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Eid al-Fitr is here


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Everything posted by DeaGLe^

  1. I saw that you are interested to be a part of our ThunderZM staff , to help us and to improve the server . even that you didnt reach the minimum hours , ill give u a PRO , we need admins and peoples like you with futuristic thoughts.
  2. Nick : MRT Grade : Moderator Reason : Buy human mode at night Warning: 1/4
  3. Happy Birhtday @Drayen. whish u all the best and success in ur life a l3awd ^^
  4. look who's here 

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    1. eXpLoReRs


      Heyyyy wts up

    2. DeaGLe^


      hey, where have u been

    3. eXpLoReRs


      Enjoyin life

  5. here is an other one xD

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  6. DeaGLe^


    the prize is exaggerated but i like this suggestion , pro from me
  7. ok, what about amx_help and amx_last ? i told u to fix that more than a week ago but its still not working , Status also if we want to gag ,slay,slap etc.. someone it doesnt work , nemesis assassin both with out jumps if you bought them even if you bought multijumps , still with out jumps Players are complaining about many things even basic things like the hp , if someone fly with jett and went down and miss to click "e parachute" lost hp or dies , some maps bug spawn , and so many i dont remember..
  8. hello, as long as u said u will give points to the winners , zp_points is not working if you want to give to others and more things
  9. Happy Birthday !
  10. Nick : snoxyy /KKT / MRT Old grade : Elder / Elder / Helper New grade : Prince / Prince / Moderator Reason : Very good activity at night + Help other players . Keep it up, well deserved
  11. Nick : ABOOD Grade : Administrator Reason : Buy mod in 2nd round of the map Warning: 3/4
  12. hello , ive reopened this topic cuz i see manythings thats not good and unfair i see lot of players spamming infection bombs and buying ammo since the first round ( we will change price of ammo in points ) , therefore i suggest a new rules for that 1- You are not allowed to use infection bomb on hiding players otherwise get SLAY next round ( you can use it on whoever you want , who flies with jett , afks , etc .. ). 2- You are allowed to buy ammo or whatever you want from points after 2 rounds otherwise Zp_resetpoints will be used on you. 3- As long as the infection bomb will not be used against hiding players , last human must hide !
  13. Nick : @-Kenzo Old grade : Administrator New grade : Player Reason : Inactivity
  14. can you send me a PM pls? you cannot receive messages!

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  15. @Drayen. is this song (profile song) remind u of something? 

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    1. Deton4tOr


      Please remind me of something

    2. DeaGLe^


      League worlds champion 2018 , RISE

  16. Nick : DADDY Grade : MODERATOR Reason : Disrespecting me ( Next time you will get downgrade or remove ) Days : 5days Date : 30/07/2022 to 04/08/2022
  17. Rejected.
  18.   On 7/29/2022 at 8:24 AM, Mindsphere. said:

    Hello dear CSBD Members / Staff! I've decided to make a special Giveaway, why? Because on 6th August is my Birthday and i want to give some gifts to you, before starting the giveaway, make sure to read everything that is posted here! 


    The Giveaway will start from today 29 July 2022 and it will end on 6th August at 23:59 Romania time. It will be made on https://wheelofnames.com/


    How to participate it? It's very simple and easy. 




    1. You must respect the model down below. 

    2. You have to like this post.  

    3. Post this giveaway as a status update so anyone will know about it.

    4. It is not allowed to post twice on this Giveaway, you can get punished for Double Post / Spamming. 

    5. You have to tag atleast 10 friends. 



    Respect the model down below:



    TAG your friends: 

    You liked the post?: 

    You posted a status update with the giveaway?:

    Rate the Giveaway from 1-10:




    1. V.I.P 2 months. 

    2. V.I.P 1 month. 

    3. V.I.P 14 days. 

    4. Free 30 Reputation Points on forum. 

    5. 3 Euro on PayPal. 



    Wish you good luck! 🙂

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