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Everything posted by jayden™

  1. Your Nickname: jayden Your Problem: when i open tab i cant see other players who play on steam Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/ZCqIp as u can see i just cant see those who play on steam
  2. F85TC86.png   I love my life .

    1. Wanted :x
    2. jayden™


      well my dream came true, its not fake .. I swear

    3. Wanted :x
  3. :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:@bobe is the best 

    1. bobe
    2. Pribzz


      hey @bobeit's me arma u told me to apply for admin where is the template??

      Or do i not need one will you just accept me from this request for admin?

  4. Devolz :v Congrats my friend :white-heart-facebook-emoticon::white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

  5. Hello. There's No Need To Post Here, You can contact owners of the server or admins and they can tell you. anyway type this in console "bind "p" "plant_mine" bind "v" "take_mine"
  6. Steal mu avatar =].

    1. jayden™
    2. Equin0x


      Made by me lol

    3. jayden™


      Yes =)) But i am the one who use it ^^

  7. HighLifeZM - 

    Join Us :yuhu: :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

    1. (*_*) sadik

      (*_*) sadik

      Thx, but i have a server, u can come to play on this server ThugLifeZm -

  8. jayden™

    i need help

    Create a notpad with binds (copy or download) then paste it into Cs 1.6 file then open cs 1.6 say in console exec "(name of cfg)"
  9. jayden™

    Help :)

    Problem solved. Thanks guys. T/C.
  10. jayden™

    Help :)

    Your Nickname: World. Your Problem: When Ever i connect to highlife it tells me Fake Client. Screenshot:-
  11. HighLifeZM

    Join Us! 

  12. v2, blur,text good luck Mr.Panda (Fady) and Farouk =}
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