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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2015 in all areas

  1. If tech [CENSORED]urists are to be believed, by the year 2050, robots will do many of our errands and drive our cars. If a new study on religious trends is to be believed, many of those robot-controlled cars will stop and park at mosques and churches. Yes, despite predictions that religion will go the way of dinosaurs, the size of almost every major faith -- sorry, Buddhists -- will increase in the next 40 years, according to a study released Thursday by the Pew Research Center. The biggest winners, Pew predicts, will be Islam and Christianity.
    2 points
  2. Every morning, Sissa Abu Dahou puts on traditional male dress, known as a jalabiya, and heads into the streets of the Egyptian city of Luxor for a day of hard work. But this man of the house is actually a woman. The grandmother of two has dressed as a man for 43 years to avoid oppression and eke out a living in the conservative Muslim state. "Why did you do this mother?" her daughter asked during a recorded interview with Egyptian television network CBC. "Your father died and I was six months pregnant with you." she replied. "None of my siblings helped me. I raised you and sent you to school. Without money I could not have gotten you an education." A widow at just 21, Dahou was forced to fend for herself in Egypt's patriarchal south, where decades ago it was unheard of for women to earn their own living. Even in recent years, women make up barely 24% of Egypt's workforce, according to the World Bank. "It is considered wrong that I dressed as a man but no one can judge. Not you or anyone else. Only God can judge me," Dahou said, "People talked but I said I decided to be a man so I can take care of my small daughter." The breadwinner worked as a brick maker for just 25 piasters, the equivalent of a few cents, until she saved up enough money to buy a shoeshine kit. She found a place for her wooden box, painted with red hearts and the Egyptian flag, alongside the all-male shoe shiners of her community. "If it wasn't for my mother, I would have been on the streets" Houda, her daughter, told TV host Mona al-Shazly through tears. "Honestly I would have been in the streets. I did not find a home except with my mother. And even today my children rely on her." The years of sun and sand weathered and darkened Dahou's face and left her with a voice so deep and raspy she can easily be mistaken for a man. Her only child, Houda, eventually married and had two children of her own. Through the years the one-time housewife dreamed of owning her own business one day, a small street stand to sell snacks and cigarettes. After her interview on CBC television, the governor of Luxor province offered Dahou a kiosk and a cash advance. The maverick had one requirement- she would only agree to meet with the governor in male attire. "Even if I die, I will not take it off," Dahou said as she pulled on the male jalabiya in front of a TV camera, "When I had to dress in a woman's jalabiya when I went to Cairo I felt suffocated. No, I thank God. I don't want anyone to look at me or look at my daughter." Now the 65-year-old who earned respect as a man has gained praise as a woman. Egypt's President, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, crowned her as one of Egypt's ideal mothers in an official ceremony last month. "If I was really a man, I would not have done this," Dahou told her daughter, "I would have gotten remarried. I would have left you who knows where. You would have been treated without dignity or left homeless. Thank God I was able to protect you."
    2 points
  3. Istanbul, Turkey (CNN)Sitting on a sunny bench in Istanbul's Gezi Park, Fadime Gurgen dismisses the controversy surrounding the 100th anniversary Friday of the massacre of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire with a wave of her hand. Gurgen, a 55-year-old cleaner, says her family has had close friendships with Armenians going back generations. "There is no such thing as genocide," she says. "Other people are trying to create hostility between us." Most Turks agree with Gurgen. Ninety-one percent of Turks do not believe that the events of 1915 -- when, according to Armenians, 1.5 million ethnic Armenians were systematically killed in the final years of the Ottoman Empire -- were genocide, according to a recent poll. It's a sentiment shared by the Turkish government, which denies that a genocide took place, maintaining that hundreds of thousands of Turkish Muslims and Armenian Christians died in intercommunal violence around the bloody battlefields of World War I. Turkey also disputes Armenia's count of the numbers killed, putting it at 300,000. It's a heavily disputed position -- the killings are widely viewed by scholars as genocide and the Armenian government and diaspora are lobbying for wider recognition in the international community. Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan said Friday in statement that Turkey's Ottoman rulers had planned and carried out a "monstrous crime" in the years of World War I and called on more countries to recognize and condemn the genocide. Many Armenians living in Turkey still feel treated as second-class citizens. However many have hope that Turkey's younger generation is more willing to accept that a genocide occurred than their parents. "Students are much, much more liberal," says Diana Van, whose grandparents escaped the mass killings. Van is a member of the delegation for the Armenian Genocide commemoration and is writing her Masters thesis on the issue at Ankara University. "They have access to alternative information written in English, which is not taught in school (in Turkey). With more access to books, to alternative information, and with a larger democratization process, Turkey will be able to face its history." A century after her Armenian ancestors escaped death in Eastern Turkey, Van says she is frustrated that Turkey is unwilling to accept what happened. "Your identity is denied by Turkey," she says. "They do not want to face this past. In Turkey, the word Armenian is still used as a curse. Whenever you want to hurt somebody, you say, 'you are like an Armenian.'" Van says an admission of genocide by Turkey would largely be symbolic. While her grandparents lost their land, she has returned to their villages and she recognizes that trying to reclaim it would be impossible. "I do not believe that this is going to happen," she says of the territorial claims made by many Armenians. "One hundred years have passed. I went to my ancestors' land, and I saw those Armenian lands full of Kurdish people, who have five to 16 children per family, and I saw that it's not Anatolia. It's not my homeland that I had in my imagination." A growing number of scholars and world leaders believe that what happened should be called genocide. Germany looks set to join the European Parliament, France, Austria, Canada and some 20 other countries in labeling the atrocity a "genocide." Two weeks ago the Pope referred to mass killings as "the first genocide of the 20th century" -- a move that infuriated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who called the claim "nonsense" and recalled his ambassador to the Vatican. Some notable countries do not recognize the killings as genocide, including the UK and Israel and earlier this week U.S. President Barack Obama, wary of damaging relations with Turkey amid growing unrest in the Middle East, did not use the word genocide.
    2 points
  4. A powerful aftershock jolted Nepal on Sunday as the Himalayan nation struggled to cope with the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake that had struck a day earlier, killing more than 2,000 people and leveling scores of buildings. The magnitude of the new quake Sunday was initially estimated at 6.7 by the U.S. Geological Survey, considerably weaker than the 7.8 magnitude of the devastating one of a day earlier. But it was still enough to create fresh panic among already traumatized residents. "People are running and everything is shaking," said Kushal Neogy, a staff member of the aid group Catholic Relief Services in Kathmandu, the Nepalese capital. "It is really shaking very hard and strong," he said live on CNN as the aftershock rattled the city. Sirens were wailing and dust was rising into the air, he added. Climbers also said it set off fresh avalanches on Mount Everest, where at least 17 people were reported to have been killed on Saturday.
    2 points
  5. Joc: Counter-Strike 1.6 Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra): lupta.csblackdevil.com Numar de sloturi: 32 Mod de joc: Clasic Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y/M / SKYPE ) = catalin.ionut04 / traficantul2 Am nevoie de : 2 Detinatori care sa ma ajute financiar cu 40 Lei ( acces FTP + Mananger ] 3 Administratori care sa ma ajute financiar cu 25 lei . Eu ma voi ocupa de boost , cand voi avea dar caut si oameni care pot dona !
    1 point
  6. Dupa numeroasele schimbari aduse la aplicatia Messenger precum apelare video sau transfer de bani, Facebook doreste sa integreze si un serviciu de cartografiere. Iar pe lista se afla HERE Maps, mai ales ca Nokia doreste sa vanda aceasta divizie. Recent am aflat care sunt potentialii cumparatori HERE Maps,(Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook, Baidu si un producator de masini din Germania (posibil VAG)), aflam astazi cine va prelua hartile. Se pare ca Facebook a incheiat un contract cu Nokia pentru HERE Maps, iar aceasta va fi disponibila in versiunea mobila a retelei de socializare. Cum va fi integrata ramane un mister. Va tinem la curent!
    1 point
  7. Instalat pe sute de milioane de PC-uri din lumea întreagă, sistemul de operare Windows ocupă un loc fruntaş în topul pirateriei software, adjudecat fără prea mare efort şi datorită faptului că Microsoft tratează cu lejeritate această practică, tolerând folosirea versiunilor Windows piratate în rândul utilizatorilor obişnuiţi. Altfel stau lucrurile când vine vorba de companii, depistate cu sute de PC-uri având versiuni Windows instalate şi activate ilegal. Luăm spre exemplu o companie cu sediul în oraşul american Seattle, acuzată de Microsoft că ar fi activat ilegal sute de copii Windows 7. În susţinerea acuzaţiilor formulate la un tribunal din Washington, gigantul american a ataşat la dosar un document menţionând adresa IP la care au fost detectate presupusele activităţi suspicioase. Microsoft înregistrează adresele IP atribuite PC-urilor cu Windows piratat, putând folosi informaţia în instanţă Cât despre modul obţinerii respectivei adrese IP, oficialii companiei au explicat că ˝Microsoft analizează datele furnizate în mod voluntar de utilizatori în timpul procesului de activare, conţinând şi adresa IP a dispozitivului respectiv˝. Microsoft precizează că uneltele aflate la dispoziţia companiei ˝permit analizarea a miliarde de activări pentru produse Microsoft, evidenţiind adresele IP suspecte de activarea copiilor software piratate˝. Dacă ˝micii piraţi˝ trec oarecum neobservaţi, altfel stau lucrurile pentru adresele IP asociate cu sute de activări clandestine, aparţinând unor companii cu zeci sau sute de angajaţi. În cazul de faţă, Microsoft acuză compania din Seattle de folosirea a sute de copii Windows 7 activate prin folosirea unor chei de utilizator ˝furate˝ din rândul partenerilor Microsoft, invalide sau cu activări pe mai multe PC-uri decât permite licenţa atribuită. Pe lângă pedepsele prevăzute de lege, Microsoft solicită şi confiscarea tuturor materialelor care fac obiectul acestor încălcări, respectiv plata unor despăgubiri corespunzătoare veniturilor rămase nerealizate şi taxe de judecată.
    1 point
  8. In ciuda faptului ca a vandut tot mai multe smartphone-uri, LG nu a avut o situatie financiara prea roz in primele trei luni ale acestui an 2015. Compania coreana abia a reusit sa incheie trimestrul pe plus, raportand un profit de numai 35.15 milioane $, in scadere cu 59% fata de aceeasi perioada a anului trecut 2014. Si asta in ciuda incasarilor similare, de aproximativ 12.95 miliarde $. De vina a fost divizia de electronice, televizoarele si electrocasnicele vanzandu-se tot mai [CENSORED] si in pierdere. LG a reusit sa comercializeze in acest prim sfert de 2015 peste 15.4 milioane de telefoane, insa marja lor de profit pe acest segment este de numai 2%. Suntem curiosi cum o sa se descurce LG G4.
    1 point
  9. Wlecome with us !
    1 point
  10. Happy b-day Loading, I wish you the best for you. blessings
    1 point
  11. HOW TO ...... PLAYRS In New Life "32/32" LIKE A BOSS !!! im never listen to that song again LOL>>> DOG DOG DOG SEE YA ON SERVER BOYS/GIRLS!!! LIKe A BOSS!!! NEED GOOD COMENTS TNX
    1 point
  12. Hello Alice! About your question, If you want to pay in usd this is not a problem, you can do this with paypal transfer method or via bank. About bank transfer, you can only send money from Western Union from New York (where you live I guess) to Romania. 23.00 EUR = 24.8611 USD P.S: If you want to buy a server, don't buy directly from krond.org, you must to speak with us to buy server from CSBD community. We and allies with Krond company. Krond Solution is the best hosting company from EU maybe top10 in the world I guess. Because if you seen, Krond and CSBD were every time in top10 GameTracker[dot]com. This company is in Romania - Bucharest.
    1 point
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