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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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  1. ¤ Nickname: !Winn3r ¤ Grade: Member ¤ New Tag: Skill Faker ¤ Link of your last request: Don't have
  2. ¤ Name : !Winner ¤ Age : 20 ¤ Desired Tag : On NewLife since 2013 ¤ Link of your last request : I don't have ¤ Link for hours played (minimum 10 hours): https://www.gametracker.rs/server_players/!Winner
  3. Still no verdict?
  4. Your name: !Winner Claimed Admin name: human tryder Date and time: 19/11 12:45 Reason of complaint: Discrimination Proof (screenshot or console or demo): Story: Playing Armageddon I was atacking a player,(you can see his name in the ss) As I saw that he retryed and not left the server.I asked human tryder for a ban or slay 3x but he didn't listen,I repeated myself and still nothing,there was another player that said : "ADMIN" but well,nothing again so I retryed as well.The next round he thaught that I should get slayed 3 times but totally ignored the other player.Of course it's fair to slay me,I'm not complaining about that but what about the other player? This is discrimination,the guy I was atacking was about to die,it's not fair at all. https://imgur.com/a/O4YxJWv https://imgur.com/a/zgMiRvJ https://imgur.com/a/nYrHDYC https://imgur.com/a/7zDrIgN
  5. Your name: !Winner Claimed Admin name: No admin name,just the Ip of the server ( see in the ss ) Date and time: 2:36 pm 17/11" Reason of complaint: Slay without reason Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/TxfdMol Stevie,if you have no idea of what happened then please don't come here and lie and if you really think I bought sniper then I'm sorry but your memory is kinda bad. If you know the truth and not admiting it then shame on you,players on the server said I bought Assassin last map and they were confused,maybe you need to read again and again.
  6. Your name: !Winner Claimed Admin name: No admin name,just the Ip of the server ( see in the ss ) Date and time: 2:36 pm 17/11" Reason of complaint: Slay without reason,I bought sniper on a map and last map I also bought Assassin,I told human tryder about it but because of steam...players with Tags bug with s1:s2 problem so I dind't see much ,we all know about it the bug Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/TxfdMol
  7. Then please send a link with the solution,last time u sent me one without solutions Thank you
  8. Normally I wouldn't post this here but this forum doesn 't have a topic to report problems. I want to report the problem with the "s1" "s2" thing.In case u are wondering...steam users cannot see most of the times what the admins are saying. For example Tuxedo slayed me without having any idea of what he's saying. Yes,this problem is only on steam users and if you are wondering there are enough players to matter. Aparently this problem is related to the tags,I figured it out when I requested one for me,I couldn't see nothing but me aka s1 saying s2 over and over again. Solution: Could just get rid of the tags,I don't see any benefit anyway.
  9. U like lyin don t u?
  10. Your name: IWinner Claimed Amin name: NarK Date and time: 10:36 pm 24.06.2018 Reason of compaint: Insult Proof (screenshot os console or demo): https://imgur.com/7ffoDOt I bought mod,then I retryed so he slayed me,he insulted me and I told him to apologize,instead he kept on slaying me on the next map over and over again
  11. I didn t blocked anyone,there was a lm there and the assassin right next to the igloo,YOU know that I could ot remove the lm cause there were already players there and they would could only get killed. Whatever,it doesn't matter who is right,it matters who is the admin,like always
  12. Your name: IWinner Claimed Amin name: Tuxedo Date and time: 16.06.2018 Reason of compaint: Slay without reason. Last thing I did was placing a lm and waiting for the assassin to come in then sudently he slayed me without reason.Not that this is the first time he abuses Proof (screenshot os console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/zveWN8F


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