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The Ga[M]er.

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Everything posted by The Ga[M]er.

  1. it's MCA Birthday 97 

    ps: je supporte JSK ❤️ 


  2. Ehh Oui Le Temps Pass ??❤️


  3. good morning everyone 


    1. vMuz1c-♕™


      again ? F you -_-

  4. good morning devil's 

    my love ❤️❤️ 



  5. starting a big day , may  god bless us ?


  6. finishing the day with a nice song


  7. New Art work in the way ??

  8. Conakry, 02 August 2018 - Under the chairmanship of His Excellency the President of the Republic, the Council of Ministers held its ordinary session on Thursday 02 August 2018 from 10am to 12 noon, with the following agenda: 1-Message of His Excellency the President of the Republic; 2-Minutes of the Ordinary Session of the Interministerial Council of July 27, 2018; 3-Other questions. The President of the Republic appreciated the effective start of the campaign of artificial insemination of cows, as part of the intensification and professionalisation of livestock. The Head of State invited the Government to make arrangements for a good organization of the party marking the 60th anniversary of national independence. The President of the Republic has asked the Minister in charge of the Public Service to ensure that all aspects, including financial aspects, are taken into account in public sector reform projects. The Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization who made a communication about the preparations for the organization of the festivities of the 60th anniversary of National Independence, October 2nd, 2018. The Minister emphasized the particularly solemn nature of the celebration of this 60th anniversary of national independence. The Council decided to set up a national commission of organization. Sub-commissions will also be set up to take into account all aspects including security, communication, cultural and artistic events. The Council invited the National Commission to submit a draft budget which will be validated at a future session. ü The Minister of the Budget who made a communication on the reinforcement of the steering of the execution of the budget of the State. The Minister informed the members of the Government, in their capacity as Chief Authorizing Officers of State Budget Expenditures, of the forthcoming implementation of an alert and notification application on acts impacting the execution of public expenditures of their respective departments on the expenditure chain.
  9. madre mia mia mia amore , vida loca loca loca ??? ♪♪


  10. Un grand merci a netflix d'accompagner mes soirées ❤️ 

    1. Strix


      Tu veux nous dire que ta un compte netflix bravoo ???

  11. Félicitation a tous ceux qui ont le bac ?? et pour ceux qui l'ont pas eux laaqouba l'année prochaine inch'Allah ? , c'est pas la fin du monde (chaque chose arrive pour une raison , qu'elle soit positive ou négative) ??

    Hamdoulah pour moi ?

  12. Check Out Last post "Eden Hazard"


  13. 56 years ago Algeria became independent Glory to our martyrs 

    كل عام و الجزائر حرة الله يحمي الجزائر و يرحم شهدائنا الابرار



    1. Don Era^^

      Don Era^^


    2. #FIGHTER.


      امين يا رب

      ويارب ترحم شهداء فلسطين.

  14. shoot from the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars.

  15. today is Eid of tree , i want to say happy eid to "karim benzema , andré gomes , danilo , fellaini , slimani , belfoudil" you are the best tree :) =) , don't forget to respond me if i forget another person , and specially to da best tree @FearLess

    1. Flenn.


      you forget someone :) 

    2. The Ga[M]er.

      The Ga[M]er.

      who ,,,,  isn't you =) ?

    3. Flenn.


      xd you , you are tree

  16. 14064291_1667420283584901_87025510772930

    Translation To English : Two things determine your personality , Your patience when you have nothing and your actions when you own everything.


  18. Only from the heart , you can touche the sky .

  19. My Goal Is Far , Fu*k Im Coming.....

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