Everything posted by FALLEN'
Hard work beats talent !
Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it !
Be grateful with everything you have and you will be successful in everything you do!
~ C.M
"Amor vincit omnia.."
"Its okay to get lost every once in a while, sometimes getting lost is how we find ourselves"
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Don't trust everything you see. Even salt looks like sugar!
105154145143164162157172157151144123456788123456781234567812367832647 299999978012994568019939999999123459999992399999999299999901999999978 299456789012994568019939956780923496780123456799121399678012994567890 299456780912994568019939999999234599901234567899234499999923999999956 299456780912399568099239956780923456799923456799162399678012995678012 299456789012399680199239956780923456780191234599802199456780993456780 299999980123459999992349999991234599999934567899234199999923996780123
Step1: Highlight the numbers
Step2: Ctrl and F
Step3: Put 9 in
Step4: Enjoy
<20:16:42> "F/\LLEN-™": well, im loaded
<20:16:44> "F/\LLEN-™": hahahahaha
<20:16:50> "skyrem": i m blow his as*
<20:16:55> "skyrem": )
<20:17:03> "F/\LLEN-™": his?No comment....
Tommorow i am going on a trip to my Bosnia
Please, don't leave me PM's because i will be absent for 5-7 days.
See you soon and take care guys! -
Thank you all for the best wishes!
My dream came true.
My special thanks goes to CSBD Staff and my friends who believed in me
Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me...