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Everything posted by Ayane.

  1. Welcome to CSBD!Hope u will stay here!
  2. Welcome to CSBD!Hope u will stay here!
  3. v.1-Text & Blur & Border!
  4. v.3-Text & Effect & Border
  5. Yes..GoodLuck..I know why u leave..maybe we will talk in Skype or Facebook.I will thank u for stand on my side every time but don't forget we will be friend forever.Don't worry i will come in skype just for you! . P.S:Maybe i will leave to idk..i just feel useless.But for now no it's not the time someone might need me..But goodbye i will miss u :*
  6. Welcome to ur Family(CSBD)
  7. Bun venit in familia CSBD!
  8. I have one thing to say.THIS GAME IS AWESOME!
  9. Bine ai venit printre noi!
  10. Bine ai venit in familia CSBD
  11. Eu cred ca nu suntem chiar asa "saraci".Tara noastra este o comoara dar nedescoperita in totalitate!Suntem o tare cu multe locuri turistice dar rar se incumeta "strainii" sa vina pe la noi!
  12. Bun venit sper sa iti placa la noi
  13. La cate jocuri sunt pe lume sunt putine =))
  14. Bloodrayne 1 Crysis Crysis 2 Crysis 3 Battlefield 2 Left 4 Dead 2 Elder Scroll V Skyrim+DLC Heroes of might and magic 5 King`s Bounty The Legends King`s Bounty Warrior Of The North King`s Bounty Armored Princess Minecraft Need For Speed MW 2007 Dead Space 1 Dead Space 2 Dead Spece 3 Outlast Outlast Whistleblower Portal 2 Dishonored
  15. Welcome-Sper sa iti placa la noi:)
  16. Ayane.


    Salut am cautat si am gasit 1,2,3 membri atat in cs cat si in comunitate care imi poarta numele daca stii ce pot face lasati va rog un comment
  17. Ayane.

    The Last Of us

    I love this game because the story is awesome!
  18. Eu spun ca MT2 pentru ca nu au fost jucatori care sa nu fii incercat sau jucat odata MT2 *Atentie acest joc poate aduce dependenta*!
  19. 1.Este foarte Oke pentru useri de facebook 2.Este facut aproape pentru programe si aplicati 3.La capitolul jocuri mai bine ruleaza Win7..
  20. Scuzati de deranj dar am o intrebare legata de rank pe forum ex eu sunt Member ce pot face sa ajung Loyalty Club sau mai mare astept respunsuri...
  21. Ma poate ajuta cineva sa imi adaug o semnatura ca nu stiu:|


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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