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Everything posted by JoLLY

  1. Contul cu csgo este vandut, mai detin doar aceste 2 conturi cu cs 1.6
  2. Vandut contul la 10 Euro, mai detin : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076432930 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076347079  ambele la 6 euro orange sau 4 euro bucata Tin sa precizez ca aceste 2 conturi sunt din 2012
  3. JoLLY

    hello ugly ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoLLY


      Hhhh, merry christmas :)))))))))) 


    3. [N]audy


      hello jolly :0 

    4. JoLLY


      hey hey ugly naudy ?

  4. Scuze de off-topic, stiu de functia BUMP, dar nu mai pot edita acest post, iar acuma vreau sa specific ca accept si 10 euro Orange pentru cei din Romania, adica cine este interesat. + mai adug 1 cont de steam cu cs 1.6 cine cumpara acest cont la 10 Euro Orange. - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076432930
  5. ø Modalitate de contact : Steam : lordnitrox / PM in forum / https://steamcommunity.com/id/jolly1989/ ø Produs scos la vânzare: Cont Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068827929 ø Preţul produsului: 100 lei / 20 euro ø Poze produs: https://imgur.com/a/lZZ1eXP ø Metodă de plată: Bancar / Bank ø Alte specificaţii: -
  6. JoLLY

    Bine la baiatu ?

    1. #Ace


      Mersi mosule

    2. JoLLY


      Hhh, sa cresti mare ?

  7. JoLLY

    Bravo mai pentru grad ... 

    Poate te rupi si tu la 1 vip daca e sa ajungi rosu ???

    1. Mr.Love


      Salutare Jolly,


      Avem in dezvoltare o aplicatie noua prin care foarte usor poti achizitiona VIP fara sa cheltui bani din buzunar, ci doar activitate pe forum ?

      So...stay close ?

    2. HICHEM
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  9. JoLLY

    [Accepted] Change tag

    Done !
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  12. Rejected ! Be more active in server and i give TAG
  13. Rejected ! Improve your activity in server, 3-4 hours and i give you TAG !
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  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
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  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password


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