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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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Everything posted by 乡мя.ЪคЪค™

  1. You need to grow up let managers decide now
  2. U are a liar , you said if i said another word u will gaged , and i didnt say a thing but u still gagged me , and i will be playing as much as my balls want to play all right ? 🙂 if u using this kind of word then yeah i will be playing and i dont give a fck if u dont respect me .
  3. saying that means dissrespect and it is a reason to gag ?
  4. ¤ Your name: Mr.baba. ¤ Claimed Admin name: Necro ¤ Date and time: 16:13 ¤ Reason of complaint: walid was messing with me because i said "do ur job" and i said "do u want another week suspend?" then Necro gagged me 12 and said "shut up'' and respect , did i dissrespect anyone here? If i did then what NEcro did by saying shut up to players? ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo) : 4D53AD69 8AE5 406C 9B20 3C4F2CF9AE5D - ImgShare.io , 97490535 6361 45E8 86D1 F285B9CAD1B5 - ImgShare.io 0F857B0B 9DE5 4FBC 865C 5616BD0BCB69 - ImgShare.io
  5. as i said maybe i am ARROGANT but there is no reason to go against me , i can act how i want since im not making troubles or insulting anyone or breaing rules right ?
  6. he is just lying to escape , im not acting bossy im just playing normally but this guy did an absurd thing for a manager but anyway if u mean it really i would have warned him this time and in the next accepted report i would down him -1 if ya asking for my opinion
  7. you can't gag someone by saying looser , and yeah u gagged me so i cant put lm and u can easily kill me , also you cant say ( u did something before 2-3 days and i gagged u today ) , i think you just defending urself , i told to him "looser" coz we went to a fragg battle and i won also he kept calling me looser too or kinda noob but why u gagged just me ? and yeah may i seems arogant but there is nothing to gag me . You're acting boss coz u got ftp but i guess thats because of you activity coz u know nothing about how to manage a server doing those stupid things gaggin for not puting lm in ur mod
  8. ¤ Your name: Mr.baba. ¤ Claimed Admin name: Bisky ¤ Date and time: 13:34 server time ¤ Reason of complaint: i said to a player "scared" and he gagged me for insulting (scared is an insult?) but i was hide with lm and Bisky was assassin and he gagged me so i cant put lm and he killed me . thats the real reason he gagged me. (ggagin a player so he cant put lm and kill in mod OMG) ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): Here is the Proof
  9. Yo It's my mthfck BIRTHDAY ! 😁

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Noticias ALEJANDRO

      Noticias ALEJANDRO

      Felicidades cumpleaños Mr.baba

    3. neeee


      Happy birthday! 🍹

      Stay safe, it is too hot outside. 

    4. 乡мя.ЪคЪค™


      thank you guys ,, is fcking hot yeah

  10. longest report i've ever seen , by the way Mr.devil is an admin so Tedy has no rights to gag him at first , at second is true he interfere so much in others conversations . for me PRO for the report.
  11. subscribe my channel just started yesterday 🙂 

    Channel dashboard - YouTube Studio

    1. PARTY MAN


      1 subscriber+1 kiss xd

  12. hello everyone , hope u doing well !

  13. We are looking for new admins in our server Highlifezm
    we are giving high grades , PM me if you wants to join . 

  14. Nick: Mr.baba Real name: erjul How old are you?: 20 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): Counter strike 1.6 (since 2014) , Clash royale (since 2017) Where are you from?(country and city): Albania / Durres Describe yourself(at least 50 words): well im a type of guy which always take whatever i want , of course i fight for it . Im a mixed soul which may i look funny but i can very serious with people who deserve but i have a soft heart . I like to play football tho and i used to be in the first city team as a midfilder . I do study for Financ - Bank and i hope one day i will be in a staff bank . Note some of your qualities: Strict , clear , honest . Tell us some of your defects: well i get emotional very easy and i think i have to be more strong in this way Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): when i was i middleschool i was the president of school and i loved it a lot to be the on from hundred people , but it was such a responsability to manage to take care of each ones problems On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): Which category/project you want to care off?: well now i have full time i can take in each any of them , for now im taking care in Devil Harmony How well you speak english?(and other languages): my english is not perectly but i think 85% Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: yes of course i used to be active there like 20 hours a day and i have microphone aswell For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): months , years maybe Contact methods: TeamSpeak3 / Instagram / Facebook / Forum via PM Last request: this is my second from a long time .
  15. F!xik Spending times in forum ? no wayy im donating my eyes , nothing left to see more 😜

  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  17. Nickname : Mr.baba Tag your opponent : @W A L K E R ™ Music genre : albanian hip hop / rap Number of votes ( max 10 ) : 7 Tag one leader to post your songs LIST : @Meh Rez vM ! ♫
  18. Eminem is my fav but second song is better so DH2
  19. Administrator of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @SKYFALL GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion Gambler of the Year ➤ - Dealer Of the Year ➤ @YaKoMoS Journalist of the Year ➤ @Agent 47' Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Hossam Taibi Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @Filex Dragneel period ! Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @lock流 Best V.I.P. ➤ @Loenex TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ - The most active TS3 user ➤ @HiTLeR. The user who asked the most for rank ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @EvKirito The best Administrator ➤ @XZoro™ The most AFK user ➤ - Server of the Year ➤ THUNDERZM The most active (32/32) server ➤ THUNDERZM The best Zombie server ➤ THUNDERZM The best Classic server ➤ - The best Respawn server ➤ - Banned of the year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ @ROVEN The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @W A L K E R ™ haha Spammer of the Year ➤ @Filex Dragneel The most social member ➤ @-VaLeN The most beautiful member ➤ 乡мя.ЪคЪค™ (of course me ) The most appreciated member ➤ @axelxcapo The most annoying member ➤ @-Dark 😂 The most beloved member ➤ @GRC21 The richest member ➤ @Resident' The member who helped the most ➤ @#Steeven.™ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @vagabond. The friendliest member ➤ @W A L K E R ™ @ROVEN @King_of_lion @XZoro™ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @SKYFALL
  20. I'd go for DH1 its noisy and i like it .


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