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Deisy. #

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Everything posted by Deisy. #

  1. Name of the oponent: Superman Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Avatar Size: 150 x 250 *Text: Nothing Watermark: Nothing Working time: 30 minutes
  2. "Inteligenta fara bunatate, chiar cand e celebra, are neintelegeri de cea mai masiva prostie."

    1. UmAr SpArK

      UmAr SpArK

      iu locvwe oy


  3. 3 voturi - V1 , 4 voturi - V2 , 3 voturi - V3 - 3 voturi . Castigatoare Deisy. Dati TC.
  4. V1. Text + Pattern + Blur
  5. Din cauza antivirusului. Dezactiveaza antivirusul
  6. Welcome back!
  7. V2 - Redimensionare
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