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Everything posted by 5lood-

  1. Jajajajajaj que feo te ves de admin

    1. [N]audy


      hahahaha ese men te vas x mucho tiempo y eso es lo primero k me dices!!! :V

    2. 5lood-


      Fue lo primero que se me vino a la mente

  2. 5lood-

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  3. Can i join?
  4. Welcome, enjoy!
  5. V3, Blur, Text
  6. I haven't Paysafecard, only Paypal
  7. ø Method of contact (Y!m / Skype): dark.wason00 ø Item(s) on sale: Steam with all cs, gmod and more... ø Price of the product(s): 15$ Minimum 12$ ø Product photo(s): http://imgur.com/is4JaP0 ø Payment method: Paypal. ø Other specifications:-
  8. Get Steam Gift Cards by sharing the Christmas spirit Use your unique link and share it with Your friends. Every time somebody will enter the website through it - you will receive 2 special Christmas points which could be later exchanged to 20$, 50$ or even 100$ worth of Steam Gift Cards. http://www.giftsofsteam.com/BOakEoQ This is my link, share yours in this post to help each other!
  9. Welcome again=))
  10. What does the fox say?

  11. 'Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes

  12. Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes

  13. Accepted... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  14. v2 text + sharp
  15. 5lood-

    Help Plzz

    Hi 1- Click in Single Row Marquee Tool ----- 2- Click on the image, right click and choose the option Stock ----- 3- Width: 1 px , Color: White , Location: Center, Then press OK ----- 4- Then press Alt + D ----- 5- To finish, select Eraser Tool, and clears the corners ----- Rezultat: Good Luck.
  16. raven' v1 = 9 votes 5lood- v2 = 0 votes (For being ugly) Doldii^^. v3 = 8 votes raven' WIN, Congratulations!
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