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ぁ Ꭷbito-

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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

ぁ Ꭷbito- last won the day on April 18 2016

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  • Birthday 05/15/1997


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    Obito- CSBD


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  1. mmgv mrk triste felicidades por este ,logro " mmgv vamos por mas mi reyy 😜 ya sabes que se te quiere un mundo" cacorro🥰

  2. The truth is that you are one of those that I consider the best in design but I don't like what you do.🥺


  3. There are people who do not respect our community and are so lol that they do not see what they are doing @D.CraZy  you take it away oh I'll take it away from you and you know what I'm talking about please I don't want to report you..

    1. D.CraZy


      i don't understand what you're talking about

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  5. voted......
  6. NVIDIA has introduced some improvements to be able to enjoy HDR content on our computers, an improvement that converts SDR videos into high dynamic range as long as we meet the minimum requirements. But NVIDIA seems to have also been working on another option to pass SDR content in HDR, an option that will allow all games to be converted to high dynamic range images to obtain scenes with more brightness, light and better contrast with blacks. This hidden option has been discovered by some modders who have been testing this technology. According to the author of one of the mods, this NVIDIA technology will work with all games that use DirectX 9, 10, 11 and 12, although it is also said that it will work with Vulkan and OpenGL games for which additional work will be required. The NvTrueHDR option can be used with this Mod, for which you will need a monitor that is compatible with HDR and disable Windows autoHDR. You will also need to have the latest version of NVIDIA Drivers 551.23 recently released. Users who have already tried this new mod comment that it offers better results than the option integrated into Windows. An option that will add more quality, at the cost of sacrificing some performance, since this technology makes use of the Tensor cores of NVIDIA RTX graphics, another essential requirement to be able to use it. I am a Computer Engineer and my specialty is automation and robotics. My passion for hardware began at the age of 14 when I broke down my first computer: a 386 DX 40 with 4MB of RAM and 210MB of hard drive. I continue to give free rein to my passion in the technical articles I write for Geeknetic. I dedicate most of my free time to video games, contemporary and retro, on the more than 20 consoles I have, in addition to the PC. https://www.geeknetic.es/Noticia/30927/NVIDIA-esta-trabajando-en-una-opcion-para-convertir-los-juegos-SDR-en-HDR.html
  7. My daily routine has gone through a before and after since mechanical keyboards entered it. I love mechanical keyboards. I have always liked them, but since I have used one in my daily life I have been dazzled. The one I have is fine, I'm not complaining at all, but there are better ones. It is a Corsair K63 with TKL (TenKeyLess) format. I had the opportunity to try it in a store before getting it, and I decided to buy it because I found its price reasonable and its quality not bad at all, although I knew that by spending a little more I could access keyboards with better features. I have been using the K63 for just over two years. At first my intention was to use it only to play, and since I have little time to do it, it would be something occasional. However, I soon discovered that I like writing with it, so I ended up using it every day for at least eight hours. In fact, I'm writing this text with him. It still works perfectly, and honestly, I have it like new, but I've been bitten by the bug. I'm going to get another one. Hunting and capturing the best mechanical keyboard for typing Before moving forward, I think it is necessary that I dedicate a few lines to explain why I like mechanical keyboards more than, for example, membrane or chiclet type keyboards. Of course, in this area any choice is appropriate. The ideal is that each user has the opportunity to try several keyboards of different types so that they can stay with the one that offers the best experience and best meets their needs. In any case, I love the feel and sound that some mechanical keyboards offer us. Any user who puts his mind and his mind into the world of mechanical keyboards will discover that he has a huge range of switches at his disposal. There are tactile ones, linear ones, very noisy ones, reasonably noisy ones, almost totally silent ones... In addition, there are many manufacturers of very good quality mechanical switches. One of the best known is Cherry because it is the oldest brand, but they also have very good switches from Razer, Logitech, Alps, Greentech, Kailh, Outemu, Gateron, TTC or KBtalking, among other companies. The variety is so much that it can be overwhelming, but the more you investigate and the more you learn, the more you want to try other mechanical keyboards. This is, at least, what happens to me, and it is enough to take a look around some specialized forum to realize that this type of keyboard awakens a real passion in some fans. In fact, as I'm sure many Xataka readers already know, some enthusiasts choose to develop personalized and very well finished keyboards that can cost many hundreds of euros. This is what I'm looking for: a good mechanical keyboard that gives me its full potential, especially when I use it to write. Of course, it has to be better than my current Corsair K63, and I'm not willing to pay a fortune for it. On the Internet we can find many options with varied designs, disparate finishes, solutions that are delivered to us lubricated from the factory... Everything. It is a very wide and very interesting world. And it hooks.
  8. Nickname: @ぁ Ꭷbito- Video author: fifa Name of the: fifa24 Link video: Rat this video 1-10 10
  9. v0ted...!!!
  10. It is the third export sector in Argentina, but more and more companies are settling abroad to be able to sell and contract in dollars directly. The imbalances in the economy lead to a distortion in one of the most competitive sectors and with the most potential. Andrew Angelov - Shutterstock CÓRDOBA.- Exports from the knowledge-based economy would exceed US$8,000 million this year (in 2022 they were US$7,834 million, which meant an interannual growth of 19.4%), which places them as the third export sector. Around 70% of what is sold to the world are man-hours, professional services. The potential of the sector is great, according to its actors, who emphasize that to continue increasing participation, the “normalization” of the macroeconomy is required. One factor to take into account is that there are many companies that directly settle abroad -without leaving the country- and work from there. It is the model that best adapts to be able to count on talents. As with other sectors of the economy, specialists emphasize that we must not lose sight of the fact that Argentina could have a much more dominant role in the world. There is data that gives a dimension that growth could have been much more vigorous: between 2010 and 2020 the increase in the knowledge-based economy was 14% in Argentina; Uruguay grew 230%; Poland, 147%; Colombia 104% and Costa Rica, 168%. “Even so,” says Sebastián Mocorrea, president of Argencon, an entity that brings together service providers from all verticals in the sector, “some US$8 billion were exported and 500,000 people were employed.” A graphic definition of the executive is that in a sector that is “coupled” to the world, the exchange gap expresses a “disconnection.” Mocorrea confirms that the numbers show that the country “is not where it should be; “The possibilities are enormous.” Along these lines, he adds that the definition of a strategy is key. “Geopolitics helps; The main markets are the developed ones, where there is connection and talent you can work,” he summarizes. Now the sector seeks to put on the agenda how to generate development conditions throughout the country, which is why it launched a development “Federal Plan” to implement during the next three government periods. Among the most notable points is the request for changes in the current sectoral law to resume the spirit of 2019, although the fundamental factor will be to achieve macroeconomic order. Argencon presented, this week, to the presidential candidates Sergio Massa and Javier Milei, the “Federal Economy Plan for the Knowledge Economy”; It includes four axes in which it seeks to work between 2023 and 2035: governance, competitiveness, resource generation and development programs. The sector requested an approval at a public policy level of that program and also the recovery of the original Knowledge Economy law of 2019. “The current regulations, product of the 2020 reform, have a marked anti-export bias, great bureaucratic complexity , important indefinitions and interpretable concepts that open areas exposed to the discretion of the application authority,” they noted. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/economia/comercio-exterior/en-la-economia-del-conocimiento-la-brecha-cambiaria-implica-un-desacople-con-el-mundo-nid09112023/


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