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Everything posted by MR.AmaZing

  1. v2- good c4d and text iam amazed from this work realy good job all
  2. S!di

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. S!di.
    3. HAYYAT


      ★ Your Nickname: HAYYAT

      ★ Your Age: 16
      ★ Your Skype name or/and Steam:no have
      ★ Languages that you can speak: English French
      ★ Your Current Location: Algeria
      ★ Do you have experience as admin: 2years
      ★ Where did you had past experience as admin: Other servers

      ★ How many hours can you play per day: 7 h
      ★ Link with hours you played (minimum 30 hours): here (You must write your own nickname before copying the link) 
      ★ Reason that you want to become admin:-
      ★ Other extra information about your request that you want to add:-ty 

      :) my Ferind AnA!_!baba

    4. HAYYAT


      hi pro qwemn

  3. suarez can you colse my gallery my bro

  4. GFX Designers i said i cant do ot with fonts because i dont want to do logo for my avatar i want do it for staff you understand please
  5. Description of the problem:logoPhotos:i dont know how to do logo and dont have photosOther details:because i need more than one any one help me
  6. hello all i need help about some logos i cant do any logo and i dont knwo how to place it can any one help me in that and please give to me some logos
  7. SACI if you read this i want from you to do to me some logos i just need them to do echipa to stuff Royalzm 

    ok bro i need just some logos from you or 

    vedio about how to do logos

  8. Greenz

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. greeNZ


      I cant explain for u

    3. MR.AmaZing


      no no go i can understand

    4. MR.AmaZing


      and if you want talk arabic talk iam egyptien

  9. please hardwell tell me what i do 


    what happend in my gallery 

  10. hackers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. *Ha(C)kEr'S*
    3. *Ha(C)kEr'S*


      you have make mutch duble post man :| about this dont talk with me but with a gfx 

    4. friend™
  11. suarez i want to know how to do it color bruch

    1. Suarez™


      its just a normal brush ...

  12. ' how to do this thing in photo can you help me suarez just you can do that
  13. To be or not to be

    #William Shekespear 

    1. MR.AmaZing


      what is that kid

  14. If o want be something i can be it

  15. Close the topic V2 is the winner Congratulation City
  16. Mr Saci

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. S A C I

      S A C I

      Click , Click , Click  Here is 3 tutorials avatar my work , u can find more Tutorials Here

    3. MR.AmaZing
    4. S A C I
  17. Name of the oponent: City Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):avatar Size:150×250 *Text:Battle Watermark:CSBD Working time:48 hr
  18. V2 Blur Text Effects Border All is good


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