need nine points from their remaining games to stand a realistic chance of survival. Kevin de Bruyne (Manchester City): The City midfielder's return didn't help Luton one bit. His absence due to illness for the Champions League in midweek was felt, but within minutes at getting back on the pitch the Belgium international was feeding the kind of through balls Erling Haaland was starved of in Madrid. Mateo Kovacic (Manchester City): He doesn't score many goals but when he does they tend to be beauties. Kovacic's 64th-minute strike against Luton was one of those goals you see a defensive midfield player score once in a blue moon - no pun intended. The Crooks of the Matter I don't know how some clubs have got the nerve to charge their fans more in ticket prices when they are in receipt of more money than ever from television revenues. Liverpool supporters announced their disapproval by refusing to take their usual flags and banners on to the Kop for the Atalanta game on Thursday night, having heard the news of a 2% increase in ticket prices at Anfield next season. Is this the thanks they get for the magnificent way in which they support their team? However, if you're a Tottenham fan it gets worse. Spurs have raised their season ticket prices by a staggering 6% for the 2024-25 season. One could argue that Liverpool's increase might be somewhat justified due to their fans being treated to the occasional trophy, and if that is the case, then it's hard to fathom precisely what Tottenham's reason could be. It doesn't help matters when fans know how much money finds its way into the pockets of agents. Meanwhile, Premier League footballers get paid more money than they know what to do with. Custodians of our football clubs - and that's all owners really are - are taking advantage of the fans like this is a mickey-take. Liverpool fans had every right to announce their displeasure and so they should. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/68820717
  11. Fresh US aid for Ukraine will be put to a vote separately to the question of new military assistance for Israel, House Speaker Mike Johnson says. Mr Johnson has stalled a House vote on a $96bn package aimed at helping both US allies, while he faces pressure from fellow members of his Republican Party. But he said an Iranian attack on Israel over the weekend had increased the urgency to sign off new foreign aid. Mr Johnson said the separate aid bills could be put to a vote this week. Ukraine has grown impatient as its ammunition supplies dwindle, with Russia making steady territorial gains after its full-scale invasion entered a third year. President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for his allies to show the same unity they have shown Israel, highlighting "the intensity of Russian attacks". But right-wing Republicans - whose party narrowly control the House - have increasingly questioned American support for Kyiv due to its expense. Among them are Donald Trump, the party's likely 2024 presidential candidate. Mr Johnson had previously attempted to make Republican support for foreign aid conditional on President Joe Biden tightening US border security - a move that ultimately failed. The Speaker has also been resisting a threat to oust him by Marjorie Taylor-Greene, who opposes what she sees as compromises made with rival Democrats. Following months of political deadlock over the aid, Mr Johnson pledged American support following events in the Middle East over the weekend that concerned another US ally, Israel. Israel came under attack from a barrage of Iranian missiles and drones, following an earlier strike on an Iranian consulate building in Syria for which Israel is widely believed to have been responsible. "There are precipitating events around the globe that we're all watching very carefully and we know that the world is watching us to see how we react," Mr Johnson said on Monday. He went on to launch a verbal attack on "terrorists and tyrants and terrible leaders around the world", which he said included the leaders of Russia and Iran. Mr Johnson went on to explain that the $96bn (£77bn) package of mixed aid - which had already been approved in the upper chamber - would not be put to a vote in its "current form". Instead, he said, "we will vote on each of these measures separately in four different pieces". It is thought these votes could happen by Friday evening. The aid - whether presented in separate bills or bundled back into one - would then have to be put to the Senate again. The White House has opposed any "standalone" measure that supports Israel solely. Writing on X, Mr Johnson explained that the newly-separated bills were intended to support not only Ukraine and Israel, but also "strengthen our allies in the Indo-Pacific (and) pass additional measures to counter our adversaries and strengthen our national security." The package passed by the Senate also included assistance for Taiwan. Mr Johnson has previously expressed support for legislation that would structure new Ukraine support in the form of loans - suggesting costs could be covered by authorising the US government to seize and sell Russian assets frozen since the start of the Ukraine war. This component could also be voted on this week as part of the proposed package of measures. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68825646
  12. But once again, I would like to hear from your comment. You still will not understand, and I see a lot of hatred in your eyes. You understand the meaning of the word, “I don’t have a new request or anything.” I was here and I want to return, and I have a leave request. Good luck.
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