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SaRaH 98™

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    Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Status Updates posted by SaRaH 98™

  1. what a shame :))

    happy with banning me ? XD

    Cmon you are 20 years old , go find a better hobby :))

    1. SaRaH 98™

      SaRaH 98™

      what is funny ? :))

      playing with me or jsut fighting with me ? XD

    2. Legends ♛

      Legends ♛

      Make my day and please stop spam ? 

    3. #DEXTER
  2. <17:14:27> "[#HiTLeR] #HiTLeR": bye guyz
    <17:14:35> "[-Dope] -Dope": where are you going?
    <17:14:43> "[DREV [ZzZzzZzZ]] DJ#DREV": in hell
    <17:14:45> "SaRaH 98": hes gone -_-
    <17:14:53> "[-Dope] -Dope": Are you going to die?
    <17:14:57> "[DREV [ZzZzzZzZ]] DJ#DREV": gone
    <17:15:02> "[DREV [ZzZzzZzZ]] DJ#DREV": he is dead
    <17:15:11> "[DREV [ZzZzzZzZ]] DJ#DREV": so bad
    <17:15:17> "SaRaH 98": god have peace upon him ))))))
    <17:15:27> "[-Dope] -Dope": God bless him
    <17:15:28> "[DREV [ZzZzzZzZ]] DJ#DREV": ))
    <17:15:35> "[-Dope] -Dope": AMIN!!
    <17:15:39> "[DREV [ZzZzzZzZ]] DJ#DREV": amin
    <17:16:02> "[DREV [ZzZzzZzZ]] DJ#DREV": so sad we lost a friend
    <17:16:04> "[-Dope] -Dope": I will cry for him 3 day and 7 nights


    lol we lost him :25r30wi::25r30wi:

    1. HiTLeR
    2. Guest


      Unfortunatly . :291:

  3. i post this status ... to say : who said girls can't be manager ? "

    as you can see i am manager now ...

    i will show to all even girls could be good mangers as boys !!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. greeNZ


      :25r30wi:Sarah let me tell you i meet >>IMAN<< she from iran too ,she was owner in street,and manager in other servers

    3. SaRaH 98™

      SaRaH 98™

      and also i am glad to say you iman is big boy :\

    4. DiDИ


      isn't something weird we had a girl manaer with us :D 

  4. Some body hate me ... i dont why ... but i dont care ... i dont mind ...

     i am sure those are kids or have not acceptable reason to hate me ... :mad:

    1. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      Ohh I found one Who Feel Same As me :P

      Nickname:  #MeLL0 
      Description: No Matter How Good I Am , There is Alway's One Person Who Hates Me For No Reason !!



  5. Hi dear members of csbd again

    thanks for your prays because of me .

    i'm back from hospital to my house but im not fully healthy ... because in the accident my fingers and my arm an also my shoulder was broken and now after several surgeries , it's still not well and healthy .

    so form today i could stay in server , i could be active but i can't talk and work with keyboard because of my broken fingers .

    even for this status i asked my sister to type for me !

    thanks for attention .

    SaRaH 98

    1. Kyter


      Happy to see you in good health.

      I hope as fast u will able to enjoy with us and have fun.

      Good luck for the health.

      And I willl be waiting for you'r good health.

    2. Fir3


      Hello Sarah i know that i don't know who you are but seriously your injured and your worrying for CS :291:when i had a accident i will give shit to all Cs and server. I can't beleive this that your worrying for Server and for your activity. The Best way was you must rest and give Shit to everything and you just need to worry about your health and your family. This is a Game not a real life if not be active one day then you will die or something like that. It's a game so take it as a game not as a real life.

      I hope you don't mind :)

      And Get well soon by the way i just gave you a advice so please take it as a advice Thanks 

    3. SaRaH 98™

      SaRaH 98™

      hello  @KMN™

      thank you because you care about people's lives and thank you for your advises .

      first of all ... i'm healthy enough now to at least stay spec in server

      and one more thing , all the time i am resting in bed and my younger sister do my administrator's jobs because she like to do them , this week i will rest and now SaRaH 98 in server is my younger sister not me .

      i will back to my own life in next week ( :maniac: ) . as you advised i am still resting to be healthier .

  6. Hi all dear members of csbd

    this status is not written by sarah ...

    i am her sister , i am here to ask you guys to pray for her , bcz she had bad accident when she was returning her house by car , she is not good and is in hospital now and maybe she be in hospital for 3 or 4 days . so bcz i dont have admins only pw i cant make absent rq for her , so forgive her if she cant be online for some days !!

    thnx for understanding.

    written by sarah's sister .

  7. from now if any one disrespect me will face to very hard punishment  !!

    my friend is @Obicke1g ...

    i hope every one understand ... 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      One More Thing Before Mention Me Again ... i Want to  Say ...

      I'm Out !!!

    3. ZaYYnNNn


      Good That You Are Out No One Wants Kid Here -_-

    4. El L0rd

      El L0rd


      are you guys really fighting for Silliest reason ever ! .

      this is so shameful to our community 


  8. just tell me what you will think about this guy ? :25r30wi::25r30wi:


    <15:48:13> "Niec": wait sarah , i need your help ..
    <15:48:16> "SaRaH 98": what help you want ??
    <15:48:18> "Niec": sarah could you wait for me 2 min ?? i will back
    <15:48:24> "SaRaH 98": ok , take your time
    <15:48:23> "Niec": ty
    <16:19:31> "SaRaH 98": where hell was you ?? you left for 30 min not 2 min !! :\
    <16:19:43> "Niec": srry , i was grabing a girl for kissing !
    <16:20:16> "SaRaH 98": wtf , was she your girlfriend ?
    <16:20:18> "Niec": no , stranger !
    <16:20:20> "SaRaH 98": niec .... you are full of shits ! :D
    <16:20:23> "Niec": oh yeah .... XD
    <16:20:24> "Niec": i know it !! :D


  9. after passing all my external exams of university with high grades , now i could find some time to spend with my friends and also here :D

  10. Mely cyrus and Ariana Grande - Don't dream it's Over 


  11. see this buddy 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SaRaH 98™

      SaRaH 98™

      her mom ?? :D 

      i was thinking that if taylor gets old will be like her !! :D 

    3. Beard Man
    4. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      hahahaha exactly ... you can say that too 

  12. guys i design new group friends picture ...

    i hope you guys enjoy it !


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      nice work you have good future in desgin :D

      peace B)

    3. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      nice work :P


      keep it up 


    4. Clown™


      Forget Me :( 

  13. @(king of DARK) sorry i was wrong ... you are not clown .... YOU ARE MAD MAN .... and you make me crazy ...

    what a member you are ?? :| you complain from fake likes in forum here :


    and then you copy my topic JUST FOR MEMBER'S LIKE !!!!!


    so now i advise you to don't think for development or proposal !!

    and in the last i have 1 question : do you think we are idiot ?? and don't understand what the hell are you doing !! :\

    P.S : sorry i used that word "idiot" dear members of CSBD , i didn't want to disrespect  ... when some one makes me angry like this ... i lost control of myself .

  14. for those guys who like selena gomez's songs !! <3


  15. Remember those days that you are happy and people who are with you ,

    Do not forget those days that you are not in peace and think good who wasn't with you ,

    Think wisely and know your true friends  .....  because you just can see your real friends when you are crying and you are sad and .... they are trying calm you !

    God keep real friends in peace ! :)

  16. see this :


      it seems he is happy with his reputation ! :D

    and dont care about it

    1. eXpLoReRs


      I Guess he had no clue about what u ment!

    2. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      Hahaha poor Guy From INDIA ... I know That Guy Personaly ...  Hahaha 

  17. :white-heart-facebook-emoticon: ramadan is coming ... :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:
    congratulate ramadan karim to all of muslims of the world . :)

  18. Hi my friend :)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. SaRaH 98™

      SaRaH 98™

      hahaha XD i will look for that day ! see you my friend :X + <3

    3. Vector-


      T/c brother

    4. Vector-


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