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  1. International TeamSpeak Server: TS3.CsBlackDevil.Com Give us a LIKE =>>> Thanks to @More, @Sethhh., @BoRINg, @HellFir3 and many others
    17 points
  2. Take advice: Check your INBOX weekly and delete all your PMs! Have a nice day
    8 points
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  4. 4 points
  5. in comming Vlad Țepeș Transylvania Romania Dacula PS: HE IS NOT VAMPIRE LIKE IDIOTS THINKS!!!)
    3 points
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  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. The real story behind CsBlackDevil The fairy tale The story of our community, as most know, starts like this. Not long after when the two brothers (Love & Sethhh) discover the gaming world and start their first CounterStrike 1.6 server , making their way through the crowd of people, fishing from them every teaching it can sustain a bright future. The first server, an affiliation with CsRedDevil , the first gaming friends, opening CsBlackDevil, the first top server, activity, work, projects, first rank in leading, all of these in a virtual world. Finally, here we are, together , 51,000 people happy and strong. What is CsBlackDevil and who founded CsBlackDevil Autumn of 2010 was the right time to open a the first classic Counter Strike 1.6 server, Lupta.CsRedDevil.Com - and it's membership in the old community, CsRedDevil.Com, whose host was only 5 euro. The desire to make the server more powerful and known, especially in front of the community administrators motivated us total. Therefore, a server with a high average, with the owners at quite early ages (at the time the undersigned had about 17 years and Sethhh only 1 meter tall, around 13 years old), seemed to be high hopes in gaming for Zeus and Kleopatra, two of the CSRD administrators (csreddevil.com). Therefore, the server, Lupta, was a bridge between us and the two spouses, who in turn they were managing the server of the founder. Time passed easily, and their move to our server was imminent and after this the problems started because the CSRD founder lost two important administrators. In November-December 2011, Zeus and Kleopatra decided to open a new community with [dvl]aditza, Hattrick and Pool, whom we followed with our whole soul. So was born CsBlackdevil community, and its first four servers: - NewLifeZm - Zmoldschool - HighlifeZm - CSDM, with promise and hope that at some point, both I and Sethhh, we become administrators of CSBD. The addons for Zombie Plague had been created, the server CSDM ran one of the best respawn addons, and the first places in the GameTracker.Com top were already reserved for us. But also divergences had appeared, and Hatrick had to leave us. On May 1, 2012 we made the transition to IPBoard, good time for me and my brother to start work and continuous activity. Our old friends, Zeus and Kleopatra, and also the people we learned from, receded slightly, and me and my brother, Sethhh, had taken over the reins, under the guidance of [dvl]adita, as a single account with the administrator rank. Meanwhile, even if DVL gave us little chance to succeed in something , we started the partnership CSBD – Krond SOLUTIONS, one of the most important steps in the history of CSBD. When everything was going smoothly, DVL proposed the sale of the community and license ... that moment came like rain after a secular drought, after that it followed the proposal from Krond to become official resellers. Our experience in gaming had a wonderful course and this was due to the pleasure of working on each project and server, the respect we offered to the people we've met and we will always remember. It is easy to understand that regardless of age, size, nationality, color or geographical position, we can have a great influence in the collapse or in building an empire. Currently I am proud of what I have created together with Sethhh and glad that we met people who have always been with us. "It doesn’t matter how good you are, but how good you want to be." [ Paul Arden ] Special thanks to: Zeus & @Kleopatra, @adA, @PoOL, @Jully , @Loading, @LuMiX ,@RaMpO, @TwixQ#, @DOri. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Adevarata poveste din spatele CsBlackDevil The fairy tale Povestea comunitatii noastre, așa cum majoritatea o știu, incepe asa. Nu la mult timp dupa momentul in care cei doi frati ( Love & Sethhh ) descopera lumea jocurilor si pornesc primul lor server CounterStrike 1.6, isi fac loc prin multimea de oameni pescuind de la ei fiecare invatatura ce ii poate sustine intr-un viitor stralucit. Primul server, o afiliere in CsRedDevil, primii prieteni gameri, deschiderea CsBlackDevil, primul server de top, activitate, munca, proiecte, prima functie in conducere, si toate acestea intr-o lume virtuala. In cele din urma, iata-ne aici, impreuna cei 51.000. What is CsBlackDevil and who founded CsBlackDevil Toamna lui 2010 a fost momentul prielnic deschiderii primului server clasic - counter strike 1.6, Lupta.CsRedDevil.Com - si afilierii acestuia in vechea comunitate CsRedDevil.Com, al carui host era doar 5 euro. Dorinta de a ne face serverul cat mai puternic si cunoscut, mai ales in fata administratorilor comunitatii, ne-a motivat total. Tocmai de aceea, un server cu un average destul de mare, cu owneri la varste destul de fragede ( la acea vreme subsemnatul avea aproximativ 17 ani, iar Sethhh la numai 1 metru inaltime, in jur de 13 ), pareau a fi sperante mari in gaming pentru Zeus si Kleopatra, doi dintre administratorii CSRD (csreddevil.com). Asadar, serverul Lupta, a fost o punte de legatura intre noi si cei doi soti, care la randul lor se ocupau de administrarea serverului fondatorului principal. Timpul a trecut usor, iar mutarea lor pe serverul nostru a fost iminenta ceea ce a pornit si problemele pe care fondatorul CSRD urma sa ni le faca datorita pierderii celor doi importanti administratori. In noiembrie-decembrie 2011, Zeus si Kleopatra au hotarat deschiderea unei noi comunitati alaturi de dvlAditza, Hattrick si Pool, pe care i-am urmat cu tot sufletul. Asa a lua nastere comunitatea CsBlackdevil, si primele ei 4 servere: - NewLifeZm - Zmoldschool - HighlifeZm - CSDM, cu promisiunea si speranta ca la un moment dat, atat eu cat si Sethhh, vom devenii administratorii CSBD. Addonsurile Zombie Plague fuseseram create, serverul CSDM rula unul dintre cele mai bune addonsuri respawn, iar primele locuri din topul GameTracker.Com deja le rezervasem pentru noi. Insa totodata divergentele au si aparut, iar Hatrick a fost nevoit sa ne paraseasca. Pe 1 mai 2012 am facut trecerea pe IPBoard moment prielnic pentru mine si fratele meu sa pornim lucrul si o activitate neintrerupta. Vechii nostrii prieteni, Zeus si Kleopatra, si in acelasi timp oamenii de la care am avut destul de multe lucruri interesante de invatat s-au retras usor, iar eu si Sethhh am preluat fraiele comunitatii sub indrumarea lui dvlAdita sub forma unui singur rank administrator adaugat contului meu. Intre timp, chiar daca DVL ne dadea slabe sanse in a reusii ceva, am pornit si parteneriatul CSBD - KROND SOLUTIONS, unul dintre cei mai importanti pasi din istoria CSBD. Cand totul mergea ca pe roate, Adita ne-a propus vanzarea comunitatii si a licentei...moment care a venit ca ploaia dupa o seceta seculara, urmata si de propunerea din partea KROND de a devenii reselleri oficiali. Experienta noastra in gaming a avut un curs minunat si asta s-a datorat placerii cu care am lucrat la fiecare proiect si server, respectului oferit si oamenilor pe care i-am intalnit si de care ne vom aminti mereu. Este usor de inteles ca indiferent de varsta, marime, nationalitate, culoare sau pozitie geografica, putem avea o mare influenta in prabusirea sau construirea unui imperiu. Actualmente sunt mandru de ceea ce am creat impreuna cu Sethhh si bucuros ca am cunoscut astfel de oameni care au fost mereu alaturi de noi. "Nu conteaza cat de bun esti, ci cat de bun vrei sa fii." [ Paul Arden ] Multumiri speciale, Zeus & @Kleopatra, @TwixQ#, @PoOL, @adA , @Jully , @Loading, @LuMiX , @RaMpO, @DOri.
    1 point
  9. Râsul poate fi stârnit şi prin intermediul unor imagini, postează şi tu cele mai amuzante imagini în acest topic. Reguli de bază: Laughter can be caused through pictures, leave and you a message you with the funniest pictures in this topic. Basic Rules:
    1 point
  10. Have you ever wanted to run your very own bus company? Probably not, but if you have, Bus Simulator 16 is your answer! When it comes to simulation games, most of them tend to be awful and while Bus Simulator 16 is no Euro Truck Simulator 2, it’s a fairly good and detailed simulator nonetheless. Basically, you create your own bus company and must purchase routes for you to drive so that you can pick up passengers and collect revenue, allowing you to buy better buses as well as hire more drivers so you can buy more routes. There’s only so much fun driving a bus can be, but Bus Simulator 16 features bus customization allowing you to add your own personal touch to your buses as well as allowing you to play multiplayer. In multiplayer, you can team up with friends and all chip in running your own bus company. While you can’t be driving in the same world together, you can all be driving your own routes simultaneously. Not only that, but Bus Simulator 16 is easy to learn with the controls being simplified, yet they don’t leave you feeling like the game is a lightweight when it comes to simulation. Definitely one of the better simulator games currently available on the market.
    1 point
  11. The Sims 4 is a proper life simulator, allowing you to live out your many dreams and fantasies which just aren’t possible in real life. If you’re looking for a game where you can live an alternative reality, look no further than The Sims 4. You get to create any sim you can imagine, giving them unique appearances, clothing and personalities. Create a family or just yourself, it’s your choice. Then you get to pick the town you would like to move into it and the house you wish to purchase. Or you can build your very own house from scratch! Your sims also have a number of different needs that you need to manage such as the need to eat, shower, socialise, go to toilet, sleep and of course, be entertained. Get a job or create your very own business, be self employed or spend your days slaving away for a corporation. The Sims 4 allows you to do any number of things!
    1 point
  12. V1 is Winner Anyone Can Close This Topic
    1 point
  13. U must send me PM for acces FTP bro!
    1 point
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  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  17. 1 point
  18. Welcome to CSBD, have fun!
    1 point
  19. V1: Blur, text, brush, very creative.
    1 point
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  21. Welcome To CSBD Enjoy
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Hundreds of men and boys appear to have gone missing after crossing from rebel-held areas of Aleppo into government territory, UN officials say. Forces led by Syria's government have seized at least 75% of eastern parts of the city from rebels in recent weeks. Tens of thousands of civilians have fled those districts, with more than 8,000 leaving during a humanitarian pause on Thursday. Rebels were also reportedly stopping people from leaving, the UN said. At a briefing in Geneva, Rupert Colville, the spokesman for the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, said up to 100,000 people were trapped in "ever-shrinking" areas of eastern Aleppo. Reports differ on how many people remain and how many have fled eastern Aleppo, but Mr Colville said the UN had gathered evidence that "hundreds" of men may have disappeared after leaving for government-held areas. "Given the terrible record of arbitrary detention, torture and disappearances, we are of course deeply concerned," he said, referring to the Syrian government. Aleppo doctor's heart-breaking letter What's happening in Aleppo? Russia awards medals to Syria war dead On Thursday, Russia, an ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, said fighting was suspended to allow civilians to leave. By Friday morning, more than 8,000 people - including 3,000 children - had left, Russia's military said. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said ground forces continued their offensive, and that rocket attacks and air raids were launched overnight. "Helicopters, warplanes and rocket bombardment like every day," one Turkey-based official with the Jabha al-Shamiya rebel group told Reuters. "Nothing has changed." The civilian rescue group known as the White Helmets said 46 civilians were killed and another 230 injured on Thursday in east Aleppo. Three barrel bombs carrying chlorine gas were dropped, it added. The past two days have seen some of the heaviest civilian casualties in the past fortnight in east Aleppo.
    1 point
  24. Welcome To CSBD ! Enjoy & HF
    1 point
  25. ! مولد نبوي شريف لجميع المسلمين
    1 point
  26. Welcome To CSBD ! Enjoy & HF !
    1 point
  27. Outgoing Italian PM Matteo Renzi has agreed to stay in power until the Senate passes its 2017 budget in the coming days, the president says. Mr Renzi formally resigned after his heavy defeat in a constitutional referendum a day earlier, but the president requested the delay. President Sergio Mattarella will later have to either choose a new prime minister or call early elections. European leaders have been playing down the risks of fallout from the crisis. It comes amid fears of long-term instability for the country's troubled banking sector in the long-term. Shares in Italian banks lost groundfollowing news of Mr Renzi's defeat. Sunday's No vote on constitutional reform was widely seen as a rejection of establishment politics in Italy. Get all the latest updates Italian press on 'po[CENSORED]r revolt' Why Italy's vote matters What happens next? Mr Renzi held a final brief cabinet meeting on Monday evening, before travelling to the presidential palace to submit his formal resignation. President Mattarella then asked him to stay on for the budget bill, which is expected to be passed by the Senate in a matter of days - Friday at the earliest. He wanted to avoid "the risks of a provisional budget", the president said in a statement (in Italian). Anti-establishment opposition parties have been calling for early elections, although it is unclear yet whether this will happen. Instead, the president may appoint a caretaker administration led by Mr Renzi's Democratic Party, which would carry on until an election due in the spring of 2018. Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan is the favourite to succeed Mr Renzi as prime minister. Why did he lose? The No vote won with nearly 60% against 40% for the Yes campaign. With a turnout of nearly 70%, it was a heavier than expected defeat for the government. Mr Renzi staked his political future on his attempt to change Italy's cumbersome political system. He wanted to strengthen central government and weaken the Senate, the upper house of parliament. Image copyrightEPA Image captionFive Star's Beppe Grillo led the No campaign in the referendum His opponents - including some within his own party - had argued that the reforms would give the prime minister too much power. The electorate agreed. More than a resounding victory for the No camp, it was a chance for a medley of populist parties to reject establishment politics. The opposition, headed by the Five Star Movement, capitalised on Mr Renzi's declining po[CENSORED]rity, years of economic stagnation, and the problems caused by tens of thousands of migrants arriving in Italy from Africa. Watch market reaction Italian banks' shares fall after vote The weakest bank in Europe just got weaker After the vote, Mr Renzi defended his record,saying exports and job numbers were up and unemployment was down to 11.7%. Image copyrightEPA Image captionMatteo Renzi visited the presidential palace on Monday evening Five Star's leader, Beppe Grillo, has called for an election "within a week". President Mattarella, who praised the high voter turnout, called for a political climate with "serenity and mutual respect". There are obligations and deadlines which Italy's institutions will have to honour "guaranteeing a response that meets the problems of the moment," he said. How is Europe reacting? The result is being seen as a blow to the EU, although there is no question of Italy following the UK out of the door. Both Five Star and the Northern League are opposed to the eurozone but not to membership of the EU itself. Image copyrightREUTERS Image captionThe No campaign's victory was bigger than expected Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who heads the group of 19 eurozone countries, denied any impending crisis. "It doesn't really change the situation economically in Italy or in the Italian banks. The problems that we have today are the problems that we had yesterday," he said. Reuters news agency quoted German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble as saying there was no reason for a euro crisis but that Italy urgently needed a functioning government. Meanwhile, a spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel said she "took note with regret" of Mr Renzi's resignation but Germany would offer to work closely with the next Italian government. Image copyrightTWITTER But the leader of the far-right Front National in France, Marine Le Pen, tweeted: "The Italians have disavowed the EU and Renzi. We must listen to this thirst for freedom of nations." What will it do to the economy? Markets seemed to have taken Mr Renzi's departure in their stride in the short-term. The euro fell initially to a 20-month low but rebounded again. Shares in Italian banks lost ground on Monday afternoon, following a dip and rebound in the morning. But there are concerns over the long-term financial stability in the eurozone's third largest economy. The economy is 12% smaller than when the financial crisis began in 2008. The banks remain weak and the country's debt-to-GDP ratio, at 133%, (second only to Greece's in the eurozone) means many Italian banks are in need of refinancing. There is a risk that the failure of a major bank - such as the troubled Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena - could set off a wider crisis, but repairing the banks becomes more difficult amid political uncertainty. The head of Germany's Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann, said the result was "not the end of the world" but that a slowdown in the pace of economic reforms should be expected.
    1 point
  28. Pokémon Go showed just how po[CENSORED]r augmented reality can be. The game became a worldwide sensation over the summer, leading to numerous stories about marauding players trampling neighbourhoods. Now, an unlikely entity has joined the AR party: The White House. As its name suggests, the “1600” app lets people use their smartphone or tablet to watch virtual events, such as state arrival ceremonies and the annual Easter Egg Roll, taking place at the tiny, Minecraft-style Presidential address. Like other Augmented Reality applications, you can move your smartphone around the generated object to view it from different angles, all while it appears to remain in the same place. You’ll also need a dollar bill to take a virtual tour of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on your device. “From hosting festivals on the South Lawn to allowing people to explore its rooms via Google Street View, President Obama has used traditional events and new technology to open up the doors of the White House to more Americans than ever before,” writes White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, on the official White House website. The White House Historical Association teamed up with Nexus Studios to create the augmented reality experience, which is primarily aimed at children. The White House adds that it also hopes to educate and inspire Americans “to learn all about what the People’s House stands for.” While it's unlikely to entertain people in the same way as Pokémon Go, the app shows how augmented reality can be used in areas beyond gaming, such as making dry, educational subjects interesting for kids. If you’d like to check it out yourself, the app is available right now for iOS (8.0 and higher) and Android (4.0 and higher).
    1 point
  29. The urn with the ashes of former Cuban leader Fidel Castro has arrived in the city of Santiago, the birthplace of the revolution, where he will be laid to rest. Large crowds shouting 'Long live Fidel!" greeted his funeral cortege. Thousands are expected to pay their final respects shortly at a ceremony in the city's Revolution Square. President Raul Castro will lead the tributes. He took over when his brother's health deteriorated in 2016. Fidel Castro's ashes will be buried on Sunday. ADVERTISEMENT The leaders of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia are due to attend, as is the Argentine footballer, Diego Maradona. Former Brazilian Presidents Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff have also travelled to Cuba for the ceremony. 'A father to us' People waving flags and pictures of Fidel Castro have turned out to watch the cortege on its four-day journey from the capital Havana. Image copyrightEPA Image captionFidel Castro stepped down in 2006 Image copyrightAP Image caption"I am Fidel," chanted many Cubans as the funeral cortege went through the streets of Santiago "All of us who love Fidel, who is a father to us. He cleared a path for us and the people will follow him," Tania Maria Jimenez told Reuters. She was among thousands of Cubans watching as the urn with Mr Castro's ashes was driven past the historic Moncada barracks in Santiago. A hero and a tyrant What now for US-Cuba relations? Fidel Castro: A life in pictures Fidel Castro was part of the small group of revolutionaries who launched an attack on the barracks on 26 July 1953. The attacked failed, but it was considered the first act of the revolution that would depose the US-backed government of Fulgencio Batista on 1 January 1959. Image copyrightEPA Image captionThe crowd began to gather early to pay their last respects to Fidel Castro in Revolution Square Image copyrightREUTERS Image captionVenezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (centre) joined Raul Castro for a tribute to Fidel in Havana earlier in the week Opinion on Fidel Castro, who ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost half a century, remains divided. Supporters say he returned Cuba to the people and praise him for some of his social programmes, such as public health and education. But critics call him a dictator, who led a government that did not tolerate opposition and dissent. Fidel Castro died on 25 November aged 90. His ashes will be placed in the Ifigenia Cemetery, where Cuban independence hero Jose Marti is buried.
    1 point
  30. If Civ V was the most streamlined the series had ever been, Civ VI is the most celebratory - a 25th anniversary iteration that sheds the sterility of previous entries in favour of a stirring soundtrack and brave new (cartoonish) look. It finds Firaxis remembering that the power of a 4X game lies as much in its atmosphere as its systems. It’s testament to the attentiveness of Sid Meier and his studio, however, that they haven’t neglected those systems either. Civilization VI has exhumed several of the best additions from its predecessor’s Community Balance Patch, while pushing onwards and upwards with some offbeat new ideas - builders that expire after three turns, for instance, and cities that spread across several tiles. Isn’t that what Civ is all about? Pushing onwards and upwards, reaching for the stars? Firaxis will surely continue to do just that, building on these strong foundations with balance patches and expansions. And players will do the same, conceiving game-changing Civ 6 mods. But even the game that exists now is a classic Civ. It’s not only a wonderfully colourful introductory experience, but also an intriguing twist on some of the series’ most deeply rooted mechanics that’ll keep veterans coming back for one more turn.
    1 point
  31. MD is set to give a public demonstration of their upcoming Zen CPU on December 13th, when they'll host a live-streamed web event called 'New Horizon' that will show off the processor's gaming capabilities. New Horizon will be hosted by well-known video game presenter Geoff Keighley, and will feature e-sports pro-gamer PPD from Evil Geniuses. AMD also says the event will include special guest appearances and giveaways, so there could be a few extra incentives to tune in from 3pm CST, aside from seeing Zen in action of course. As this event is mostly focused on the general gaming public, it's unlikely that we'll get any detailed specifications or benchmarks of Zen. Those details will become available closer to launch, which AMD says is scheduled for Q1 2017. Leaked benchmarks have revealed promising performance for Zen, which is AMD's first major revamp of their processor line in years. One test showed Zen performing in-line with Intel's 8- and 10-core Xeon processors, while another benchmark indicated performance from an 8-core Zen CPU was roughly in line with Intel's 6-core Skylake processors. If AMD can achieve a decent level of performance from Zen while competing with Intel's prices, we may finally have some competition in the CPU space once more.
    1 point
  32. Google over the past year or so has been slowly pushing Flash out the back door in favor of HTML5, a far superior technology that improves security, reduces power consumption and leads to faster load times. With Chrome 55 having just advanced to the stable channel for Windows, Mac and Linux, the transition is nearly complete. Chrome 55, as explained by Google’s Anthony LaForge earlier this year, will default to a site’s HTML5 experience in most every instance when it has a choice. If a site only uses Flash, you’ll be prompted to allow it the first time you visit. An exception to this rule only applies to the top 10 websites that use Flash (and only for a year). Those sites are: YouTube.com, Facebook.com, Yahoo.com, VK.com, Live.com, Yandex.ru, OK.ru, Twitch.tv, Amazon.com and Mail.ru. Elsewhere, Chrome 55 is also said to drastically reduce RAM usage by as much as 50 percent thanks to an updated JavaScript V8 engine that reduces the memory zone and heap size. Google’s web browser is notoriously bad for its handling of memory so it’s great that they’re finally addressing the issue. While on the subject, I’d also recommend checking out our recent Chrome optimization guide if you haven’t already done so. By grabbing Chrome 55 and tweaking a handful of settings, you’ll likely notice a substantial performance improvement. In the event you’ve disabled automatic updates or aren’t currently using Chrome, you can grab version 55 for a variety of platforms right here. If you're looking for the change log, that's available on the Chrome release blog.
    1 point
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  34. Un bărbat cumpără un robot inteligent care detecta când cineva spune o minciună. Bucuros de achiziție merge acasă și începe să îl testeze în timpul cinei. – Fiule, unde ai fost tu astăzi? – La școală, apoi am venit acasă! Robotul îi trage o palmă zdravănă. – Scuze, am fost la școală iar apoi am fost la un coleg și am învățat! Robotul iar îi trage o palmă. – Scuze, ne-am uitat la un film! – Ce film? întreabă tatăl. – Desene… Robotul îi mai trage o palmă așa că băiatul se corectează: – La filme deocheate! Tatăl cu un zâmbet în colțul gurii îi spune: – Mă băiatule, la vârsta ta eu nu mă uitam la așa ceva! Robotul îi trage o palmă bărbatului. Soția începe să râdă și spune: – Vezi amărâtule, se vede că este băiatul tău! În acel moment robotul o plesnește!
    1 point
  35. Într-o zi bulă se plimbă cu bunica lui pe stradă. La un momentat bulă găseste pe jos 1 leu şi o întreabă pe bunică : - Bunica , am găsit 1 leu,pot să-i iau? -Nu bulă , ce e pe jos nu se ia! Mai merge ce mai merge şi din nou bulă mai gaseste încă 1 leu. -Bunică , am mai găsit 1 leu,pot să-i iau? -Bulă,ţi-am zis..cei pe jos nu se ia! Merge ce merge şi bunica se împiedică. -Bulă,ajută-mă să mă ridic! -Nu bunica,ai zis că cei pe jos nu se ia! )
    1 point
  36. Acest regulament se aplica pentru toate categoriile de membri inregistrati in comunitatea CsBlackDevil.Com. Regulamentul este aplicat in toate categoriile apartinatoare forumului deoarece indiferent de grad, regulamentul este scris si respectat de toata lumea. 1. Username/profil/avatar/semnatura 1.1 User name/Display name sa nu contina cuvinte vulgare sau tenta rasista. Sa fie diferit de cel al persoanelor din echipa administrativa a forumului. 1.2 Avatarul/Semnatura sa nu contina poze pornografice/tenta rasista sau care fac referire la acte de cruzime fata de oameni/animale. Interzise sunt si imaginile de tip 'NSFW' (not safe for work) deoarece printre noi sunt si membrii ce ne viziteaza de la locul de munca ori spatii publice, in aceasta categorie se incadreaza in general pozele adulte +18 1.3 Semnatura trebuie sa contina doar o poza deoarece semnatura nu reprezinta o galerie de poze si wallpapers. 1.4 Este interzisa atasarea clipurilor video in semnatura. 1.5 Inregistrarea mai multor conturi este sanctionata cu suspendarea permanenta a tuturor conturilor/stergerea contului. 2. Deschiderea unui nou topic (thread) 2.1 Asigurati-va ca sunteti in categoria potrivita inainte de a deschide un nou topic. 2.2 Folositi-va de 'Search' inainte de a deschide un topic deoarece este posibil sa existe deja un topic cu aceasi linie de subiect. 2.3 Dati un titlu sugestiv topicului deschis pentru a primi un raspuns cat mai rapid posibil. Exemplu: Daca intampini greutati la schimbarea avatarului, nu pui un titlu sec "problema" ci pui "problema schimbare avatar" astfel atunci cand un administrator ori moderator cauta problemele dupa cuvintele cheie "problema" , "avatar" , "schimbare" sa iti gaseasca mai rapid topicul si sa te ajute. 3. Limbajul 3.1 Folosirea unui limbaj vulgar aduce de la sine suspendarea permanenta pe forum 3.2 Nu toleram insultarea membriilor inregistrat in comunitate indiferent de limba (in engleza, germana orice alta limba). Provocarea la cearta/injurii fiind de asemenea pedepsita cu suspendare temporara ori permanenta de la caz la caz. 3.3 Jignirea cu tenta rasista este sanctionata cu suspendare permanenta. 3.4 Sanctiunile sunt aplicate si in cazul mesajelor private (PM) din forum 3.5 Limbajul neadcvat reprezinta si cenzura partiala a cuvintelor vulgare. 4. Reguli de postare 4.1 Off-topic/post-hunt/spam 4.1.1 Off-topic reprezinta un post ce nu are legatura cu subiectul topicului respectiv. Acest mod de a posta nu este permis. 4.1.2 Post-hunt face referire la posturile ce au la baza cantitatea lor nu si intelesul. Posturile ce contin un text sec ori raspunsurile "generice" se considera post-hunt. Exemplu: "salut" "tare" "frumos" "misto"Raspuns "generic" reprezinta afirmatiile ce nu sunt reale ori nu au nici o legatura cu subiectul, exemplu "Imi place jocul, l-am jucat si e fain" poate fi considerat raspuns "generic" deoarece nu este un raspuns dezvoltat ori inconstient despre subiectul respectiv. 4.1.3 Daca s-a incalcat regulamentul printr-un post, cei ce vor sustine printr-un text "closed si warn" , "Ban bann" vor fi sanctionati pentru post-hunt. Pentru a reclama/anunta utilizati comanda report situat sub avatarul celui pe care doriti sa il raportati. 4.1.4 Spam defineste postarea excesiva intr-o anumita categorie cu topicuri/posturi inutile sau cu acelasi subiect/raspuns. 4.2 Dublu-post 4.2.1 Nu este permisa dubla-postare, utilizati butonul edit. Nu este considerata dubla-postare daca cele doua posturi au fost aplicate la un interval mai mare de 24 de ore. 4.2.2 Nu se considera dubla-postare daca intervalul este unul de cateva secunde deoarece se poate produce un conflict de conexiune ce are ca efect o rapida dubla-postare. 4.3 Utilizarea excesiva/abuziva a colors/smiley/fontsize este interzisa 4.3.1 Colors, fontsize sunt utilizate pentru a scoate in evidenta o idee, un fragment dintr-o propozitie nu pentru a "picta" orice post/subiect. 4.3.2 Membrii ce incalca majoritate regulamentele 4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 pot risca sanctionarea prin stergerea partiala sau totala a posturilor de pe forum estimandu-se un procent de 90% spamuri. Astfel recomandam membrii ce incurajeaza Off-topic sau Post-hunt sa renunte la aceasta idee deoarece vor avea toate posturile sterse iar timpul este pierdut. 5. Pirateria (warez) 5.1 Interzisa este deschiderea oricarui subiect despre piraterie (warez) Urmatoarele subiecte vor duce la suspendare permanenta fara drept de apel:Instructiuni, discutii sau adrese despre cum ruleaza un program piratat, includem si crack-urile.Cererea sau publicarea de serial number-uri sau crack-uri.Cererea sau publicarea de DLC-uri.Cererea sau publicarea de trackere. (sursa torrente)Adrese de descarcare a unor aplicatii cu continut asupra careia nu aveti drepturi de autor. (exceptie adresele oficiale ce permit si lanseaza gratuit soft-ul lansat/creat de ei) Reclame serverelor private sau afirmatii ce sustin privatul gratuit. Exemplu: Afirmatiile de genul, hai joaca "moka" pe www.ewkew.ro decat sa joci pe oficial cu taxa lunara. 6.ReclamaSpam 6.1 Reclama face referire la prezentarea unui site in scopul de a atrage cat mai multi vizitatori. Orice post, semnatura, avatar sau mesaj privat de acest gen va fi sanctionat cu suspendarea permanenta a membrului. 6.2 Nu este considerata reclama precizarea unor pagini cu scop informativ. Exemplu: Intrati pe cea mai tare comunitate www.qwieojm.netos care e cea mai tare comunitate din lume! Exemplu: Da click sa castigi un iphone, Fa bani pe net cu click 7. Report 7.1 Utilizati functia report in cazurile incalcarii regulamentului ori considerarii unei nedreptati in caz de sanctionare. Neconformarea duce la ignorarea problemei si nerezolvarea ei. 7.2 Reportul nu reprezinta mesajele private catre echipa administrativa, nu utilizati functia de report daca nu intampinati cu adevarat o problema. 8. Regulamente pe sectiune 8.1 Unele sectiuni ale forumului sunt guvernate separat de un regulament local. Recomandam citirea cu atentie a regulamentelor pentru a va asigura ca nu veti fi sanctionati. In atentia cititorului! Necunoasterea regulamentului nu este o scuza plauzibila. Inregistrarea unui cont pe forumul CsBlackDevil.Com reprezinta acodrul in legatura cu regulamentul sus mentionat. Incalcarea regulamentului este sanctionat dupa caz cu warn/suspend in functie de nivelul incalcarii sau daca membrul respectiv mai are la activ incalcari ale regulamentului. Cererea de accese, grade pe forum este si ea interzisa. Persoanele din conducerea comunitatii vor selecta si contacta potentiali membri participanti la selectia si dezvoltarea echipei administrative. In orice alta situatie neprevazuta de regulament, conducerea comunitatii are ultimul cuvant. Regulamentul poate suferi modificari in timp, recomandam recitirea lui periodica.
    1 point


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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