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Hattrick Claudiu HKS

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About Hattrick Claudiu HKS

  • Birthday November 17


  • - HttrckCldHKS -


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  • Gender
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    Women. Men. Friends.
  • City
    Brooklyn, New York City (NYC), New York (NY)

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  1. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook bro

    you are more old on this community than me on earth


  2. Fake Views boss.

    1. L I A X

      L I A X


      JoinedJanuary 1, 1970

  3. lel

    923,413,242 profile views ?

    1. #Wittels-



      December 31, 1969 

      Wtf :v

    2. DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      He is an ex-Administrator and he Edited his Profile from AdminCP.


      All Administrators had full Access to Forum before, it's not the same anymore we can't Edit our own Profile.

  4. WTFFFF joined in December 31 , 1969 :O 

  5. OMG! 1970 Very Old Member...!

  6. The newer Zombie Modification add-on is 8% done. What's new? * MetaMod linkage is completely done and functions are hooked. * Player and global classes are initiated. * GeoIP2 MMDB Geographical C++ Database has been included in order to retriever correct user country and city. * SQLite (local database system) has been included to store players' stats locally. * MySQL (remote database system) has been included and it will be optional if the customer is going to use a web site displaying players' stats. Web stats having GameTracker(tm) style will be available in the sold package. * RegEx (Regular Expressions) feature has been included. This will validate IP addresses and Steam IDs. A valid IP address show be like [0-255.0-255.0-255.0-255]. * User messages such SayText, TextMsg, ServerName and more have been registered. * Function 'loadSetting' has been created. The add-on will use a file named 'Zombie[Top Secret Name Until Done].Configurations.INI' so you can configure a lot of settings inside, including zombies' name and health. * Useless map entities remover has been completely created. Lots of useless entities will be removed for increasing server's and clients' FPS especially when the game server is heavily loaded. I will keep you up to date as the progress evolves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voi celor care ati scris mesajele in limba romana, chiar nu va puteti abtine? Ati inteles macar ce am scris? Nu am deschis subiectul pentru a vinde nimic, in cazul in care nu ati observant. Cer doar niste pareri in legatura cu noul mod. Daca chiar nu ma recomandati, din nu stiu ce motive, probabil o sa fiti uimiti cand CSBD va beneficia de aceste servicii iar Seth va prepara toate serverele Zombie ale comunitatii indeplinind criteriile impuse de el. Ce spuneti daca Seth va avea codul sursa si va pune la punct serverele comunitatii? Il considerati si pe el la fel? Intr-adevar, sper ca acum veti intelege motivul subiectului. Am nevoie de pareri ale utilizatorilor CSBD, in special de la strainii care joaca foarte mult pe serverele Zombie. Si nu va mai legati de acest subiect, tot ce tine de CSBD - Zombie va fi manevrat de Seth. Multumesc pentru citirea mesajului.
  7. Nu stiu ce sti tu despre moduri de joc dar nu am precizat nimanui ca CSBD va primi sursele la addons-uri DA sau NU. Cum poti sa faci o recomandare pozitiva sau negativa despre mine avand in vedere asta?
  8. I am willing to create a new game modification. I would like you to help recommending me some of the features listed below. 1. A game modification name such ("Zombie Plague"), ("Zombie Outstanding") or ("Zombie Swarm"). Anything unique is appreciated.2. A list of extra items you'd appreciate. For Zombies, Survivors, Humans, Nemesis, Assassins and Snipers.3. A list of zombie classes you'd like. Also including their special effects, speed, gravity and so on...4. The color of the menus and chat messages. A menu might contain Red, White, Yellow and Gray. Chat colors are Red, Blue, Gray, Normal or Team-Color.5. A list of the V.I.P. features. Multiple Jumps, Unlimited Clip and so on...6. The admin and the V.I.P. levels. How 'd their names look like? Also, I'd like to do it multilingual. If someone might translate from English to Spanish, Russian, German, French, Portuguese or Italian, I'd appreciate. Any other suggestion is welcomed. This should be done this year. I can't say anything about the month. Thank you.
  9. Hapy birthday my friend! God bless you! Hope God will provide for you money, happiness and health!
  10. Hey there, buddy!
  11. Hello! I'm here to recommend this community to everyone, from each location! In Romania are usually many gaming communities, but no one is as nice as CsBlackDevil.Com! Here you may find a lot of nice gaming servers, that have as owners persons from Romania and many other countries! We are getting really excited when knowing that everyone would like to join us! Then, CsBlackDevil.Com forever!
  12. Din câte am observat, comunitatea merge perfect. Vreau să spun că, nu am respectat ce anume mi-am asumat de la bun început, astfel am avut destul de multe probleme. În schimb, mă bucur că alţi membri au reuşit să cumpere o licenţă stabilă şi alţii să o îngrijească. Merită tot respectul din partea mea, şi sper ca mă pot alătura din nou ca şi membru. Nu am în obiectiv nimic, decât împărtăşirea ideilor. ¤ Nume în joc: Hattrick ¤ Vârsta: 23 ¤ Nume: Claudiu ¤ Oraș: Cluj-Napoca sau Turda ¤ Județ: Cluj ¤ Țară: România ¤ Jocuri preferate: BioShock, Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, DiRT 2, DiRT 3, Metro 2033 şi multe altele. ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Student la medicină, îmi place scriptingul. ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Pornind de la ideea lui [dvL]aditza. ¤ Server preferat: Zm.CsBlackDevil.Com ¤ O poză cu tine: http://www.facebook.com/hattrick.claudiuhks
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