In ultima vreme vedem la stiri cum sute sau mii de oameni fug din tarile lor afectate de razboi, stare de alerta si saracie si vin in Europa in speranta unei vieti mai bune. Acesti oameni , in majoritate sirieni , dar si afgani si pakistanezi , etc.. , platesc sume de pana la 2000 de dolari pentru a ajunge in Turcia , de unde incearca sa treaca marea Mediterana pana in Grecia in barci nesigure , fapt din cauza caruia sute de refugiati au murit inecati in incercarea lor. Acestia tranziteaza Grecia, Macedonia, Serbia si Ungaria in drumul lor spre vestul si nordul Europei.
Poate ca vor fi membri ce citesc acest mesaj si se afla in tarile tranzitate de refugiati , as dorii sa nu uitam ca inainte de toate suntem oameni si ca una dintre invataturile Domnului este sa ne iubim aproapele si sa ne ajutam la nevoie. Pentru acesti oameni , barbati , femei si copii , o paine , o sticla de apa , orice , inseamna mult.
Orice om trebuie respectat !
Lately we see the news as hundreds or thousands of people fleeing their countries affected by war, poverty and alert and come to Europe in the hope of a better life. These people, mostly Syrians, Afghans and Pakistanis but, etc .., payment of up to 2,000 dollars to get in Turkey, where trying to cross the Mediterranean to Greece in unsafe boats, a fact due to which hundreds refugees have drowned in their attempt. Here throughput Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary on their way to western and northern Europe.
Perhaps for being members reading this message and are refugees in transit countries, we would not forget that above all we are humans and as one of the teachings of the Lord is to love our neighbor and help us when needed. For these people, men, women and children, a bread, a bottle of water, everything means much.
Everyone must be respected!