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    Moldova, Republic Of

Everything posted by gEoLgAu-

  1. Welcome back
  2. Happy birthday bro.
  3. Welcome back
  4. Welcome CSBD
  5. Terog frumos nu mai copia modelul creata de mine si domnul vIs.
  6. Welcome to CSBD
  7. In Youtube there was a record jump, which is an American paratrooper and beysdzhamper Luke Aikins made without a parachute with a record height of 7.6 kilometers (25,000 feet). On preparing for the jump it was announced a year ago. The greatest difficulty is the development of the landing system. As a result, the network pulled from the ground at a height of 20-storey building. It repeatedly tested, including a dummy.
  8. Intra pe skayp

    1. vIs^♚


      nu pot am Probleme cu pc

  9. Four people were killed in a plane crash in California As a result of the crash of a small plane at the airport in the US city of Columbia (CA) killed four people. It is reported by TASS with reference to local law enforcement agencies. Aircraft Cessna 310 followed from the north and had come to land. a fire broke out at the scene. It is not specified whether the victims among the people who were on the ground. The investigation of the crash will National Safety Administration in the US transport.
  10. Welcome to CSBD
  11. Salut , si bine si venit.
  12. Name in game: Gabbone¤ Age: 17¤ Name: Pavel¤ City: Moscow¤ Country: Russia¤ Favorite Games: Cs,Fifa¤ A short description about you: I'm at the age of 7 years went to the football and doing this sport for today, for me, this sport has become customary, I played in the Russian team and the Moldovan thanks to this sport I have been in different countries such as Romania, Ukraine , Poland, Belarus. With regard to the study, I went to the second year of the Moscow College of security and fire, I'm on fire and lifeguard profession¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: Internet¤ Server preferred (server only community!): all zm servers)¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
  13. "Kaspersky Lab", în colaborare cu Europol și securitatea Intel a lansat un proiect comun pentru a asigura securitatea. Principalul domeniu de cooperare între companiile vor lucra la lupta împotriva malware-ului. În special, este un criptograf. Acești viruși sunt descărcate la aparat, și apoi face toate informațiile stocate pe acesta inaccesibil utilizatorului. Pentru a restabili performanța gadget, ei cer o răscumpărare din dispozitivul de proprietar. Proiectul va fi disponibil pentru utilizatorii de o serie de instrumente care facilitează recuperarea de date, precum și capacitatea de a transmite rapid informații despre atacul poliției.
  14. În timp ce încă în curs a avut loc prezentarea unui nou crossover de Creta Coreea de Sud Hyundai, serviciul de presă al companiei a fost în măsură să numească data de începere a modelelor de producție, iar mai târziu a devenit configurație bine cunoscută și prețul pentru acest model. Acum, la compania din Sankt Petersburg, a avut loc etapa finală de producție de testare, iar în luna august va incepe productia in masa de Creta cu trei căi. În același timp, compania și având în vedere informațiile exacte cu privire la cazul în care capacitatea de producție a rulat ultima. Tendințele de pre-producție din Rusia a fost efectuată timp de cel puțin cinci luni, a fost în acest timp variațiile de testare SUV au fost emise în întreprindere. După cum se știe, grupul sud-coreean a petrecut mai multe programe pentru modernizarea și instalate echipamente noi. Proiectul a necesitat mai mult de 100 de milioane de $. Această sumă este investit din bugetul companiei. Șarja de încercare de vehicule au fost produse nu numai pentru verificarea calității construi și a depana echipamentul, dar, de asemenea, pentru a testa testul, care a fost efectuat pe drumurile rusești. In total, crossover-au trecut mai mult de 750 de mii de kilometri.
  15. New Renault Koleos will be on the Russian market in 2017 The Russian office of Renault announced the start of sales of the second generation of the compact crossover Koleos. July 25, the company officially presented its new Koleos is, announcing that sales will start in the first half of 2017. While information about the new product is very small. It is known that the car is built on the CMF platform developed by the alliance Renault-Nissan. New Koleos received LED-optics, 19-inch alloy wheels, a plastic underbody protection and body. The crossover is equipped with all-wheel drive system. and clearance of the machine reaches 213 mm. About the vehicle equipment will be announced closer to the start of sales.
  16.  In Japan, a young man was attacked with a knife on the people, killing 19 people, according to TASS referring to the main fire department of the country, also served as the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulance. According to available information, the tragedy occurred in an institution for people with disabilities in Kanagawa Prefecture far away from the Japanese capital. It also reported that the alleged offender has been arrested, detained for 20 years. In turn, the police confirmed the death of 15 people, injured 45.
  17. Terrorist group "Islamic State" declared downed in Iraq, the US military aircraft, while states that the crew died. The US military has denied this information Controlled terrorist group "Islamic State" (its activity is banned in Russia), the media reported that the Iraq forces of insurgents shot down a US military aircraft. It is reported by Site Intelligence Group, which monitors the activity of groups in the network. On the statement of the terrorists also reports The Daily Mirror. The report said that the plane was shot down in the province of Anbar air base near Ain al-Asad, which is used by US and Iraqi Air Force. The crew of the aircraft, according to militants, was killed. US Central Command denied the report about the loss of the aircraft and crew. In his official Twitter said that the militants is untrue.
  18. gEoLgAu-

    Olympic Game RIO

    Seven Russian swimmers, including Yulia Efimova, will not take part in the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. This was reported on Monday FINA (FINA). In accordance with the message on the website of the organization Michael Dovgaluk, Yuliya Efimova, Natalia Lovtsova and Anastasia Krapivina excluded from the list of participants of the Russian national team the national Olympic Committee, three other athletes - Nikita Lobintsev, Vladimir Morozov and Daria Ustinova - featured in the report, the head of an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Richard McLaren. The FINA stressed that the outcome of McLaren's report and the decisions of the Executive Committee of the IOC no Russian sportsman, mentioned in the Commission report, WADA would not be able to participate in the Olympics. FINA also promised to review the dossier of every Russian athlete to explore the conditions of passing them doping tests and decide on admission to the Olympics after being convinced that he was a quality control system. In addition, the company decided to double-check all the doping tests Russian swimmers made at 2015 World Aquatics Championships in Kazan, which are stored in the WADA laboratory in Barcelona. The FINA announced undermining confidence in the WADA report on Russia → Swimming Federation admitted to the Olympic Games in Rio Russian jumpers in water and synchronized swimmers
  19. Zombie plaque and respawn
  20. Es LA club

    1. vIs^♚


      da cu cine esti acolo?

  21. Salut si bine ai venit pe LA noi
  22. Welcome to CSBD


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