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Everything posted by myCro

  1. Well done Bada, contra.
  2. Hello, would you like to test 1 week without unlimited bullets to see if you will enjoy more the game? Also, what is your oppinion on this matter? Leave a vote in the poll Leave a reply for feedback Love you!
  3. I like this idea of creating a more powerfull zombie but doing such will make our mode ZP6.2 and the 2nd thing is that it will require someone with experience in scripting to fully assist us in creating such a class and giving us another addons(as the current zombie classes are in the uneditable source that we have)... The unlimited bullets ... hmm, i guess i will start to make a poll. But it is well known that players like the unlimited bullets because makes the game more faster.
  4. Nick: myCro Time: 03.10.2021 Site: gtrs Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily

    1. .Naruto.


      !!! It's The Best Server Forever It's MY Life !!!

  6. Golden ak47, Infection grenade, /nfrz, fixed VIP, new server maps and skins.




    1. Mo7amD


      I have a knife skin, a new weapon, a skin for server owners only, and a new weapon for normal player

  7. Do Not Vote These Maps In The Night Or When The Server Has Fewer Than 22 Players! Vote It Only During Daytime And When The Server Has 22+ Players. zm_af_infinit zm_aztec_infinity zm_battleground_foda zm_csdark_cinder zm_dark_mini zm_defense zm_deko2 zm_deko_csf zm_dust_winter zm_dust_world zm_dusty_camp zm_evil_dustnight zm_effect_evil zm_gold_dust_vipee zm_houses zm_ibero zm_ice_attack zm_ice_attack2 zm_ice_attack_vip zm_iceworld_humans zm_inferno_small_fix zm_killdust2 zm_long_night_v2 zm_mkdust2 zm_queens_d2 zm_restart_v3 zm_skin zm_snow zm_snowbase zm_snow_mix zm_snowbase_bnzk zm_snowbase2 zm_snowbase3 zm_snowbase4_zp zm_snowbase5 zm_snow_s1h zm_tonga zm_toxic_house_vk zm_ugc zm_ugc2 zm_ugc3 zm_ugc_virus zm_vendetta zm_vip_gray zm_winterdust_mini zm_xopom_town zm_zhell zm_zombice zm_zombust Only Vote These Maps When The Server Is In Nighttime ( Jordan - Time ) Or When The Players Are Lower Than 22. Also You Can Vote These Maps In The Daytime / Or When The Server Is 32/32 zm_2010 zm_2day zm_3rooms zm_adytzasfantu zm_antidote zm_aztec_defense zm_big_vk zm_canabys_glass2 zm_canabys_snow zm_clinic zm_cross zm_csdevils zm_csbd zm_dust2_2k15 zm_dusts zm_dusts_winter zm_egypt_v3 zm_extend zm_farra zm_foda_v2 zm_foda_remake_v3 zm_fortuna zm_fortuna_rmx zm_fox zm_fox_v2 zm_fox_v3 zm_fox_v5 zm_franqeeto_final zm_five zm_killer zm_gbox zm_gbox3 zm_gbox5 zm_gbox6 zm_gbox7 zm_glass_attack6 zm_glass_vk zm_good_kamp_v2 zm_ice_attack3 zm_ice_attack5 zm_ice_devil2 zm_ice_vk zm_long_glass zm_profesoru zm_sand zm_sand_brick zm_snow_vk zm_snow_vk3 zm_snow_vk4 zm_snow_vk6 zm_snow_volta zm_stz zm_trakinax_tubo zm_uzzy zm_walkingdead zm_x1 zm_303 zm_colormadness zm_laf zm_minecraft zm_talvisota zm_ez2 zm_snow_attack_dd zm_dev_colours
  8. I return with update after i test the first maps proposed. The following maps have been added for an experimental period. Please let us know if you encounter bugs while playing them. zm_dandd_extended zm_snow2012 zm_lego_2k18 zm_westwood zm_minecraft zm_rats_v2
  9. Knife skin? Noted. I can't promise when but it will be part of the next things i would wish for. Girls skin? Noted. I hope as soon as possible. As i stated in the initial post, in the following days we will make a public poll for people to pick a skin for the VIPs.
  10. Nick: myCro Time: 26.09.2021 Site: gtrs Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
  11. Hello my dear newlifers, All the credit must go the my colleague @-Dark for pushing us into doing the changes and @sNk_DarK for being the person who helped us, - Infection grenade for the first zombie spawned The first infected zombie that spawn at the begging of a classic round will have an infection grenade avalaible. /nfrz By typing /nfrz the freeze grenade becomes unavalaible for purchase or use for one round New VIP plugin For the new VIP plugin now we can alter the skin as we please(for the moment is still white and has written on the back "VIP", but have no worries, we will make a public poll for you to pick the new one) The damage has been fixed(sorry for so much time for the ones who had dbouts), it is double and it really feels like the VIPs are now rulling on the server as the game-play is moving faster(but take in consideration that also the infection rate is bigger due to the infection grenade from the first zombie.) /akgold By typing /akgold you receive a golden AK-47 with golden bullets, avalaible only for the Co-Owners, Owners, Founders and Bosses More changes to come: fresh skins and some cool new maps. I wait for your feedback.
  12. Nick: myCro Time: 25.09.2021 Site: gtrs Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
  13. Not very old on the server, at least with the current nick-name, but i like that you play the entire connected time. Pro.
  14. Nick: myCro Time: 25.09.2021 Site: gtrs Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
  15. Nick: myCro Time: 24.09.2021 Site: gtrs Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
  16. NEWLIFEZM #4life

    Connect and try

  17. Nick: myCro Time: 23.09.2021 Site: gtrs Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
  18. Banned for advertising another community.

    1. Sxynix


      nice job mycro ! 

  19. If someone uses bhop he can be banned for 5000 minutes for "hack", but before the ban please warn them verbally stop and ensure their answer is "ok". Speeding with bhop cannot be obtained from keyboard only because also the game without special configs won't reach more than 99/101 fps, so it's a big bullshit whoever says he does just from keyboard. bhop = ban Please implement acordingly the rule into the Rules topic.
  20. Contra, as stated by my colleagues.
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