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Everything posted by tsemaa

  1. Rejected. You know what you have to do in order to obtain moderator (more activity, more implication). Good luck, hope to see you next time!
  2. Rejected. You know what you have to do in order to obtain moderator. Good luck, hope to see you next time!
  3. Rejected. You know what you have to do in order to obtain moderator. Good luck, hope to see you next time!
  4. Rejected. You know what you have to do in order to obtain moderator. Good luck, hope to see you next time!
  5. Rejected. You know what you have to do in order to obtain moderator. Good luck, hope to see you next time!
  6. Rejected. You know what you have to do in order to obtain moderator. Good luck, hope to see you next time!
  7. Rejected! Come back when you meet the requirements
  8. Rejected! Do more activity, and read + comply rules
  9. Rejected! Even though you have more pro than contra. You behavior has not improved since last time you made a request, the same problems were raised then, and now. Next time when you come back make sure you follow the rules and behave. You dont give me so much confidence that you changed, even some basic rule with no rr zm or no rr ban you did not respect.
  10. Welcome! 🙂 I hope you will enjoy your time here with us
  11. Contra from me! You did not read the rules, they are very important. We do not tolerate those things; is that hard to read them? Seems so...
  12. It seems that @FazzNothis right. You copied Bada's request from February. I also did a little look into both requests, and you failed to make your own request and give your own answers. You also have warnings points for post hunt; you also do post hunt from time to time in some areas of the forum. Contra from me
  13. The man just asked a question. Whats wrong with that? You feel disturbed because maybe he did not know what you were here before and what work you've done? Maybe you shouldnt. If you leave from a job, even in good terms, when you want to come back, dont act like you deserve just to be added back like that. Everyone has to earn their place, through any means. And also like King of lion said, i dont like those things either. So CONTRA from me also
  14. Contra from me also. If you cannot respect some basic rules about posting in forum, why should we give you moderator?
  15. Rejected! Multi account, follow the model, choose just 1 account, play, make activity and then come back with some serious activity.
  16. The thing is that your generic answers did not clarify what @FazzNoth asked. I am intrigued by answer on question no 2: work day and night and help Actually its connected to question no 1, but i think you can help others or the forum even without a rank. If you want an example, try to talk with some members and observe how they help others, besides their ranks and you will understand.
  17. You just came back from absence, and it seems a little in a hurry to ask for moderator, isnt it? I will give CONTRA, because you already knew how to obtain moderator, but you want to skip some steps
  18. Well Mr Bada, seems like those many hours of working finally payed off, didnt they? 🙂 I am not ironic, i just like your answer, and i will give PRO. I also like the fact that even though you belong to ZmOld server, you do really help others. That means respect, and a good behavior. Dont forget that, if you will be accepted, you must be objective all the time on the forum; but i think you will manage just fine to do that. Good luck!
  19. Accepted. PM me for info
  20. Hello dear all, It's almost 3 months since Newlifezm changed ownership... We got our ups and downs, conflicts and calm situations, sweet times, good times, bad times...in just 3 months. Don't get me started on wat was before, even crazier times. New people, old people coming back home...or returning from absence. We got them all. But we managed to find ourselves the way to the top, to find inspiration and dedication, to find time and sweat and tears, and work towards our best. We took care of server, we took care of each other, we managed to beat the odds, and find our way up where we belong. Three things were to be done, three things done in 3 months. Thats what i call some badass people xD and a big strong family ❤️ Thank you all for you huge effort for those things! Thank you all for being here! Thank you all for not loosing hope and trusted each other! I also want to thank some outside people, that are not admins on our part of the forum and server (or retired), i wont tag anyone cause each one of you helped us in different situations, but you know yourselves 🙂 Till next time... (dont wanna be overconfident but maybe next time i will give a thank you note, we can find ourselves in top 10 GT, just imagine that, how crazy it would be?🖤)
  21. tsemaa


    Are you sure you received ban on Newlife server? Cause we dont have any Edward admin
  22. Accepted. PM me for info
  23. Accepted. BUT: Admins can ask to change tag in Admin Only section. Please do that from now on This section is reserved only for players that ask for tag
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