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This video made my day! if everyone thinks like this guy the world would be full love and happiness : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNfD2RxBPjQ4 points
4 points
This guy its a legend, if all people would be like him , world would be peaceful What world needs are more people with humilities there are so few of them left . Also watch this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDFC16ptx-03 points
Salut, Din cate vad ,membrii de mai sus ne spun ca Staff-ul Rs.CsBlackdevil.Com a renuntat la boti,dar eu am dovada ca nu este asa http://i.imgur.com/kawSmAx.png Ce spuneti acum?.Multumesc,o zi buna in continuare!3 points
3 points
Deja in acest topic se incep atacuri inutile intre fondatori, ceea ce nu ar trebui sa existe , fiecare are server-ul treaba, propriul scop , fiecare ar trebui sa se uite in oglinda si ce are in "ograda" inainte sa atace inutil , facand un scandal INUTIL , nu inteleg ce acceptati voi ? Daca aveti probleme cu un server anume si credeti ca incalca regulile trebuie sa vorbiti cu un administrator sau sa faceti un ticket la sectiunea support , nu sa va certati aici ca x si y au boti , dar nu sunt dovezi . Aceasta este o zona pentru recreere , nu scandal si nervi . Topic closed !2 points
Each server has its pro players, I do not see anything interesting in this post ¬¬2 points
2 points
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2 points
Hello dear members and staff member , i've seen to many members posting topic for their gaming problem that they haded in windows 8/8.1 Today im Going to show you how to fix these problems . Lets start : Windows 8.1 was aimed to overcome the flaws of its predecessor Windows 8. Though many of the issues have been properly addressed with valuable solutions, it has also resulted some new failure events. As this new update is explored by the experts and analysts, they are finding ways to maximize the Windows 8.1 performance and eliminate issues hindering in running it smooth. one problem that has been infuriating many users after updating to Windows 8.1 is its lagging behavior throughout the login session. As reported, users facing this delinquency experience a normal boot up at initial, followed by the said issue. It seems as some process or service (loaded up soon after the user logs in) is causing the error on startup. However, it is difficult to identify the main reason behind it. To know what is being sticky, see the following scenarios. Unfriendly programs and applications Quite possibly, a conflicting program has listed itself in the startup and loads soon as the system starts. As a result, it does not comply with the situation making the system frequently pause at short intervals. This program must be identified and removed to get rid of this situation. In this connection, Type msconfig on the Start screen and hit Enter key to open System Configuration window Access the Boot tab and check Safe boot with Minimal operations, under the Boot options Virus/Malware Infection. This cause of problem is similar to the one stated above. But this time, the resources are not occupied by a service. The Service host process, showing a full CPU usage, is not a legitimate component but the one created by a virus or malware. To identify whether this processes is malicious or not, Go to Task Manager and access Details tab Find the process named svchost.exe with high percentage of CPU usage Right click to Open File Location and note down the location path in which the file resides If the path found is not standardized, it is a viral process and needs to be removed (The standard path for the step above is C:\Windows\System32\ svchost.exe) Once the process is identified as a virus infection, you are directed to scan and clean your system from such threats in the following way. Reboot the system into Safe mode through the method described earlier in this article Do not launch any application except of your antivirus solution’s executable file Scan you entire PC with multiple antiviruses, if possible Restart your computer in the Normal mode Once the threat is removed, the computer should boot swiftly. Keep your antivirus up to date for detecting the latest virus threats. Video Card Drivers If the major use of your PC is for gaming purpose, the most possible reason for the lagging PC in recently updated Windows 8.1, is a conflicting video card driver. You are hereby advised to replace current driver with new, updated, and compatible ones. This can be done in the following way. Go to Control Panel and access Programs category Click Programs and Features to view the list of installed applications Locate the video card driver through its make, right click it and choose to Uninstall Restart your Computer to experience a lag-free system. This should be followed by the re-installation of drivers with a newer version. I have underlined with red color some of important stuff's. Hope this will help you guys. Enjoy Gaming. Regards. TitaN1 point
CE SA ZICEM DE RS cand csdm foloseste la fel fratilor sunteti cei mai praf owneri existenti daca preferati boti pe server Rusu y am whit you serios akuma ori sunteti owneri adevarati ori sunteti ceva gen aia disperati dupa loc in gmt?Nu sunteti cei cu respawnurile de aici nici pe sfert ce e dm shade !!!!!!Atata am avut de zis se pare ca disperarea unora dintre owneri intreci orice limita si masura de apeleaza la asemenea chestii pentru un amarat de loc in gametracker .NU duceti comunitatea asta in jos pentru un amarat de loc mai bun in gmt !!! Nu numai rs a folosit dastea si la csdm.csblackdevil se foloseste in clipa de fatza doar ca aia e un plugin cu mii de boti cu ping sincer un c....t de server!! Putina decenta in voi ca sunteti mai prosti cu grafica la 31 in gmt decat ala cu grafica la 20 macar aia sunt curati nu terminati ca unii owneri !!1 point
1 point
http://www.promotor.ro/masini-noi/news/asa-arata-un-opel-astra-k-imaginat.-prea-cuminte...-14039074/galerie-foto Bine aţi revenit în lumea lui theophiluschin, malaezianul care ne oferă introspecţii în viitorul automobilului prin randări de calitate. Subiectul este, acum, viitorul Opel Astra, aşteptat în lumea reală undeva către finalul anului 2015. După cum bine ne amintim, despre Astra K se spune că „va rupe gura târgului” cu design sofisticat, calitate de execuţie mai bună şi tehnologie de ultimă oră. Ca un plus de informaţie neconfirmată (încă), viitorul Opel Astra, aşezat pe platforma D2XX, va scăpa de 50-100 de kilograme faţă de modelul actual şi, în varianta OPC, va dispune de un motor de I4 turbo, de 1,6 litri, cu 280 CP. http://storage0.dms.mpinteractiv.ro/media/2/41/1815/14039074/2/40812450372837014.jpg?height=360&width=600 În ciuda liniilor curate prezentate în această randare (şi de influenţele Opel Adam), noi sperăm să vedem mai mult din conceptul Monza în viitoarea Astra K. Asta ar fi suficient, în primă instanţă, să rupă gura târgului. Sursa:ProMotor1 point
1 point
Acum a venit Costin cu o dovada clara ! Cred ca acum se vor lua masuri, nu este frumos ce fac... Oricum, asteptam decizia celor de sus ! O zi buna !1 point
Din cate observ eu in aceasta poza nu vad nimik ne,legal !!! Srv-ul [Rs] de la prima Observatie nu mai foloseste botii cel putin asa am vazut eu !1 point
Salut.Eu acum am intrat pe server ,si am observat ca sunt 3 boti,si restul sunt playeri cu ip si steam diferit.3 playeri sunt afk insa au steam si ip diferit,deci este in regula.Cand faci asemenea reclamatii te rog sa dovedesti care sunt playeri "vituali" (hltv-urile) ca sa ne dam seama,ca asa acuzatii nefondate poate face oricine.Un print la gametraker poate face oricine,insa intra pe server si vezi care sunt playeri ,boti sau hltv-uri.Faci un print la consola si gata.Stima.1 point
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1 point
Rockstar Games au confirmat ca Grand Theft Auto 6 este in lucru, si ca au ceva idei pregatite pentru el. In ultimile rapoarte ni se sugereaza ca Rockstar au “45 de ani de idei la un loc” pregatite pentru Grand Theft Auto 6, si ca studioul a inceput deja sa lucreze la acest titlu. Mai jos aveti declaratia presedintelui de la Rockstar Games, Leslie Benzies: We’ve got about 45 years worth of ideas we want to do. We don’t know what GTA 6 will be, but we’ve got some ideas. It comes from the idea first. Where is it going to be set is the first question. Then that defines the missions; you’re doing different things in LA than in New York or Miami. The map and story get worked up together, and the story is a basic flow of how it works out so you can layer the missions in. Desi mai pot face multe cu GTA 5, iar versiunea pentru PC inca nu a fost lansata, acestia isi indreapta atentia catre GTA 6 care va fi lansat in anul 2017.1 point
Well I Thought CSBD Only , Because A lot Of best server here Like "WalkingDead-ZmOldshcol-ShadowsZM" Lose There Rank , and it isn't good ,1 point
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CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 65k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.
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