★Nickname: RAPI69
★CSBD username: @RAPI69
★Rank: Administrator
★Please make sure to read the rules and make sure to respect them ( Admin Rules ) ( Player Rules ) (A Guide for New Admins)
★Enter groups Required:https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/19058-~●-social-groups-●~/
ø Modalitate de contact (Y!m / Skype): PM sau pe steam
ø Produs(e) scoase la vânzare: 🔥CS:GO|30-300 skins in inventar + Bonus random 3 gifts = 15 e
ø Preţul produsului(elor): 15 e
ø Poze produs(e):
ø Metodă de plată: Paypal / Card
ø Alte specificaţii:
✅Fiecare account este cu inventar.
✅ Fiecare inventar are 50-300 skins.
✅ Fara block.
✅ Fara Mobile Auth.
✅ Fara VAC.
✅ Cu email propriu.
✅ Costul la inventar e de la 1 $.
✅Toate conturile sunt personale.
✅ Dupa cumparare rog cate un feedback.
ø Method of contact (TS3 / Steam) : Steam / Forum
ø Item(s) on sale: Steam account
ø Price of the product(s): Negotiate
ø Product photo(s): Link
ø Payment method: PayPal
ø Other specifications: Steam lvl 118, with 786 games many of good quality. ask me