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Everything posted by Mr.Love
Price start from 150 euro ( payment of hosting for 1 month included )
Name: ShadowsZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Address: Current Players: 18 / 32 Average (past month): 19 Asteptam oferte si cumparatori.
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For sale Zombie.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2]
Mr.Love replied to Mr.Love's topic in Server market
Sold -
For sale Zombie.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2]
Mr.Love replied to Mr.Love's topic in Server market
30 euros including hosting for next month. -
Name: Zombie.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Browse: Counter Strike 1.6 Servers Address: Port: 27015 Status: Alive Server Manager: rusu-- (claim server) Current Players: 6 / 32 Average (past month): 10 Asteptam oferte si cumparatori.
- 7 replies
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Internet connection problems! Change your provider! Merry Christmass!
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Game: Counter-Strike: 1.6 Status: Running ( Players: 32/32 Map: zm_ice_attack3 Name: PerfectZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.3] Average (past month): 20 Game Server Rank: 319th The server will be sold including addons configuration. We are waiting for offers!
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- for sell
- big average
(and 2 more)
Tagged with:
Game: Counter-Strike: 1.6 ( Name: ZmDarkNIght.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie OutStanding] Average: 16 Game Server Rank: 449th The server will be sold including addons configuration. We are waiting for offers!
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Server sold! Congratulations!
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Negotiable in PM
With addons or without addons, price of server start from 100 euros and must stay in our community. Have a good night !
Server closed ! for payment and reopen contact me with money!
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Hello, Server price 50 euro + 23 euro hosting. P.S : hosting must pe paid in every month
I am agree with Hackers, problem is from your internet provider. Anyway if you have problems with connection in our servers, please send me your ip in PM. Thank you for your topic and have fun in our zombie servers! Respect, Love
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Happy birthday my friend !
Yes, just on you ) Everytime on you. What is the problem with this questions? Read my last reply dear Revan [ in our language ]
Zilele trecute spre miezul noptii i-am oferit ocazia unui individ din Tunisia sa purtam o discutie ceva mai lunga, spre sfarsit spunandu-mi ca parerea lui despre mine s-a schimbat [ atat el cat si prietenii lui vedeau in mine un administrator "bad guy", care nu ii ia in seama. Bineinteles ca asta exista doar in imaginatia lor si au incercat sa faca din tantar- armasar. Intotdeauna am pus accentul pe calmitate si "clientul nostru, stapanul nostru". Oricum intrebari precum "de ce esti vulcanic sau de ce faci diferente intre ro si straini" mi s-au parut destul de anapoda si enervante. Cu alte cuvinte, de acord cu tine cand ai spus "intrebari banale copilaresti", dar poate asta este gradul lor. Tin sa iti marturiesc ca e destul de greu sa lucrezi cu oameni din astfel de colturi ale lumii, fiecare dintre ei dorindu-si portia de atentie si chiar daca stii ca respectivul nu are nimic de oferit si nu il vei lua in consideratie, vei fi sanctionat moral si trecut pe lista administratorilor de rahat. In plus am vrut sa observ care sunt minusurile si cu ce va trebuii sa plusez in viitor chiar daca uneori, din cate observi, s-a deviat de la subiect. Asta-i tot. Nu trebuie facut mare haz pe subiect.
In 95 % situations i am calm guy. I think this difference between romanian and peoples from other countries exist just in your imagination. IIf you look in staff of community from 20 members, 7 are form others countries. In Ts3 server i have manny peoples from others countries with rank. So i am glad to meet smart guys. For example if i meet a guy from...Kongo..and can help my community with something is welcome. 1. Because sometime you are like childrens: "mr.love X named me stupid. mr.love Y told me i am pig" etc Too sensible. 2. If you want to be a gfx designer you must have experience and also to impress peoples from staff who are responsable by this category. Nobody else not make designer, just staff. Look now to the countries of all designers and you will see that, you should not be from Romania. 3. I repeat, all peoples can be from csblackdevil staff as long as they can help community. 1.Ohh...long story but the short answer is that we cannot leave our work to dissapear. 2. I tried to make some good changes in forum and...surprise! Anyway we fixed. 3. 4 years ago in school. I entered in classroom to speak with her teacher and i saw her. Was enough
Oh...dear Zet, is a little bit difficult to be administrator. Think about, for example in teamspeak are manny manny peoples from other countries. You know how manny contact me in every they. If i give importance to every from them, i think my brain will be kicked. And also every message from peoples contain : give me rank. I don;t protect romanians but manny from them are on my staff. I protect all my staff from Romania, Pakistan, Rep. Mold, is not important. 3. why sometiems you want to be fair man Maybe in my opinion was a correct decision. Every peoples can have a opinion. 4. why you don't want who tell you "ugly" and you give him ban I want respect, if you have a proof when i insult one clien from ts or one member from forum we will change our places [ i will be technician and you will be administrator ]. Exception make just peoples from my staff. About 8. why when someone insult you get ban , and when some one insult a member get warn Because i have a little ability : to forgive and give another chance because manny peoples dont have any history of warns. And the last : 7.why you want stop problems , even sometimes you make problems ! Last problem wich i made in csblackdevil was to destroy columns of servers but in this morning i resolved. Next problems will be: Buy Ip.Blob /Content, upgrade forum to 3.4.8 and more others problems i am proud by my probles You don't ?
Is not true, i am not all the time calm but the important thing is that : all problems can be resolved just if you think calm by more than 2 times.
Hello my dears, In the last time peoples asked me about my temperament. I think wrong opinions have been born in your minds. So I am here to listen all your questions, and also to answer. Be honest with me, for to be honest with you.
Game: Counter-Strike: 1.6 Status: Running ( Players: 29/32 Map: zm_gbox5 Name: ShadowsZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Average: 20 Serverul se vinde. Astept oferte in PM pentru a-l oferii cuiva.
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Ai de ales intre servere de zombie, servere de zombie si...servere de zombie. Sunt foarte sigur ca o sa-ti gasesti unul pe plac Bine ai venit in comunitatea curcubeu cu oameni de toate culorile ! [ No to racism ! ]
Request rejected [ tni.ro ?! ]
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Si am facut, si am dres, si am lucrat si etc. Nu era mult mai usor sa imi dai add pe una din adresele mele de contact afisate destul de tipator in signature sau sa ma contactezi pe serverul de teamSpeak unde sunt 24/24 pentru a lamurii problema ? Mai mult decat atat ia aminte: Ai primit warn pentru ca nu ai fost atent. In Oltenia este o vorba "trece pana te insori". Asadar lasa-mi te rog intr-un reply contul principal pe care vei primii unsuspend / unban, precum si celelalte conturi ce vor urma sa fie sterse. O zi caniculara placuta !