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Fear is an illusion

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About Fear is an illusion

  • Birthday 05/30/1995


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  1. Welcome to CSBD !
  2. Salutare, am vazut ca ti-ai deschis server,cam asta vroiam si eu sa fac intr-o luna,ma gandeam daca mai ai nevoie de un partener in ridicarea serverului.Te pot ajuta daca doresti in administrare si toate cele,daca doresti acest lucru. Nu am putut sa iti dau PM asa ca postez aici.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fear is an illusion

      Fear is an illusion

      Ok,intra pe yahoo si o sa vorbim acolo tot ce este de vorbit.

    3. Skulll#CSBD



    4. Fear is an illusion

      Fear is an illusion

      Ok,am vazut ca oricum aveai la Contact methods......

  3. Welcome to csblackdevil . Have fun.
  4. People from different parts of the world have been left terrified after hearing what is believed to be an evil-sounding trumpet noise coming from an unknown location in the sky. Residents who were able to capture the ominous sound went to upload their recordings on social media sites. Several of these clips came from Canada, Australia, Germany and the United States. In a video shot last month from Germany, a child can be seen frightened stiff as the strange noise blasted from afar. In Canada, Kimberly Wookey was able to record numerous clips of these mysterious sounds. She uploaded several of them on Youtube. "This is the second time I personally have heard these sounds here in Terrace BC Canada," Wookey wrote on her Youtube account. "First time was June 19th 2013 at approx. 9-9:30am but it was not quite as intense." In another entry, dated Aug. 29, 2013, Wookey claimed she was awoken by the loud noise, which she knew she had heard before. She said that she went to see her seven-year-old son who was also terrified by the noise. According to reports, scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) believe the noise could potentially be the "background noise" of the Earth.
  5. Welcome to csblackdevil !! HAVE FUN .
  6. League of Legends.
  7. Welcome to CSBLACKDEVIL !
  8. Eu pot spune ca prefer IOS deoarece intotdeauna am fost un fan Apple.Si la conceptul de "User interface"(IOS) care este din punctul meu de vedere foarte usor de folosit pot aduga un mare plus.
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  11. Vorba unui profesor. Copii,de ce trimit parintii boii la scoala ? De ce domn profesor ? Ca sa ramana vaciile acasa.


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