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Everything posted by Mr.TaLaL

  1. Mr.TaLaL

    NEED Help!

    Hello, Left Click On Picture You See A Option "COPY IMAGE ADDRESS" copy it and then paste it on your Signature or anywhere you want. Topic Closed.
  2. Welcome To CSBD Hope You Enjoy Your Stay Here.
  3. Hello guys, before time i was thinking about is it possible to set diffrent scope each weapon like AWP to get diffrent scope than Scout, lel i continue search but i was think is impossible until the day when i searching at sprites and i found the answer... Yes its posslble but i didnt found any weapon that use this function soo i was think the peoples doesn't know about it.. and here i will share with you the answer :]. First you need to have any resources like crosshair sprites Go to cstrike/sprites and open weapon_any.txt that is using scope for example we will choose weapon_awp.txt You can find of the last lines zoom and zoom_autoaim By default is sniper_scope, that means sniper_scope.spr If you already have .spr with same name, just rename it like awp_sniper_scope.spr And let's back on txt file. Replace the sniper_scope with awp_sniper_scope Enjoy the diffrent scopes each weapons XD -=How to add scope to half zoomable weapons=- As half zoomable weapons i mean the Aug and SG552 As i said before, you need to have crosshair Go to cstrike/sprites and open weapon_aug.txt or weapon_ssg552.txt Get to last line and type zoom, and on next line zoom_autoaim Let's define the sprite name, on both add [b640 sniper_scope 0 0 256 256[/b] on sniper_scope rename as your sprite name. The result must be anything like this : -- zoom 640 sniper_scope 0 0 256 256 zoom_autoaim 640 sniper_scope 0 0 256 256 -- Get to the game and enjoy your new scopes to aug and ssg552 This tutorial works only on weapons : Aug, SSG552, AWP, Scout, SSG550, G3SG1 I hope this tutorial was useful, you can support me by following me on forum.
  4. WASHINGTON: A senior Republican lawmaker on Sunday challenged President Donald Trump to prove his claim that his phone was tapped by predecessor Barack Obama during last year´s campaign -- or else retract the unsubstantiated allegation. Senator John McCain, a frequent Trump critic, issued his demand in an interview with CNN. "The president has one of two choices, either retract, or to provide the information that the American people deserve," McCain said. "I have no reason to believe this is true, but I also believe that the president of the United States could clear this up in a minute," he continued. "All he has to do is pick up the phone, call the director of the CIA, the director of national intelligence and say, ´OK, what happened?´ Because they certainly should know whether the former president of the United States was wiretapping Trump Tower." Obama, through a spokesman, has denied Trump´s claim, which the billionaire-turned-politician made in a series of tweets earlier this month. Obama´s director of national intelligence James Clapper also said in an interview that there was no wiretap of Trump or his campaign. But Trump has not walked back his allegation, and the White House asked a congressional committee that is examining Russian interference in last year´s US presidential election to investigate the wiretapping claim as well. House Speaker Paul Ryan, part of a group of eight top lawmakers who receive classified intelligence briefings, was asked Sunday during an interview with CBS News if he has seen anything to suggest there´s truth to Trump´s claim. He responded simply: "No." But Ryan added, "I don´t want to get ahead of the intelligence committees and their thorough investigation.
  5. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is like a historically accurate Skyrim - this large-scale, first-person medieval RPG takes place in a massive open-world devoted to the real-world history of Bohemia (no Rhapsody here). In some ways, it's even more hardcore, stripping away the HUD indicators and minimap markers you've probably come to expect from giant RPGs. And amazingly, quests and world events will carry on with or without you, adding a real sense of urgency to your hero's actions; stopping to chit-chat with every NPC could mean missing out on the melee battle of a lifetime. Kingdom Come's refusal to hold the player's hand sounds like a refreshing change of pace, and if the finished product can pull off the kind of grandiose living world suggested by our preview, it should be something special indeed. When you hear the words "Medieval" and "RPG" in the same sentence you probably think of hacking away at mystical dragons and monsters with your sword or axe. In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, there are no fire-breathing lizards, or evil dark knights. The game pushes aside the fantasy for a story based in the true history of Bohemia, giving you a vibrant and authentic world to explore from a first-person perspective and mold by your choices. But what makes Kingdom Come stand out is its focus on delivering a genuine Medieval world experience without the hud indicators, map waypoints, and handholding of the typical RPG. Developer Warhorse Games really wants players to immerse themselves in the world, but the main character definitely isn't the center of the events happening around him. If you dilly dally, taking your time to complete a mission or get distracted for too long crafting potions, your mission will play out on its own. If you were meant to rescue a fugitive from a group of bandits, you may find that fugitive murdered in a dank cave if you take too long. Or if you decide not to take part in a battle, the event will play out without your influence - leaving you to deal with the results. This creates a fascinating branching narrative that is difficult to predict and feels completely organic. You'll need to find your way around the game's locations and accomplish your missions by interacting with the game's populous, but not like you would in your standard RPG. There are dialogue trees to navigate conversations and in order to get the desired information, you’ll have to choose your words carefully or risk ruining your reputation or missing out on quest clues completely. Kingdom Come doesn’t hold your hand through quest lines with talk-to-this-lady NPC markers or glowing breadcrumbs to lead you to your next destination. Oftentimes, you actually have to listen to what people say and figure the directions for yourself. It can even go so far as an NPC telling you to turn right at a bolder or to look out for a specific tree. Even the progression system takes a more realistic approach. Every skill you learn is enhanced by performing specific activities. Increasing your strength and fighting ability requires you to engage in combat. As you speak to other characters, you develop a higher speech skill which will eventually allow you to persuade and intimidate NPCs. But it isn't just skill level that affects your abilities in the world. For example, the success of your persuasion or intimidation attempt considers more factors than your speech skill - it also looks at what you're wearing. If you wear a massive set of plate armor and carry a giant axe, you're more likely to intimidate the other character. On the other hand, wearing more lavish, noble clothing will help you be more persuasive in conversations. Though much of the game is focused on interacting with the world and affecting the world's events with your choices, a medieval RPG wouldn't be complete without armored knights trying to bash through each other's armor in with barbaric weapons. Melee combat in Kingdom Come takes a realistic approach as well, giving you direct control over your offensive swings and defensive parries with a variety of period weapons like hand-and-a-half swords, swords and shields, maces, and axes. You control the direction of every swing of your weapon, choosing any direction from horizontal slashes and stabs, to diagonal cuts and top-down vertical slices. Changing swings can open up vulnerable areas in your opponent's defense, which you will need to act on. Combining your attacks with defensive parries and blocks (performed by a single button press) will keep your opponent off balance, and hopefully allow you to strike a killing blow. Kingdom Come: Deliverance borders on a Medieval simulator. Everything from the historically accurate environments, the events that carry on with or without you, and the technical focus of the combat system, makes you feel like you're right there in the world. Even the alchemy crafting system has your character physically pouring water into a pot, adding herbs, and boiling it for a prescribed time. The attention to detail is already overwhelming. If you're looking to get completely immersed in a Medieval world, you can support the game and jump in the beta by visiting the official site, or you can wait for the full release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC later this year.
  6. Mr.TaLaL

    Need Help guys!

    Topic Closed. Reason : Inactivity.
  7. Welcome TO CSBD Hope you enjoy your stay here.
  8. Cause for Error: An Intel video card has been installed on the system and the driver is detecting the presence of that Third Party video card. That is to say, there are two video cards in your computer but you are using one of them (the Third Party video card). The Intel driver is trying to install for the Third Party video card. That’s why this error occurs. Please follow these steps to alleviate this problem: 1. Open Driver Easy and run a scan. 2. Click Update button to download the Intel Graphics drivers. 3.Click the three line icon near Update button. In the dropdown list, please choose Hide this Update. Driver Easy will help you to hide the driver for video card which is not used in the computer.
  9. hi can u contact me via pm?

  10. Mr.TaLaL

    NEED Help!

    Problem Solved. Thank You All Who Tried To Help.
  11. Topic Closed. Reason: Inactivity If you want me to re-open your topic, give me a PM or contact me on TS.
  12. Last question •• ?? 
    Will you be buried? ••?

  13. Download More Fonts From http://www.dafont.com/ Othewrise Download Flenn Font Pack Or This Not The Section To Post For Help, This is for GFX Tutorials Note : Next Time Must Follow The Model. Topic Closed.
  14. Mr.TaLaL

    Problem again,

    It seems that the latest Windows updates aren't installed on your system. The required update KB2999226 is missing or broken. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2999226/update-for-universal-c-runtime-in-windows Possible solution: Install the latest Windows updates for your system. You don't have to install optional updates. Try to download and install the right "Visual C++ Redistributable" again and please reboot after setup. Our download: http://dl.4players.de/ts/client/redist/ Official download from Microsoft: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (64-bit) Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (32-bit)
  15. Mr.TaLaL

    Help , please.

    Hello, I have a easy fix right-click Teamspeak 3 And Go To Compability Tab and run it with Vista Service Pack 2
  16. Ever needed to find that important Message again send to you two days ago in Private Chat, but the Person who send it is not around? Don't worry any longer with this Plugin it's all there - any time - without the need to wait for the Person who send it... With Chatlog Viewer you can view the Chat history on any Server, Channel or Private Conversation, without needing to connect to any Server. Supported Systems: Windows 32 & 64 bit Requirements: Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Runtime Libraries Combined Download, select architecture of your TS3 Client TeamSpeak 3 Client Version 3.0.14 (API 20) !!! You need to activate logging of Chats in the TS3 Client Options !!! Addons Page / API 19 SHA1 Hash: 09DEBFEE614CEC0235C4CE77E32625919DE80227 Client 3.0.7 / API 17 SHA1 Hash: B5E90D21EAC1866B353CB6D1D9CDC54597D29C40 Client / API 18 SHA1 Hash: BBD038CA526972C2E850E62731AF18C490260A82 Client 3.0.9 / API 19 SHA1 Hash: 09DEBFEE614CEC0235C4CE77E32625919DE80227 Client 3.0.14 / API 20 SHA1 Hash: BEDC8DAB3E156A20C8440019D519A81223A34143 Client 3.1.0 / API 21 MyTS Hash: 7C2DACC2AC13DEFA2091A90DAB06E3C11C2863E5
  17. Mr.TaLaL

    Need Help guys!

    Hello, For quite awhile now, if you install Teamspeak you will not get the icons that show classes and commanders next to people's names. This is due to an issue on the server where it won't send them to you. If you have the icons the server is supposed to send, you can manually install them. To start, you need to click the start button and type %appdata% in the run box. From here, Go to Roaming > TS3Client > cache > S005b041ak9CK1doUE5obFJzdGJpbnRKVEU0PQ== > icons The path to here should look something like : C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client\cache\S005b041ak9CK1doUE5obFJzdGJpbnRKVEU0PQ==\icons This is where each icon is downloaded and stored by the server. These can also be manually installed if you have the files. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10882408/icons.zip > CLICK Download this file, It contains the icon files from when the server did download everything. Unzip it and open the folder. Inside it is a folder called icons. You want to merge the files with the existing icon folder. To copy these, open the contents of the .zip next to the icon folder you opened previously as shown below. Just select all and drag them over. If it asks if you want to overwrite, click no The icons should appear in Teamspeak within seconds. I do get a few errors here and there. However, those are from guild channel icons that are not that important.


    1. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      yeah we are trust

  19. Topic Closed. Reason: Inactivity If you want me to re-open your topic, give me a PM or contact me on TS.
  20. Welcome To CSBD Hope you enjoy your stay here. PS : if you want to back your old account please make a support ticket #STAFF must help you! if you dont know how to make a support ticket watch this tutorial
  21. Welcome To CSBD, Hope You Enjoy your stay here.
  22. Mr.TaLaL

    Help guys

    Problem Solved.
  23. Topic Closed. Reason: Inactivity If you want me to re-open your topic, give me a PM or contact me on TS.


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